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Posts posted by OMEGA JELLY JIGGLE

  1. yo my post from earlier disappeared:confused::confused:

    so just deciding between a couple colorways in my head...

    ethanlee what's your height and did you get the body lengthened/shortened? what about the sleeves?

    sweet grey leather...DROOL

  2. just got owned in iccup :(

    yo, I never win here

    :( I suck :(

    no matter how late i go to bed i will be up between 8-9 and it doesn't bother me on bit, i like the feel of daylight on my

    this fucking kills me. go to bed at 3, need my sleep, wake up at 6


    fuck cars, birds, people walking early in the morning, dogs, needing to piss/shit, people dinging their bells on their bikes


  3. waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep

    this happens when I go to bed early. my body will not allow me more than 6 hours of sleep

    the secret is jacking off then hopping into bed (0)

  4. what do you mean by next level?

    they like short, to the point resumes that still has breadth meaning as much info as possible using as little amount of words as you can

    easy, friendly to read, clean cut.

    and nice thick paper, printed beautifully. always the best and if you a girl make one in scented for the male bosses and nonscented in case with girl bosses, but some girls would like scented too

    WHAT THE FUCK, if a bitch don't hire you after doing all this, they are trippin HARD

    also, google your boss/facebook stalk them and then profile them enough to know what you should put on your interests

  5. yo, your shirt and shoes suck, and you should never wear that cap unless you are a steezy old guy. also the teddy bear, starry pillow, and 90's monitor don't help your rep. your pose makes the picture look terrible, and your legs look awkward as shit the way the pants fit on you

    on the plus side, you have a HUGE MIRROR.

    let me stress that the shirt is the biggest problem. the whole thing might look better if you were in a better pose/had a better camera

    aite I'm done overanalyzing

    edit - adrian, you look like kevjumba

  6. all bias aside, ^^^that looks alright cept for the tacky graphic tee. also your shoes have chunkyass midsole. almost look like plimpsoles

    Nope! Modified is EU and JP exclusive. And half price is exclusive to women who let me see them naked.

    paging edmond to page edmond's wife

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