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Posts posted by OMEGA JELLY JIGGLE

  1. advantage of being azn: you will never od

    og azn always be tight with their monies

    also (this coincidentally applies to being azn) I'm just about out of rice and this should last me until the end of next week


    fuck cupofnoodle

  2. jmatsu's hate been overdone but yeah sonicvoodoo.... if that's the way you want your sweater to fit EXACTLY, then you have terrible taste in fitting

    also your feet look hella small in everything

    that being said, let the melee continue

    edit: your feet don't look small in that picture, was referencing other ones where you where your pointy oxfords

    ps - your pants are awkwardly hemmed? like meaning it has none

  3. mass is gonna come in and lay the smack down on this thread...

    injuns eating southern? yea dude, ok....


    don't get me wrong, I hate this guy even though he is brown

    got love for the browns

  4. ^^^wait you mean like when you are on your period and your blood splatters all over your legs because of the airy design of sweat pants?

    yeah I hate that

    women in fitted hats

    women have hard time pulling off good hat look besides beanie

    women in christian audigier rhinestone trucker hat and bloody (or PINK, or JUICY) sweatpants is hot though. would jizz on most

  5. 'dismalfuture' (3:51:40 AM):[Offline IM sent 13h and 56m ago] my girl just made me sweet n sour pork from scratch

    'dismalfuture' (3:51:42 AM):[Offline IM sent 13h and 56m ago] brb

  6. 'dismalfuture' (3:51:40 AM):[Offline IM sent 13h and 56m ago] my girl just made me sweet n sour pork from scratch

    'dismalfuture' (3:51:42 AM):[Offline IM sent 13h and 56m ago] brb

    edit: just realized this is wrong thread but w/e

  7. macs for the most part are still pretty relible. I've used both side by side (pc and mac) and pc has given me plenty of blue screen of death. my mac on the other hand, nothing so far..and it's been 5 years.

    I've had blue screen maybe like 2 or 3 times when I was a child

    been on same shit PC for years now and not 1 single bluescreen. shit has crashed, but I make recovery disks and shit. tons of people I know have problems with macs, fewer complain about PC's, but for the most part, people using PC's still generally know their shit, so crashes/other bullshit can be avoided

  8. my throat hurts

    my nose is alternating between runny and stuffy

    tired. went to sleep

    woke up and volume of my voice has decreased

    tried drinking water

    couldn't drink it down

    coughed it back up

    chest now hurts

    can eat candy still though.

    tried drinking water again

    same shit happened

    first time ever

    now my chest hurts even more (from the cough back water up)

    waht the fuck is this

    this has been my past 2 weeks. happened after awake-a-thon (basically you get trapped in a school and they don't let you sleep for 12 hours) I played a dodgeball tournament for like 3 hours and the next day I woke up at like 3PM and I felt like I spent the whole past week jacking off a whale or something

    the "native american" character in twilight wore a varsity jacket to the mtv movie awards


    i keep feeling bugs on me, is maybe cause a spider was crawling on my arm today and i had to kill on my arm =/

    fucking heat is driving all the bugs indoors and shit

    like bigass fucking unreal sized fly flew into my leg and I felt like someone hit me earlier

  9. img2943e.jpg

    I figured out why I like this picture so much; the combs on the chair match the combs behind the knee, the stacks on the leg, and the whiskers on the arms

    how many points do I get for using like 6 denim vocab words

  10. i am looking and there's nothing i am empty and transparent and nothing remains but a little bit of fur from a cat i absorbed and dissolved 2 days ago and now i am terribly lonely AND have writers block plz help

  11. lazy niggas that don't roll up the plastic bag of cereal/and or don't close the box of cereal. I'll never understand this I guess people like to eat stale cereal?

    fuck this shit

    haha nobody i know rolls up the bag except me


    when I overestimate my own procrastination skills:(

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