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Posts posted by pieiskewl

  1. damn, them shits look crazy

    wish i could get my hands on one and some of them cartridges

    anyone tried puttin some bho in ecigs before?

    also on bho anyone got some teks that they prefer or do yall just club shop for your oil? gonna be doin my first extraction soonish

  2. greek yogurt + oatmeal is the shit, could eat that all day. throw in some fruit too fuck yeah and maybe some peanut butter oats are the fuckin shit gimme that soluable fiber

    also i was looking at some kashi, said it had 10g of fiber, 9g of which were insoluable. what the fuck that is just givin you the shits man fuck that oats all the way

  3. i got my first tattoo on my hand and it's actually not really that noticeable, despite it being a hand tat. anyways i want more now after having a taste, if i had money there would be more tattoos. thinking about giving myself another prison tat

  4. i can see that. but for me they've been great. had a pair of frees and these are way more comfy. my feet are pretty wide so these are great, can actually stretch my toes out inside of the shoes. also great for promoting ball of the heel/midfoot strike. good ground feel and makes for super springy running

  5. ya i've always mentally played it off as ignorant peoples, but really i have no idea. my voice always sounds way different to me then it does in recording. a german girl told me it sounds like i was born in england and lived there for a few years then moved to the states, like a buried accent that seeps out. technically i am half european, but i really don't know what people's conception of "european looking" is

  6. two people asked me if i was european today

    i get this pretty often. apparently i have a european accent or a british accent. i don't get it. i think i just have weird speech patterns, i had speech therapy when i was younger.

  7. yeah that's what i've been doing

    we haven't really chilled much but i just hit him up yesterday and we hung out for a few hours. just trying to be there to pull him away. get him to do more bro stuff. he seemed hyped on owning a gun and going shooting something his ex abhored for some reason (told him no guns in their future house together, wut?). but ya ill just keep up the cut off rhetoric, thanks for advice guys


    def crazy christian she thinks all jews will go to hell regardless but her salvation is guaranteed

  8. smoke hella blunts nd drink brews with your bros. talk about bitches. eat food. go play pick up basketball. smoke cigs talk to other people smoking cigs. dont talk about your fashion interests with all bros. maybe you will find some bros into streetwear, prob closest youll get, you could talk about 10deep with them, i know, but its a bro you can be bros with. its not too hard bro. talk about musical interests. talk about what tv shows you used to watch as kid. fuck man i wish i could neg you

  9. ya i could've told him a year ago to break that shit off, but like you said he just needs to listen to himself. bitch was obviously crazy. i dunno if they fucked or just hooked up but still housemate is fucked up. he asked her if she could chill for a bit and just not get involved with people and she asked if he was asking her to be celibate for a month. bitch is crazy. i would cut off my contact with her but bitch is crazy and i dont want her to fuck me or something so i just try and stay cordial. i feel bad for my friend but he sort of fucked himself. it's hard to cut off contact when you live fucking 2 houses away from each other.... he said he's tried to act normal around her but she's just been avoiding him. i told him to return it and just not contact her

  10. was just talking to a friend because his girl of 2 years dumped him a few days ago because she "lost interest" in him. she now is like fucking his roommate or something. this after planning future shit with him or what not. really wish i could tell him i saw it coming. i didn't realize that he fucking lives 2 houses down the street from his ex. they have a lot of the same friends too.

    bitch is crazy born again christian but also bi sexual and with a fairly large appetite for sex. she considers herself like a super good christian and shit too. doublethink for real.

    anyone have any advice they could lend, he seems so bummed about it. we just got high and watched trailer park boys, he seemed to like the show. i told him he should try to move on, but i understand it's hard. they were pretty seriously involved. i just don't really know what to say to him and i feel like i should be more helpful as a friend thought maybe someone here would have some experience

  11. mayb it's just the angle but the shoes look real goofy in eternal's fit. sort of that clown shoe tip imo

    whiz looks dope tho, seems super comfortable

    I live near a hospital that has a methadone clinic appended to it on the main street. You hear some priceless bogan discussion out the front. Like this excellent interpretation of first-pass metabolism:

    "You see, the thing about benzos is you have to take about twenny of em, cos the first ten'll just go straight thru ya. That's the medical explanation."

    hahahahha wish i could +rep, i guess bogans don't really understand how a liver works

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