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Posts posted by pieiskewl

  1. my laptop batteries won't charge because the plug is 3 pronged and the converter i have for european sockets only accommodates 2 prongs so it never gets enough power to actually charge them, just enough to run. can't watch streaming videos anymore, too slow

  2. i was tripping on mushrooms last year at the memorial day parade in my town. at one point me and my friend are sitting in a side street smoking cigs, i'm just watching some hick kid ride back and forth popping wheelies on his bike and making revving noises when i see some guy on a segway. i think to myself, holy shit i wanna ride a segway right now. guy turns out to be more retarded than i thought (in a deliverance inbred sort of way) but i ask him anyways if i could ride it. he replies, "it's not mine, i'm just borrowin it from this fella over here, he got it because he got injured in the war (points to crippled guy)" i just reply, "i need to leave now," and walk away. fucking awkward

  3. found some weed abroad and it was the equivalent of shitty philly mids

    spent ~$20 on 2 grams, this is apparently normal quality and normal price

    smoked it, didn't really get high, just a headache

    feels bad man :(

    can't wait to smoke good weed back in the states

  4. thanks, i'm not really sure how to approach it as this is about the middle of my stay here and i don't want to get in the middle of whatever happened and i don't really want to start anything with my grandparents as i have to see them fairly often here. but i still feel like i should bring up that the woman called, as she asked me to send her message along, just leave out that i know that they might very well be (serial) thieves and scam artists

    edit: i was thinking about telling him something like "some woman called for you saying that she wants her stuff back and she threatened to get a lawyer involved. idunno what's that about, but i just thought you should be aware" i think just claiming as much ignorance as possible and trying to be nonchalant about the whole thing is the best idea.

    any advice would be greatly appreciated

  5. i'm living in my grandparents old apartment in zagreb right now studying croatian for the summer at the university here, i'm half croatian and my grandparents who have lived here for the last 10-15 years offered to pay for me to come. i've always known that they're shady people, my grandfather especially. my mom told me that she never knew where they got their money from. i just got a phone call from some old woman in new york (where they used to live), she was looking for my grandfather. apparently she was a family friend as she knew who my mother and father are. she said that she wanted to speak to my grandfather because he stole a lot of things from her, lots of valuable things. she said that they befriended her and that one day my grandfather broke open her suitcase and her trunk then fled with the stuff to new jersey (where they moved to from new york), and continued on with how they are both thieves and liars and she is planning on getting a lawyer involved now. i'm not really sure what to think, but this definitely confirms all my suspicions about my grandparents. and apparently they scammed other people as well. she said she tried to call where they live now and he just hung up on her. feeling really dejected right now, but i am glad to have heard some (hopefully) truth about my grandparents. i'm going to tell him that she called about getting her stuff back and she said she is going to get a lawyer involved. they always ask why i never call or anything, and it's because i always knew that they were bad people, among other things. i really hope i am not here on money from stolen goods

  6. I think somewhere in this passage is the inherent flaw in the american system. the place beats you down so much that you have no choice but to search for some existential form of validation, whether it be fame or wealth or "the job you were meant to have" or whatever, and it's only these ends that can really justify the soul crushing means that are the american capitolist system. the problem is, a vast proportion of the people will never achieve any ends even close to justifying the means. there's over 300 million people in the US, I doubt many of them will ever know what their dream job is, much less self actualize and find it. So you may work hard in new york, despite the low pay and high cost of living, and you may succeed, but way more people won't. So basically they waste their lives in pursuit of something that doesn't exist for them

    you ever read any kafka?

    edit: lol just gave you 666 rep

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