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Posts posted by pieiskewl

  1. my friend, who wanted to be a doctor, told me that you dont get paid as a doctor until you're in your 30s

    after med school you have to do residency and barely make anything. After you're done with your residency you can either work for a hospital or start your own practice

    if you start your own practice you build up a clientele (people go to their preferred doctors and dont switch much) it limits your mobility. Meaning you cant move from LA to SF because then you will have to rebuild your clientele

    Does this sound right? If so, shit sucks


    also for your own practice dont forget the ridiculousness of most malpractice claims, and how expensive malpractice insurance is

  2. frank did you see the leaked version of that wolverine movie?

    i thought the movie was absolute shit too, but the leaked version was interesting only because things weren't textured fully, wires were still visible, etc. just cool to see a movie before all the cgi is added in

  3. i like the prefaces for each item he's selling, great combination of engrish and poor taste

    since am moving real soon, I need my money for transportation and rental in the near future. and that's why I am considering of selling! It is a good looking belt that would make your casual outfit look more classic and luxury. I bought this for $600 in Toronto right after it is hang on the belt section.

  4. Neg rep (0). No hate. Has to be done.

    EDIT: No it's not the most incredible movie. Yes, it's derivative of a lot of the actor/director/producer's shit. No, it is not fucking shitty. Save that criticism for shit like Crash.

    ya no hate excuse my comment du i was a lil messed up

    should be:

    casino was good, but nicky is a troll, literally. and ~3 hours of him was killing me. but yeah movie was good, just not nicky

  5. Whats that green thing under people's names on the left. Somehow mines is purple, which is probably not a good thing? I tried looking it up in FAQ's but its not there.
    I'm still so confused. it came from green to purple and now its back to green holy
    lol so is it rep?!?! how come there is no FAQ on this stuff -_-

    this is classic

  6. this is a serious question, I've got to know. I'm honestly not trying to be a dick. Is beatle a guy or a girl?

    ya girl, apparently she posted a picture of her tits a few years ago :confused::confused::confused:

    edit: was in 2006 (supposedly) as proof of her womanhood, i have no evidence tho

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