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Posts posted by pieiskewl

  1. likely trying this within the next few weeks and i'm really stoked on it

    apparently it's a better trip when you only smoke the DMT from a freebase pipe so i'm keeping my eyes open for one but damn they are hard to find

    just gotta go hit up some crackheads downtown

    or make some shit out of a lightbulb

    also, is there a general psychedelics thread? i can't find it if there is (should be)

    i think there is a psychadelics thread and i can vouch for the crack pipe. it's not too hard to make your own if you have a blow torch, buy like 6" of glass tubing (from some chemistry retailer or maybe homedepot) and just heat the end, press to close and then blow a little bubble at the end and you have your own crack pipe

  2. on dmt and salvia

    salvia can give you that same knock you out of reality experience, but i feel like salvia is more brutish than dmt. idunno, less of a comeup maybe? to me tripping really hard on salvia is like waking up in a dream, very strange hallucinations and they seem very repitive. like you have the feeling that you've been in this weird state for a while, like you suddenly only came to in the middle of the hallucination. that kind of experience is probably the closest comparison to dmt.

    and dino i'd say make it if you want it that bad, the process isn't too complicated (i mean it is, but there's pretty thorough guides online that aren't chemistry jargon)

    and if i get some more from my friend i'll make sure to hold onto some for a real homie ;)

    also if you're doing a big extraction a blendtek or something like that is helpful for processing and grinding all the bark, or so i've heard

  3. i mean overconsumption as well

    i.e. girls in my highschool who told me about how they have closets so full of clothes they can't shut the door, and yet continue to go on $1000+ shopping sprees at the mall every month, all of this furnished by their parents. or having like 10 tvs in your house. or 6 car garages.

    i feel uncomfortable asking my parents for things that i don't really need

    and not to get into politics but taxes are what america needs, fucking raise them. i get the feeling that some americans don't realize that taxes are how the government gets an income to pay for things that they feel so necessary, like defense spending

  4. I like how you just subtly threw a positive aspect in there. Very nuanced of you ;)

    shut the fuck up

    smokers get too much shit in this country

    fat people and car drivers really deserve more shit


    overconsumption is definitely the trend in this country

    people who live in cities (imo) are more jaded to viewing the positive aspects because it seems like less shitheads live in the cities in america, but in suburbia you can be sure of the overconsumption. all the fucking mcmansions, vast majority of my peers in highschool didn't and don't care about anything else other than consumption. getting a car, going shopping, buying stupid shit, etc. all on their parents' dollars. really disgusting, i felt and feel like i can't relate to these people. i really hate how a car is a necessity in america, it sucks. too much talk about consumptions, like fuck i don't care what you got for christmas. and congratulations that daddy bought you a rangerover enjoy it in your empty huge house. fuck. i honestly don't get it. dis is right, there is so much shit in america. so many hollow lives. i constantly think what are these people living for. and on the returning shit to costco or wherever i don't get that, i'd be way too embarrassed.

    i've thought this for a bit: the problem in america is that people don't want to suffer, they can't handle the mildest discomfort or the smallest problem and that's really the root of all the shit. that and people are really way too entitled here. no humility at all, no shame, no guilt, no self respect

    edit: too many religious crazies in this country who get too much respect as well. i hate that secularism is seen as a negative in this country as well as being "liberal" like the fuck

  5. I'm really having trouble caring about things that contemporary Americans care about, and I currently feel like it's really influencing my life. My mindset is radically different than corporate culture and where the "real": 'world' is.

    what is something that contemporary americans care about?

    and imo i dont think you should be concerned that your mindset is radically different than corporate culture, if anything thats a good thing

  6. in croatia right now, i feel so lost hanging out with my family. do not understand anything that is being said. so just reading sufu instead for the moment. im excited to start studying the language so i can at least talk to my cousins.

    also anyone else been to zagreb before? just lookin for advice on cool places in the city

  7. dmt is banned all across the us...... pretty sure it's schedule1

    and opinions on how to smoke dmt?

    vaporizing is best, prob out of a crack pipe or an electric vape or "the machine" or w.e. there is a thread on dmt you know...

  8. friend freaked out on dmt the other weekend

    seemed fine, was sitting a chair then all of a sudden starts screaming "i dont wanna die! i dont wanna die! i wanna live! i want this to end!" at the same time starts thrashing about (what i imagine a seizure would look like). this lasts for about 10 min. and afterwards he was so moved that he only screamed. touched a soft spot, he said he saw and spoke with a friend of his who had died after "drinking 4 long island iced teas then smoking a wet blunt" and that friend told him to live and not do drugs. he still ate a weed cookie like 30 min later

    still no intense experience yet, but have not been using a crackpipe

  9. i smoked after like a month or so T break and it was great

    1 rip of a bowl and i was in fucking outerspace

    actually hallucinating, it was awesome

    i had so much fun doodling, the lines would appear on the paper and then i would trace over them and suddenly images would appear. one of the best things ever

    also i love smoking in the rain, and watching the rain and listening to it. so relaxing

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