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Posts posted by rockon99

  1. I couldn't help noticing that those jeans feature both types of swastika.

    didnt the swastika mean something about peace and harmony and stuff until dem nazis turned it into the visual representaion of their "ideals" and "values" and thus their symbol? eh?

  2. selvage is a phonetic for "self edge;" the line on selvage denim is added manually in the rolling process and isn't the same material as the denim itself.

    i know what selvage is......

    i wasnt sure though, if the white thread was added after the ream of denim fabric was done, or if, for some reason it was just undyed weft.

    when i've looked at pictures it isnt a single stitch, its covering the exposed selvage weft area i guess. .. definately thinkin of gettin a pair, so i was just curious since i had never seen a close-up - thanks :)

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