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Posts posted by rockon99

  1. that rise is awful high, don't gotta worry about nobody makin eyes at your crack...

    I was just lookin at how low it was in relation to his belly button. lol i think my lowest rise pair was like.. 8 inches? diesel. paper thin crappy jeans.

  2. Mmmm i think im going to soak my 500xx in a few days. I've had them for almost 5 months exactly. probably 3.5 months of wear. Sound like a good plan? talk me out of it

  3. but how do you know these aren't just pics he took of one legit one but the actual ones you'll get are fakes?

    Those NS are the old version. The updated version has different tags and top button. Kinda sketch...

    Idk if i'd buy them

  4. Well thats simple enough haha i've been eying one of those samurai hats. Would there be any extra fees? the hat is like 5,779yen. would i end up paying like $80?

  5. wow, they seems quite loose as for NS? but overall the stacking looks quite cool! is that denim jacket Nudie?

    Im a pretty big guy, those are sz 35 NS.

    and the jacket is Name Value.

  6. i actually think proportionally 510's have a more defined taper. but yeah, as 0500's they look a bit baggy but i like the fit regardless.

    do the 510s come with texas cotton? :)

  7. Yeah I agree, thought they were a 510 cut. Speaking of why didn't you just get 510s lol. Either way thats the way I like to rock my jeans too so no hate all.

    lol well i got them in december, and didnt even look at the 510s, i was lookin for a slimish cut. and since the 500 is a taper, i figured it would be good.

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