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Posts posted by rockon99

  1. I don't see whats so great about going to Blue In Green or wherever and clearing the shelves of their Samurai stock.

    he didnt just go to NY to spend $2000+ on jeans - some one said theyre all first runs and, obviously they all have arcs. he probably spent some time on this... just a guess

  2. I've been fiending after their AWA and persimmon jeans for like a year

    i really wouldnt mind seeing a pair of worn persimmon dyed denimz - from any company. i wanna get a pair, but i'd like to see how they fade first. and i look better in blue, rather than um.. orange/brown. :)

  3. hm.. that is unfortunate. i really dont wear my jeans very hard. my sams dont show much fading and i've had them for 5 months. I just sit in class all day and then go to work in brown chinos. boooring. maybe if im careful a pair of pbjs would do me good eh? :)

  4. xpost from evo thread. 5 months 2 soaks: once when i got them, and another at the beginning of june. i took better ones with my film camera - i'll post those when they get developed in a few days. :)S5031987.jpg

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