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Posts posted by skistar

  1. fuck Sundays?!? that's madness...

    sure it's the day before Monday... but Sunday is usually my only day off all week, I fuckin love it!

    in all realness though, FUCK MONDAYS!

  2. I'm pretty sure you dont actually have "withdrawals" per say but it does mess with you mentally, that's for sure. I'm always irritated when I quit because its much easier for me to let the little stuff slide when I'm high...

    just my $.02

  3. I'm 23 and I like clothes, I just got paid so I have monies

    ...however, it will all be spent in 2 days

    then I'll be broke again. yay for living paycheck to paycheck.

  4. 32 oz blue poweraide

    half an 80 of OC

    disclaimer: temportary solution which will most likely lead to much bigger problems.

    option two:

    32 oz blue poweraide

    lots of weed

    one more 32 oz blue poweraide

  5. damn... I always get too fucked up at my parties to take pictures.

    and as for all these posed group pics at parties... who the fuck does that?

    I live with two hot girls though, with hot friends who are all in college thus loving to get drunk and do stupid shitz. I will def take some pictures this weekend.

  6. I bought a Yamaha R6 a couple weeks ago because I was pissed off about paying $4 a gallon for gas and I absolutely love it! I had never ridden a street bike before and hadn't ridden dirt bikes in about 10 years but I picked it up fairly quick and am having a blast and saving bunches on gas (even though I ride pretty heavy on the throttle I still get about 50 mpg). It also breaks in your denimz much faster than driving.

    buy a helmet, ride defensively, and have fun!

  7. ^dem some crazy goombas! How much'd you eat?

    I've had some amazing nights rampaging through the mountains by moonlight... Been a while though I don't really like the feeling of it poisoning me.

    much prefer a pure hit of MDMA, would like to try it + a hit of acid.

  8. had sex with my ex that'd I'd finally managed to have a clean break with a month and a half ago the other night...

    she lost 20 pounds and although I doubt that's a healthy thing for her to do, damn it was fun. fuck I'm an asshole.

  9. if i add an extra shot of espresso to my iced white chocolate mocha (making that 3 shots) will it be too much for me to handle as i am shaking from 2 shots?

    yes, three shots is ideal... don't know if i'd change it up though since you're already shaking :) seems to be a waste of money since you'll get used to that third shot within a week or two anyways!

  10. what are the best countries in the world to officially belong to?


    I have dual citizenship between Sweden and Switzerland and am probably going to switch over to full Swiss citizen since I can essentially sign some paperwork and become a Swedish citizen whenever I want.

  11. its a fucking heat wave...

    is everywhere else looking to break record highs this weekend too?!

    Julz does have a good point though, I fuckin love skirt season :)

    Its a lot more worth it out at the bars at night though, during the day I'll stick to my air conditioned office... Im keeping that shit at 68 degrees until they start complaining about my power bill

  12. agreed. People think I'm crazy if $$$ spent on clothing is ever brought up... oh well, I like buying expensive jeans and if I can afford it and pay my bills, why not. A cup of starbucks a day is more expensive than buying a pair of dry denim every couple months.

    with girls though, its usually worked out alright for me... they like the fact that I care about how I dress and try to look good, but maybe that's just cuz everyone else here looks like total shit because I don't dress nearly as well as most people on sufu

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