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Posts posted by skistar

  1. ok i wanted to test on all three of you and i guess i have repped you recently, so i couldnt.

    you can experiment with me... you might even turn my peen dark green if your reps worth more than... um, 15 points.

    2 more people quit within my region this past weekend. That makes 4 in the last two weeks and we only started with 11 people. Looks like another 60 hour week for me but I BETTER not be lossing my vacation I have planned from the 3rd-9th.

  2. if I had to pick right now I would probably go with Flathead's 3001/F310's. The fit is spot on and the denim is to die for. However, its far too early in my high end denim lifetime to make a decision this huge. I have many more brands/ cuts/ denims left to try and could very easily fall in love with any of them so I'd rather give em all a go rather than pick one and have to cheat on it later!

  3. ^ya for sure, its never cool that it happens but for some people its the only thing that'll make them smart up. I'm just lucky my shit happened before I turned 18 (I was 16 and just got a simple possession charge) so its no longer on my record.

    now, my rule of thumb is, unless its absolutely nessessary, I don't carry anything on me. Can't get in trouble for just being high :)

  4. I searched for this thread till I passed out last night.

    lucily I got drunk enough again and actually found it the time.

    Apples predicivr text obviously kicks ass. Once you have perfected the puke and rally, you can take your drinking to a whole different level. My roommates Cousin/sister is all about me and want me to seal the deal. She Just graduated and turned 18 a few months ago. Tomorrow I may just have to do it.

  5. eventful my ass...

    ya, I use to be really into pills though and at the worse took like 2.5 80's a day from time to time. Luckily I stopped that shit like a year and a half ago (the worst 10 days of my life) and now only allow myself a pill every 3 or 4 months. I'm pretty familiar with all 3 of them and I'm not in a race to finish anything. I'll be cool, coke, if ts good, usually controls everything else pretty well but it'll be fun for sure

  6. bored at work is the story of my life.

    I hit "overtime" halfway through my 11 hr shift today and am still scheduled for a full day tomorrow... Too bad I'm paid salary.

    ... and I'd be lying if I said I've never put up my 'be back in 15 minutes' sign.

    as fucked up as that is, I don't want to cancer, wait... this is superconfessional, right?

    *checked... ok, good.

  7. haha, yup seems to be the Asians wherever you are!

    I've waiting till 4th of July taking .2 of molly, some coke and half an 80 of OC camping on an amazing beach... should make for an eventful evening!

  8. norm people pay around 20 unless they are buying 10+

    if you know the right people you should be able to pull 8-12 a piece

    Vicks is pretty sweet, try turning it backwards and having someone blow it in your eyes.

    Also, RhotoV eyedrops are pretty intense.

    I also second the 5HTP pills.

  9. and?

    with a bogus return address they don't have shit on you.

    "someone must have sent that to me trying to set me up"

    no charges could ever be pressed, worst case your out your weed and a cheap lb of coffee.

    I've done it 15-20 times with a 100% success rate, so if UPS uses dogs, I've gotten lucky but I doubt they do.

  10. that whole swiss cheese shit is a myth, the scientist who released that study accidentally tested meth, not ecstacy, due to a misorder from his chemical supplier. pure MDMA taken on a consistent basis will reduce the amount of seratonin your brain can produce, i believe the percentages are somewhere between 3% and 10%, but your brain recovers within about 3 months. just sayin

    ya, I was just blabbin about the Swiss cheese. I was just sayin every 2-3 weeks is an overload on your brain. The 3 mo or so you said is what I had heard for serotonin to fully recover and if you roll before that you're just not gonna roll to your full potential since the serotonin just isn't there in the first place.

  11. agreed.

    molly is the way to go, pressed pills are garbage most of the time.

    just smoke weed and drink vitamin waters and the next day or two wont be worse than a toothache

  12. fuck that... no way is 100% of your serotonin going to be ready to go again if you roll every 2 or 3 weeks. that shit needs time off, and that's not even taking into effect all your dopamine receptors that are slowly shrinking away and dying.

    roll every 2-3 weeks for a while and you will NEVER be able to be as happy as you could have been before you started rollin

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