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Posts posted by skistar

  1. ^do it...

    confession: I'm being nice to the guy that works for me because he just inherrited half a million dollars and his stupid ass is seriously considering giving me a $20,000 loan, interest free.

  2. thut up dithilluthioned


    Julz- I think you're alright... is agentj still around?!? :)

    no, but really, get a pair of dry denim and a couple new shirts and we'll all love you!

    disillusioned- pretty sure no mods are going to do you favors just because you can't control yourself and stay away from sufu... They dont hate you any less than we do they are just "strongly suggested" to keep their feelings towards forum bottomfeeders to themselves. I suggest an all out assault on everyone who has hated on you... Let out all your rage and at least give us something to laugh about on your way out the door.

  3. I love dry denim.

    don't know how I could have spent so much money on all that stupid pre-washed "premium" denim.

    also, febreeze is a lifesaver. none of the three pair of jeans I wear (7 mo, 6 mo, 1 mo) have ever been washed and I LOVE ITTTT!

  4. I think I'd probably get along with most people on here if we were ever to meet irl... I'm a fairly easy person to get along with and seem to share a similar sense of humor with many on here.

    dino's at the top of my list of people to meet though. I feel almost like his West Coast twin, I really relate to the things he says and the way he talks. And his pictures of next level cronic and stories about blazed snorkeling have burned a spot in my brain.

    </being a creep>

  5. bump to draw her attention away from shitting up even the trash WAYWT...

    I went camping over the weekend and her post count went up like 50-60 since Friday night! After quickly browsing through to see what I missed I now realize that getting drunk and sleeping on rocks was far less painful than sufu trash this weekend,

    congrats disillusioned

  6. don't get both... The 3001 and f310 are the SAME cut.

    If anything try to find the SExFH or something.

    ah, I didnt realize you got the 3001, fading should come easy though, mine had a 4 hour hot soak too and even after a couple weeks of part time wear I'm getting that beautiful electric blue color poking through at the combs and whiskers..

  7. I know exactly what you mean mr. invincible... The outseams always seem to be stretching apart and the crotch as well but the F310's have the poly core thread so you should be alright...

    On the other hand, I already blew a couple stitches where my butt rubbed against pavement sittng on the curb the other day. One of the stitches is the outside sew line right where the middle up and down seam meets the side to side seam above the pockets (if that makes ANY sense at all)... Another stitch or two went out there and I also popped one on the pocket on the inside of the left pocket.

    I'm not too concerned about the pocket but the seam meeting a seam is one of the highest stress points on the jeans and I'm afraid that if something isn't done about it they will completely fall apart. Anyone else had this happen?

    fix it or leave it?

    and by the way... The color these things fade to is freakin amazing... I love them more and more each day!

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