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Posts posted by skistar

  1. it always makes me smile when it shows the last post being made by Dino!

    awesome crystal formations on both those last couple buds... Were going through a terrible drought over here and its been a couple months since ive seen anything even come close to comparing.

  2. <---I ski like its my job.

    I'd be down to give curling a shot... maybe next time I head to Canada...

    do they have that shit set up like bowling alleys in the States?

    me and my buddies are all huge fans of bowling... we go a couple times a week but they somehow always fall on the same days as the best beer specials so I'm not really sure where our true intentions are...

  3. truth. don't talk to me. stfu in my general direction. you will be doing me a favor.

    did you get that memo?!?

    ya, you got the memo, and you understand the policy. The problem is we can't forget it just one time. Please take care of it so it won't be a problem anymore...

    Mmmm ya... Its just that we aren't talking to disillusioned anymore in hopes that she will somehow disappear. If you could go ahead and try to remember that from now on, that'd be great, all right!

    fuck I love Office Space!

  4. shut the fuck up Ispy... the only posts I've ever seen from you are hating on people talking shit, protecting those that everyone is talking shit about, and something about your fucking dogs...

    if all you care about is animals and being nice, gtfo of supertrash and go to a zoo or something... bitch

  5. Am I the only one who hates the feeling of a wet sponge wen doing dishes?

    fuck sponges... honestly though, how fucking sanitary can they really be? sitting in the sink, moist with small chunks of food embedded within them. I won't even use sponges because I'm a firm believer that it'll actually make your dishes more disgusting than not using one at all.

  6. Negged for not negging

    +rep for negging for not negging...

    shit... all you gotta do AgentJ is stop buying different colors of the same fucking express button up, cop a couple decent t shirts and a pair of converse/vans and not try to pose while taking your pictures.

    As for your rep, that shits pretty fucked already... I'd say your best bet is trying to get people to neg you because they like you and make up some story about red/orange being your favorite color

    oh and... neg rep

  7. people are just telling me to sip on the sizzurp, ha.

    If this was even an option for me I would in the "who here is drunk" thrad instead of hating shit, that's for sure...

    oh, and fuck work and fuck busy servers too.

  8. where is the "stupid questions" thread when i need it?

    I think you just answered your own question by fucking up this perfectly good thread even more... Now go post another WAYWT so we have something new to talk shit on

  9. kinda depends on the girl for me... Some can pull of frilly lingerie a lot better than others, but I went with plain cotton to be safe and fair to all. I'm surprised that so many people wrote in nothing. For me, its all about the chase so if its just thrown out there, it kinda kills it for me.

    just my .02

  10. I feel ya Dino!

    I'm down to 187 as of this morning (6'2" and luckily spread out fairly well) so I'm moving in the right direction but fuck its expensive to eat well! Since when is it more expensive to but shit to make a decent spinich salad than a damn XL pizza? Fuck.

  11. that book scam sounds pretty solid, wish I would have read/though of that while I was still in school.

    oh... and I fucking love alt+tab, this iPhone is pissing me off, I need to get my laptop fixed, anyone have any luck replacing their screen?

  12. nudes, then post in superfap, then breakup


    But seriously, mine lasted two years till I found out the dumb bitch was cheating on me the whole time. Now I'm not a strong believer... Plus it seems like your ready for new fun in your new city so let her go before you leave, if you're reunited youll know it was suppose to be.

  13. ^same....

    but I don't put them back in the pack because it makes all the "fresh" cigs taste like butthole. Just leave em in the ashtray until my next smoke...

    Trying to quit though, but its a bitch when all my friends are chainsmokers 24/7

  14. well shit... sorry Sidneylo, I lied. Your flatheads have already stolen all my rep.

    and I am from the States, miracle... huh?

    I actually had a write corporate a letter practically threatening to quit before I actually got the raise though, so I guess my gamble paid off :)

  15. just received my Obenaufs LP in the mail today and applied it to my Corter natural belt... Looks great already and its only been out getting some sun for half a day! I'll post after pics this weekend.

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