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Posts posted by skistar

  1. came up to visit the fam for the fourth and was unable to get a bag on my rush out of town so I'm forced to take a few days off too. I try to think positive (i.e. how much higher I'll be when I actually get to smoke again) but damn I miss my mary jane...

  2. nice... bass?

    thanks for pulling this thread back together guys... I had to neg those three vomit fits in a row there and was starting to loss hope. People should only get so many chances before they get banned for shit-ass fits

    edit: fuckin won't even let me rep, oh well, they post shitty fit after shitty fit so I'll get em next time

  3. I broke dress code and wore my flatheads to work today despite my boss' constant ramblings about how dress code violations are a "fireable offence".

    suck it.

    Its my last day of work before a 6 day vacation and except for whatever time I'm in the water these jeans aren't coming off. God I hate dress codes

  4. ex-girlfriends.

    never in my life have I wanted to stick my dick in, punch in the face, and piss on something/body all at the same time.

    well, I don't technically want to do all three at the same time but fuck, you know what I mean.

  5. its time to buy new shoes.

    well, it was probably time 6 mo ago but fuck, thats one thing I've never really understood/liked spending much monies on, even though I prolly should. I hate shoes, my feet don't like being all constricted and not able to breath and shit.

    how do you guys spend like $700 on sneaks and shit? I must need a better job so I don't have to care about money anymore.

  6. wish they'd just go ahead and legalize herb across the US already, fuck. Oh how nice it would be to get to pick and choose what I wanted to smoke every day. Got the White Widow right now though so I'm not complaining (for the moment at least)

  7. Fuck ketchup. previous level condiment

    relish the relish

    fuck ketchup?!? awww hell no you didn't!

    ketchup is and always will be my favorite of all the condiments. I could survive off that shit alone for several weeks if need be.

  8. thanks, appreciate it!

    I was worried at first that I wouldn't fit into the 310's but really wanted a slimmer fit. I was really debating between these sized up one or sized down or tts 380's but I'm really glad I went with the f310. The original owner did a 4 hour hot soak changing the water 3 times with as hot of water as he could get out of his utility sink so hoping I can wash these warm withot having to worry about much shrinkage when the time comes.

  9. not ready to do evo pics yet as I can only wear these before/after work and on weekends but here's some fit pics after 3 months. A shitty original fit pic was posted on pg 42 or something (4.4.08)

    pulled my shirt up to show Corter natural leather belt.

    also 3 mo tanned 2 days using Obenaufs LP.


    for reference, I'm 6'2" 185 lbs and sized up one to a 34

    got just the fit I was hoping for...

  10. I'm just glad we have Indian reservations around here so we can still pick up all the "illegal" fireworks we want! I'm going out on the lake with some buddies from high school that I haven't seen in a while then out camping. Well probably end up drinking far too much, getting in bottle rocket fights and burning the shit out of ourselves

  11. my buddy and his wife finally had their wedding reception 8 months after their wedding. Drank a bunch of beer and vodka tonics in 103 degree heat (not the best idea) and ate a shitload of delicious food. Felt like death afterwards because of the heat but it was a good time for sure.

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