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Posts posted by jyoni

  1. Dunno what's up with the quote function, raspberries.  Thor: God of Thunder is indeed really good.  All you need is an interest in the subject matter to jump on.  I've been letting it go.  I'm a big Jason Aaron fan but the mainstream work has left me in the the dust compared to things like The Other Side, Scalped, and Ghost Rider (fucking Ghost Rider!!!!!).  But Thor: God of Thunder is nice work both in writing and art.


    You also can't go wrong with Simonson's Thor starting with issue 338.  What can I say, he made Thor's brother turn Thor into a frog.  Instead of sulking and being crusty about it, Thor rises to the occasion and helps all the other frogs battle the sewer rats of Central Park.  He's just that noble.  Nuff said?

  2. I hear what you're saying, djrajio, but there is no reason for either country to fail in this area.  What is the health care structure in Japan anyway?  If it is a mismanaged national system, that's unfortunate.  Too many good models out there.  As for the U.S. it is also unfortunate because our taxation isn't too far off from well-managed countries with public health.


    We are developed countries.  I'm not trying to assert a superiority over the developing world but really...these insurance companies and their synergized facilities should go sell their shit insurance in some shithole and see if they can turn the same profit they can here.  Fuck em.  The thing about the big business elite is that they are expendable.  Nobody really seems to get that, but there are always plenty of other fat cats in line to take their places, and they'd be 100% willing to play ball to do business here.

  3. Updates for Nov.  I had time to search for the tripod for some half-decent photos.


    The right knee is mid-repair.  I hope to have it finished tonight and begin wearing again this week.  Tender Co. for that knee, just like the left.  The exposed patch is Japan Blue 14.8 oz I believe.





  4. Watchmen is okay with Tales of the Black Freighter woven in.  Why wouldn't they do that to begin with?  It's a shame Watchmen is pushed so heavily on the public.  Shit's heavy and newcomers would be better served with something else.  Don't know about anybody else but Tales of the Black Freighter really carried me through that whole comic.

  5. Too busy to read many comics.  Lil Gotham is nice, esp the watercolors.  It's been a long time since I hit the kids' section.  The only good team from Planet of the Apes got hired for a special/annual.  That was nice...can't believe that series even got cut because it was great.  Gregory/Magno.


    Just stockpiling the go-to titles, hoping nothing's gone to crap.

  6. Nice one.  If I wasn't so prone to stay-cations it would be cool to travel for a meet up with somebody.  But I just work too hard.  My lurker buddy "overexposed1" and I were talking about this with satchelbmoore.  Satch feels all invigorated and vivacious after the endorphin rush of portaging canoes through hell in Northern Minnesota.  I think trade guys are actually endorphin junkies -- as in the sad sort of fried-out junkies.  We trickle-feed on those endorphins all day long, every day......then we crash super hard and just want to be alone doing absolutely nothing.


    As for jeans, I've been moonlighting with my PBJ 005bk til I have time to repair the Ooe's.  I'll get some updates up but there's not much new atm.

  7. I shot a nail into my hand the other day and used some of my insurance to see a doctor.  The cocksucker was unable to spell "puncture" and repeatedly typed "puncher" into his McDonald's-like drop-down doctor menu.


    Yay for our irreplaceable health care "choices."   Yeah let's protect em.

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