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  1. ^ hah

    that's different

    i figured he was one of those finance guys who's night out consists of box seats at whatever sporting event - bar - strippers - hotel + hookers + coke and expenses the whole thing

    i know a few of these dudes through my boss

  2. People who can capitalize letters and spell? Actually, probably not so much. But there is such a shortage for staff here and other places too, like Ft Mac and Red Deer that some fast food places were drive through only. There are perpetual help wanted signs all over the place and 7 Eleven offers a $1000 signing bonus.

    good one

    i know i spent a week in calgary cause i thought about moving there for a bit but it was depressing so i came home

    there's an employment shortage because it is shitty and no one wants to live there

  3. the question is are you retard? There is no need to resort to name calling :).. but its people like you who fuel dumb programs and listen to whatever the tv tells you. Prolly didnt even take 10 seconds to google the answer before throwing out stupid comments.

    its ok though the average person doesn't do this and thats why theirs people like george bush running America.

    i work and learn in an industry where "GREEN is the hot word for everything." im not saying that im an expert or anything but when im in school and when i design anything i have this subject of suitability in mind.

    Countless people have said that recycling is bull shit and it is a retard practice and is a failing government subsidized practice.

    here is a little quote from the new york times:

    In an article in The New York Times, John Tierney claimed that government mandated recycling wastes more resources than it saves. Some highlights from the article:

    - In cases where recycling truly does save resources, such as with large scraps of aluminum, this will be reflected in market prices, and voluntary recycling will take place. Thus, there is no need for the government to mandate it.

    - Tree farmers plant more trees than they cut down.

    - Government mandated recycling is more expensive than putting the garbage into landfills, which means that this recycling uses up more resources than it saves.

    Some small towns with landfills are happy to import garbage from other cities and states because it provides jobs and tax revenue.

    - Today's modern landfills are much cleaner and safer, and much less likely to leak and pollute than the landfills of the past.

    - Modern landfills often collect the methane produced by the decomposition of the biological wastes (which would have otherwise escaped into the atmosphere adding to global warming) and use the gas as fuel to produce electricity for the surrounding communities.

    - Regarding the claim that the U.S. is running out of landfill space, Tierney wrote, "A. Clark Wiseman, an economist at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., has calculated that if Americans keep generating garbage at current rates for 1,000 years, and if all their garbage is put in a landfill 100 yards deep, by the year 3000 this national garbage heap will fill a square piece of land 35 miles on each side. This doesn't seem a huge imposition in a country the size of America. The garbage would occupy only 5 percent of the area needed for the national array of solar panels proposed by environmentalists. The millennial landfill would fit on one-tenth of 1 percent of the range land now available for grazing in the continental United States. And if it still pains you to think of depriving posterity of that 35-mile square, remember that the loss will be only temporary. Eventually, like previous landfills, the mounds of trash will be covered with grass and become a minuscule addition to the nation's 150,000 square miles of parkland."

    proven by who? to name a few...

    - The New York Times, John Tierne

    - The Heartland Institute, Jerry Taylor

    - The Chair of Political Science at Duke University, Michael Munger

    did they factor in the cost of producing petroleum products to replace the ones we just throw out?

    when you say petroleum im assume you mean any kind of petroleum from the bottle itself and the transport of the bottle

    petroleum production is actually 2-3 times more that that if you were just to make a brand new bottle. lets say you have a recycled bottled

    1.) the bottle is made (petroleum).

    2.) then you use the bottle and recycle it in a different container (petroleum).

    3.) then you must have a separate trash truck (petroleum) to pick up the recycled plastic.

    4.) this plastic must be turned into useable plastic (petroleum).

    5.) Then it must be transported again to the factory which will make the plastic bottle (more petroleum).

    6.) then you make the bottle (more petroleum)

    on the other hand if you make a fresh new bottle there's only the initial cost.

    its not quite this simple but you get the point.

    did the land usage or the leeching of chemicals into soil and water occur to them?

    1.) most modern landfills are very safe and most studies proven that they have less then 1% of failure rate.

    2.) Also landfills produce methane and use this energy to power near by cities.

    3.) Also after a landfill is full because the land is not reuseable, they are turned into pakrs. This means more trees more shurbs more everything green that stores carbon.

    was it based on more bullshit computer models?

    im not sure, i took the facts i know from multiple sources.. so im sure someone might of used a computer model

    yea, you could call me retard. but at less i'm not a lemming.

    I'm not saying that recycling is bad. I even said that it was a good idea, but like most green things its not quite effective or efficient yet. For insists recycling aluminum is very good and this is why its profitable.

    Go hop in your Prius, buy your food from Whole Foods and think your pro-env.

    O and don't even get me started on that organic food...

    i dont watch tv

  4. tell her this series of jokes -

    how do you fix a woman's watch?

    doesn't matter, there's a clock on the stove.

    why do women have smaller feet than men?

    so they can stand closer to the stove.

    why did the woman cross the road?

    doesn't matter, what the fuck is she doing out of the kitchen?

    why shouldn't women play hockey?

    there's no ice between the kitchen in the bedroom.

    want to hear a joke?

    womens rights

  5. recycling is bull shit. yea i said it. its been proven that recycling waste twice as much energy and produces more pollution then if we just threw it away with our trash.

    its still a good idea but its not quite effective yet.

    i wouldn't consider recycling an eco idea.

    if you really wan to be suitable and help the environment:

    look up a few of these practices

    - grey water

    - start a co-op

    - buy local

    - plant a tree - plants are the only known organic method in removing and storing carbon

    - ride a bike or take public transport

    just a few things. if you want to get into construction methods im glad to share.


    proven by who? and did they factor in the cost of producing petroleum products to replace the ones we just throw out?

    did the land usage or the leeching of chemicals into soil and water occur to them?

    was it based on more bullshit computer models?

    did they factor in that im fucking sick of bullshit computer models?

  6. gonna hijack this thread (har har) but when i was flying across the states we encountered a few planes (mostly over colorado i think) that were spewing pure black jetstreams .. anyone know what these were .. ??

    i could totally ask someone else but by the time i get off the computer i'll have forgotten cause .. it .. doesnt matter

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