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  1. ^ yea he's cool

    i completely forgot i bought an arizona iced tea last night, when i opened my fridge the strangest wave of joy came over me. so iced, so good.

    that shit is for hookers

  2. You niggahs are fucking stupid.

    I been wearing all of this shit, I don't play dress up like most of you on this site, and I lack "swag"? Hah, niggah please... You don't know shit.

    Yo chill, you're just another nerd like the rest of em'.
    You would know homie, your life is this forum.
    What? All I ever wear is blank tees or skate/surf affiliated clothing.
    Hahaha, I care so much?

    All I basically said to you was fuck off, then you go on ahead and try to turn shit around on me? You're a fucking joke, and all the shit you say has no merit.

    Suck on a dick niggah.


    Quick! Someone get this bitch a life.

    Maybe the day your life stops revolving around this forum, you won't have the bitchassness disease.

    In all seriousness though, god damn... You're a fucking square ass nerd.

    ^ Oh shit, another bitchassness bandwagoning ass niggah.
    I can't call people nerds? Look at you niggah... You are a fucking nerd.

    So I own a domain to host shit on, I'm a nerd? I'm on a few other forums with barely any posts. I play a few games every now and then. They sure as hell aint WoW or DoTA, that's where the real fucking geeks are. Niggah please...

    This bitch said THE IRONY... Get your shit straight... I'm FAR FAR from being the fucking geeks that you folks are.


    Get the fuck outta here with that weak bullshit. What the fuck does a middle finger and that little .gif have to do with anything?

    Niggah, you're a fucking idiot... Wow, I'm sitting here right now just thinking how much of a douchebag you are.

    This bitch right here that is constantly browsing the forums, making e-friends, and living life on SuFu, calling me a square... Hahaha, you make me laugh too much.

    The ICQ comment? Is that supposed to mean something? Are you seriously bringing that up to talk shit? Hahaha fuck, you're a fucking L7 weenie ass niggah man, wow...

    It's not that, it's the fact that these folks seriously think they're some sort of "cool" ass motherfuckers TRYING to shit on me is just hilarious... I'm just telling em' what's real, and then they cry... And NUMEROUS people try to hop on the bandwagon... Bunch of pansy ass people that find comfort on the forums with their e-friends/e-crew, hahahaha. Shit is just too funny to me
    Lmfao, I love this whole hate bandwagon.

    HATE ON.

    Pussy ass homos hiding behind computer screens, nothing but people that stay quiet and keep to themselves in real life.

    Those little witty unfunny comments are exactly what I'm talking about, you're a joke.
    There are posters that are cool and you know they just seem to like certain items, then there are posters that are just... Well, fucking douchebags that take the internet way too seriously.

    Always searching for acceptance on the internet because they didn't get it during HS.

    Lol, perfect prime examples of the bitchassness that most of you are.

    1) Make lame witty comment

    2) Find a lame internet photo to "make fun" of someone

    3) Wait for back up from the crew

    Was that supposed to be funny?

    WHY, why must you be such a douchebag?

    People that play WoW are definitely on that game for a minimum of 8 hours a day.

    Yup, you suck at life.

    To learn shit about things I didn't know before?

    Fucking moron... You don't see me contributing to the bullshit I've been talking about these past few pages, I've been talking down on it. So why even say that? Idiot ass niggah.

    I say it because it's a habbit and I say it in real life to peers/friends, it's just what I say along with; dude, man, homie, & niggah.

    The pic I took just for Egpt? That's an old ass photo... I guess it was supposed to be "sarcastic", but hey maybe you didn't catch on.

    Too late, I already said you were the fucks that didn't get socially accepted in HS. Hence why you find so much comfort on SuFu, because you actually feel "cool" on here.

    Niggah, I ran my fuckin HS... I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

    Lol, I'm telling you what's REAL in response to you saying what you THOUGHT was HS for me.

    So I'm not bragging, I'm just telling you the truth.

    Idiot, fail again @ a proper response.

    I wear what I want, what's comfortable, and what matches my lifestyle.

    It may not be great to you, but hey... I don't give a fuck.


    Because it's fucking true... All these people on here talking shit don't say shit in real life and I fucking know it, they fucking know it, the entire world knows it.

    No, I'm not really defending myself... I'm just telling the truth to you folks and you're finally understanding it through them thick ass skulls.
    I don't know why this dude Cotton Duck is talking. This guy lives on the internet the most. Eats, breathes, and sleeps with it. Little dress up outfits might make people say cool over here, but wow... You must of/must be a loser all your fuckin' life.
    Am I writing a fucking essay bitch? It's just a fucking forum.


  3. False, nobody gets any "fucking" out of it. Who did you hook up with?

    Juno'd some flip lurker

    she was all up on the classy boys of superfuture

    then BAM

    nigga lives on the internet

    he even got a job on the internet

  4. its not social anxiety or self esteem issues. if this type of scenario was more frequent on the street than i'd understand but it just kind of popped up out of the blue and gave me a bad vibe for some reason. i'm not a pimple faced awkward dude that can't talk to girls i just didnt understand why they would follow me for like 15 minutes down the street to tell me i had a nice ass.
    the best thing to do would've been to acknowledge it and then act icy fucking cold

    haha i know you're not pimply

    girls are wierd

    clopek is on his game

  5. dismals right

    but i do understand and appreciate how difficult it is even if you did know the person well

    if you did know them well, it's much easier than you think, dont worry about being epic, or impressing people, or making anyone cry, if you try to hard it will sound inauthentic, and the last thign anyone wants at a funeral is to make it feel like a wedding, so just let it come from the heart, write something of your own if you want

  6. doooood i htink you have self esteem issues getting all worked up about this

    im not that good looking (10 [im fucking sexy]) but i've had girls stalk me while running errands, followed in the grocery store, catcalled, blatantly checked out, blatantly groped, blatantly photagraphed, sneakily photographed, asked to be photographed, asked to show some tip etc etc etc

    wierd shit happens, i don't do it to chicks, im still wierd, whaaaatevrrrrrrrr mang, just get your tip wet who cares if theyre fucked up

  7. Meat,

    Because it's fucking true... All these people on here talking shit don't say shit in real life and I fucking know it, they fucking know it, the entire world knows it.

    the absurdity of ridiculing keeping to ones self and not saying shit is hilarious, think about it for a sec

    many of the most respected artists and artisans in the world were well known for keeping to themselves

    furthermore all these people on here talking shit are some of the most verbally and physically outgoing people i know

    myself being one of them

    i've never ever had a problem telling someone exactly what i htink of them

    i keep to myself alot, but when i talk shit, you're goin down

    recently documented incidents include either clo or skiniks throwing some kid down a flight of stairs and myself putting an obnoxious italian in hospital after he headbutted me

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