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  1. what you talkin about man, i never complain about wearability. if someone is wearing it on a runway, or a showroom, or whatever, it's automatically wearable to me, no matter how frute swagz.

    that not what i said! unless your'e a computer programmer, then that's what i said

    edited for francophone compatability:

    i like and i dont even know why i like it

    did mass say that?

    [/end thought]

    [begin new unrelated thought]

    complaining about not being able to wear it around is irrelevant and boring .. u computer programmer or wut?

  2. some kids i went to school with are getting married. weird. they met like last august' date=' I remember it was at a party. I got her number that night too, she liked my zebra pants but I was really drunk.

    maybe she's preggo.[/quote']

    And the thing that really frightens me

    Is that all my friends from school

    Are turning into monsters

    Picking patterns out for curtains

    Making friends with all the other monsters

    Pushing little baby monsters

    Around the shops in prams

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