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  1. Hitler youth look is the only good look from this though, and I find it fascinating that they are blatantly referencing that unfortunate group of children.

    Having said that, this sucks

    edit: actually, only most of it sucks, the button down with the cadet braids and shit is ok

  2. First thing that pops into my head every time I see her is "dentist's assistant."


    That made me recall the distinct and unpleasant aromas of plaque, latex and flouride .. it sucked

  3. Yea I like the concept of it to, I love carhartts and their hoodies but i look like a dork in them, would love a slim pair of lookalikes, but then again I probably can't justify spending eg level cash just to look like a unusually clean construction worker

    at Nomad?

    you end up buying any of it?

    nah at tnt and jonothan and olivia (not a bad spot)

    didn't buy anything ahah

    would have gone to nomad but when i was hitting the queen st spots i didnt feel like walking that far cause i was parked by the gladstone

  4. ^ apc rescue

    anyways, whats the most efficient way to spot clean (read: actually killing bacteria). i don't want to wash the entire jean just yet so spot cleaning is my only option

    I picked up like a farmers friend type stain remover .. semi natural thing, a cant' remember the name right now but it worked wonders, eucalyptus oil and borax were ingredients though, and both those work well for spot cleaning

  5. Haaaaaa.. that's fucked ... you'd need a solid group buy to ensure you're making money, which I would have laid the foundation for if the group of guys i knew down there didn't spend their summers in mt hood and shit.

    If i knew anyone from Denmark or anywhere else in europe i'd probably get something together over there, it's like 600 to denmark, not 1600 - 2000 for oz/nz ...

    Actually shit, I have cousins in denmark ... but i dont know them, cousins in sweden too but they too young to slang shit.

  6. fuck real life. go back to school. pay money so you can party legitimately

    real life sucks, it doesnt make sense to me, neither does school

    im fucked!

    it doesn't help that i just watched "steve o, the early years" and see some similarities

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