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  1. dont be an elitist dink.

    dont like nudie? dont click the fucking link. op was just saying the new collection dropped on their website and some people other than yourself might be interested?

    think you are too cool for school? then move on. is pink floyd over too? should i change my avatar?

    uhm .. yea .. actually

  2. Not really impressed with the sperry boots compared to Quoddy/Rogues Gallery grizzly boots--diff animal I know. Can't wait to seee the price on the sperry's.

    Fixed. Excuse me if that's what you were getting at.

    What are the feelings on the Quoddy ring boots? I've been jonesing for a pair but I've been put off by reports of Quoddy's loooooong lead time (and I don't want black, so southwillard is not an option). I dig the crepe sole on a brown ring boot. Too "Phish concert"? According to the online shop at Quoddy, they're the #1 seller. Who's got a pair?


    uhm i technically have a pair but have not recieved them yet ahah

    got black from south willard

    cant wait til they get here

    that's not true, yes i can, i cant see myself wearing them until october anyway

  3. i just deleted my post about arguing about that shit with worm cause i thought mass was making fun of me when i read it again but i dont think he was

    but the post i just deleted was about me arguing about taht shit with worm

    he thinks im into life synergy

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