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rodeo bill

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Everything posted by rodeo bill

  1. Thanks Georg! I'm really pleased you enjoyed the talk 🙂 I'd add a couple of points to @julian-wolf's excellent advice- firstly I think these spots actually look kind of great, and especially as they're quite low on the garment I don't think I'd worry about them too much. But if they're an issue for you, the first thing I'd check is if you've tried a stain remover as well as a wool wash? These can be a problem with dyed garments, but as this is just undyed wool it's worth having a go with a natural stain bar (I like the clay-based type sold as 'savon de marseille terre de sommière'), or even just a regular supermarket one- Oxiclean stain stick gel does a pretty amazing job, although it's potentially harsher. If you do decide to dye your shirt, please bear in mind that the thread on these Weaver's Stock shirts is synthetic, so it may show up as a contrast white to whatever colour you dye with. This depends a bit on the dye and the method you use, and will be less noticeable on a relatively light dye colour. I hope this make sense and helps! the texture on your shirt is really special, so it should look good whatever you decide- please let us know.
  2. As promised, here's a video of my talk. Just gone out to mailing list subscribers, but for people that aren't on that, here it is: https://mediaspace.wisc.edu/media/Understandable+Design+and+Perfect+Imperfections+with+William+Kroll+of+Tender+Co./1_8yi6cv0u/171463141 A bit in there about superfuture and how great our community is in general, and some examples of member's Tender clothes, although I could have sited many more. I checked with the only person who's visible themselves (thank you!), I hope other members won't mind their things being shown- I only used images already posted publicly.
  3. thanks @jeash90! Yes it was a great trip. I was mostly just on the University campus, so I'm sure there's more to see in the city, but the college was fantastic and it's always a pleasure meeting students. I'm hoping to get a video back of the talk, in which case it'll go out as a newsletter asap.
  4. Congratulations Ooms! Shirt looks lovely, I hope you had a good meal. Great PopSwatch too. Here's a lovely photo from a great customer and friend of the brand. Pocket use par excellence
  5. I think I've had that one at some point, or at least definitely spent time with it. Excellent but exactly what you'd expect, and nothing more, if you know what I mean? I like this book, gratuitous boob cover notwithstanding. It feels very personal and includes a lot of bootleg Ts, which I like.
  6. Sorry for the lack of posts lately, things are very busy personally and with Tender- it feels like forever, but we've still only been in the US five months! Thank you so much @julian-wolf @chicote and @clawbytes for fantastic photos. More things coming, but in case it's of interest to anyone, I'm doing a project with students at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and will be doing a public talk on Tuesday Feb 4th at 3.30 Central Time. It'll be livestreamed and there's a signup here: https://cdmc.wisc.edu/event/understandable-design-and-perfect-imperfections-with-william-kroll-of-tender-co/ I'm putting together a bunch of Tender garments and my own things, which I'll show and discuss. Hopefully it'll be interesting!
  7. Yes! It's a lovely one, Deborah has one too. Here's the original linebook entry: Type 781 Tube Neck Pullover The Tube Neck Pullover has a deep, wide, plain knit tube neck which can be rolled down or worn loose around the neck and face.There is a large single hand-warmer pocket across the front, and the cuffs, neck, and hem are finished clean with no rib or change of tension. -Made in Scotland -Fully fashioned, hand framed, and hand finished -Plain stitch -The pictured sample is in black cold felted lambswool
  8. A couple of lovely outfits from an old friend of the brand, with an octave mandolin, in his 916 1-1/2 breasted Common Coat in Khaki dyed Herdwick Check Casement and 122 hadal brown Pleat Back Trousers in corresponding Herdwick Stripe Casement. Then below with a Weaver's Stock shirt home-dyed green and an 886 Stock in Barge Blue Flannel. I love how the herdwick yarn pulls the cotton casement in after dyeing, giving a quilted effect.
  9. Thank you! Yes indeed this is Levant Red in the foreground (bright red Shetland and a natural white yarn), and the background is Agate Blue (dark blue and natural black yarn): For reference size 3 chest is 21" not including the gussets, and the full length is 27". Please just email me if you'd like full measurements.
  10. Stunning photos! and jeans are looking beautiful. I got bitten by a big dog once (not sure what kind), hurt like hell and drew blood but just kind of mangled the fabric, didn't make as nice of a tear as yours. I hope you've recovered well. It's been a long time since some in depth factory photos, here's some from a woollen spinning factory, in preparation for the yarn that went into AW24 Tacuinum Pullovers and Cardigans, and Paper Boat hats. These photos are of "woollen" spinning, as opposed to "worsted" spinning. Worsted spinning is a more refined process where the fibres are made to lie more smoothly, and is typically used for worsted suit fabrics, where as woollen spinning (two Ls!) gives a fluffier yarn more normally used for knitwear or coarser tweed woven fabrics. For these Shetland-type yarns a slightly uneven colour is preferable, so a blend of different coloured fibres are used. The wool fibre is dyed under pressure, which could also damage finished yarn, so it's better to do the dyeing right at the beginning. The yarn designer has a library of colours: what was going through during my visit was a greenish tweed yarn with flecks of other colours. Even though the yarn will end up looking pretty classic, seeing the fibre mix is an eyeopener: The yarn is all mixed together in a big barrow, so that the colours are randomly dispersed. They're then fed up into the long carding process: the wool fluff is pulled through a succession of spiked rollers, in a stream, and as they go through the fibres start to lay inline with each other: until eventually the stream of fibre has enough body to be pulled off the carding rollers into a sort of loose scarf called a sliver: here's a closeup: the sliver gets pulled around a corner and flattened out again, which continues to straighten the fibres through another length of the room, until it's ready to be separated, like this: the stream of fibres is run through slightly tacky, static-charged rubber belts, which pull between sharply defined metal grooves, cutting the stream into ~1" wide sections. In the picture above, my guide has pulled out on of these sections- you can see that it's only barely holding together. however: Spinning itself will happen later. For now the narrow slivers are gently wound up onto cones, so that they can be put into the spinning process. Here are a couple more pictures- at this stage what looks like yarn is still just sliver under very slight tension. The brown rollers are also slightly tacky, which helps everything move through, but these run quite slow and at very carefully controlled tension to avoid snapping. At this point we'll switch over to a blend of natural undyed British wool, which is actually much closer to what I ended up using, but is less dramatic in the blending: these wrapped slivers are moved over into the spinning room, where they are set up over vertical spinning cones, to put twist into the slivers, under a higher tension, and create usable yarn: this is ringspun yarn, and that little loop in the wire over the pink cone top is the ring which the yarn is spun through, bouncing it around and giving it surface character. Now I'd originally enquired about spinning a blended natural grey with a blended blue- these yarns with this result: But while it's a beautiful thing it seemed a bit anticlimactic and subdued, so in the end I made a 2-ply yarn combined of a pure bright colour and a pure natural colour. Here are the results:
  11. @chicotetotal fantastic! happy travels
  12. Late 90s early Italian production T-shirt, my first evisu aged about 14, now my son’s pyjamas. Check out the twist!
  13. Thank you! and indeed! These are already out there, the second set of Elephant Ear backpacks, satchels, and pouches- these in dyed canvas for SS24. They came out beautifully. But since you mention it, one of the things bubbling away at the moment is a considerable expansion of this project, into a full new brand designed and produced by me and my good friend (and ex-student from a long time ago), Robert Newman of Middle Distance. Working sits outside our own brands, and is looking really exciting- it's a coming together of my work with Tender and Rob's with Middle Distance and at technical and street-focussed places including Massimo Osti Studio, Stone Island, Maharishi and Supreme. More to come over the next few months, we're in fairly early stages, but there's a little more to see at @working.clothing
  14. Sorry for the long silence- personal and work life have been extremely busy. Reopening the Stores is going to be later than I'd hoped, aiming for end of September but it may spill over into early October. However, AW24 production is coming through nicely, and going to be a really good one. I'm in the UK at the moment taking care of that, and tidying up some personal things. An early customer, Steven Ramm, contacted me recently about finding a new pair of 129s to replace the pair that he bought a decade ago. He's now the owner of some Mars Black dyed ones, here are his 10 year old logwoods: "I have a new digital back for my Hasselblad 500 c/m and this was its first outing, so I was just getting to grips with it. Maybe that's why the shot of the front of the jeans isn't sharp! Not really sure how that happened!" The front shot's my favourite 🙂
  15. Many thanks for this, those Tshirts were indeed by Dorrit Dekk, an old family friend who died in 2014, a few years after doing the drawings for me. They were based on descriptions in Jorge Luis Borges' Book of Imaginary Beings. I have the originals, and when I was packing up the studio a few weeks ago I found some of the original set of Tshirts, I'll reexamine and may get them up on the Stores when we reopen (feel free to email me if you'd like more information). Dorrit drew these particular illustrations for these Tshirts, specially, so there aren't any prints available. I also did a series of mugs, which were really nice. Here are a few photos:
  16. getting to the end of a clear out, a couple of cheapies that might be of interest: NOS Evisu Tailor cufflinks, made in England for the Evisu Savile Row shop, from donut buttons with brass flip backs. £10 plus post. NOS Cat's Paw heels, US size 10-11. Also £10 + post
  17. ^thank you so much for this @JDelage, I'd love to visit the Pacific NW, looking forward to seeing a lot more of the States all over. To answer various people's kind questions, all my UK suppliers are going strong and happy to keep working with me so at least initially production will remain unchanged and I'll be back regularly to keep on top of things. I am looking forward to seeing what new opportunities arise, however, so I hope I’ll be in the nice position of only making positive changes, as and when I can. In the meantime, I had another nice email in response to the most recent newsletter that went out, about Butterfly shirts and the new Weaver's Stock version of this design. The question was: "what’s the difference between a true cuff and a false cuff? I’ve heard that term elsewhere, but am not sure what it means. Here's my response, which might be of interest here too? Not sure if this is what other people mean by a false cuff, but I mean a cuff that is actually just a facing laid on top of the end of the sleeve panels. It’s what’s on all the Tender shirts you’ve had: A classic cuff, however, is added onto the end of the sleeve panels, and it’s this that I’ve done for the first time with the new Weaver’s Stock shirts: The true cuff just feels a bit more formal and elegant, while the false cuff is more workwear-inspired and a lot more idiosyncratic. I especially like how the fabric direction of the cuff (warp side-to-side) pulls against the sleeve (warp up and down), when the garment is dyed or washed.
  18. Thank you all so much! And apologies for the lack of posts here recently, there's been an awful lot going on. We are indeed moving to the US permanently (or at least for the foreseeable future), to a smallish town just west of Philadelphia. We have family and friends in the area, and it's good timing personally. A big change for the business, and I have a lot to figure out over the coming weeks and months. At least for the time being there are no plans to change the current UK production, but I'm also excited to see what new opportunities come along. I'll be taking a couple of months off while stock crosses the Atlantic, so will try to be a bit more active with wear photos etc. ha! quite right, we're going to have a hot welcome.
  19. sounds lovely. Is this is photogram bandana? what's the dye and how did it come out?! hope you enjoy the time off work
  20. ^ I remember seeing a pair of these where the pocket patch stitching had come undone. From the outside it's blank rough-out leather, but underneath it was a standard Evisu Godhead patch, turned over and cut in half! I liked the make-do attitude. Lovely jeans, in any case
  21. seconded @JDelage, @merzbotI'd love to see it!
  22. ^thanks, I know those two are special ones. I'd much rather sell here- they've been in a box for a decade, they deserve to be enjoyed!
  23. SOLD April 18th Having a clearout of magazines: Free & Easy, Lightning, McCoys, Evisu, Popeye, 2nd etc. I have these on eBay for £100 starting price for the lot, but open to offers here, I'd like them to go to a good home. Some edge turndowns etc but basically as new. Please let me know if any questions.
  24. The Ry Cooder soundtrack stands up very well as an album, I think, and the dialogue snippets really hold it together.
  25. I'm sure I remember a few people alluding to their own home-made jeans projects, and I thought it would be cool to have a thread for jeans that people have made themselves. Doesn't matter how amateur they are, and failed attempt stories are welcome too. Home-made is always best:)
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