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Posts posted by heBAY

  1. word yeah i feel you on that one^. Can anyone reccomened me good powerviolence bands. i already know about Iron lung and I'm really into them. But I'd like to know more.

    Spazz is great. Seriously. But there's a handful, at least, of different flavors regarding powerviolence. Plus there was regional shit going on. Off the top, I recommend:

    -Infest (sorta the pioneering force...unless you wanna talk about shit like Siege)

    -No Comment

    -Crossed Out (any "angry angry" band who plays songs anywhere from 4 seconds to 1.5 minutes must pay tribute)


    -Dropdead (crustier, more political flip to the subgenre...East Coast PV)

    -BLACK ARMY JACKET (NYC PV...definitely a bit more modern sounding than stuff like Infest)

    -C.R. (once again, NYC PV greats)

    I'd say check out the powerviolence/fastcore meets sludge thread I made a while back on here. Lotsa great bands mentioned there.

  2. word yeah i feel you on that one^. Can anyone reccomened me good powerviolence bands. i already know about Iron lung and I'm really into them. But I'd like to know more.

    Spazz is great. Seriously. But there's a handful, at least, of different flavors regarding powerviolence. Plus there was regional shit going on. Off the top, I recommend:

    -Infest (sorta the pioneering force...unless you wanna talk about shit like Siege)

    -No Comment

    -Crossed Out (any "angry angry" band who plays songs anywhere from 4 seconds to 1.5 minutes must pay tribute)


    -Dropdead (crustier, more political flip to the subgenre...East Coast PV)

    -BLACK ARMY JACKET (NYC PV...definitely a bit more modern sounding than stuff like Infest)

    -C.R. (once again, NYC PV greats)

    I'd say check out the powerviolence/fastcore meets sludge thread I made a while back on here. Lotsa great bands mentioned there.

  3. yeah that doesn't surprise me that Kanye's on that No ID album. His first record, that I know of, was for Grav...on Correct Records (the same indie that put out Al' Tariq...aka Fashion from The Beatnuts...seriously fresh album). I think that was in '96. I had the 12"..."City 2 City"...then I got the LP... then years later, I sold both of them with a gang of other crazy 12"'s and helped pay my way through college ("heBAY" was a very popular name back then on all the bigger Hip Hop message boards...).

    Wish I had kept some of that stuff.

  4. yeah that doesn't surprise me that Kanye's on that No ID album. His first record, that I know of, was for Grav...on Correct Records (the same indie that put out Al' Tariq...aka Fashion from The Beatnuts...seriously fresh album). I think that was in '96. I had the 12"..."City 2 City"...then I got the LP... then years later, I sold both of them with a gang of other crazy 12"'s and helped pay my way through college ("heBAY" was a very popular name back then on all the bigger Hip Hop message boards...).

    Wish I had kept some of that stuff.

  5. hahahaha.

    I'm lazy :( We will though. My band's still trying to get off our feet and practice etc. hah, we're getting there. somehow.

    Also, Paid Vacation: Place to practice near FIT? I live like, right near there. Shoot me details.

    Also, jeepz: If you're here next week, you should go to the Titus Andronicus show at Market Hotel (habia sez you don't go to Bushwick though.. :() , it's NJ Punk/Rock stuff-- I think it's up your alley. take a listen to their myspace. Show will be epic.

    That was me who mentioned the practice spot/studio near FIT. I've got some PM's about it as well... Lemme talk to my mans and em and see what I can come up with... I know the rates just went up for some of the rooms since they renovated it, again. It's really good though...total DIY professional spot...my two dudes built everything up in there...including raising the floors and lining the ceilings with some type of sound proofing.

    I think it's $15-20 an hour for practice space usage...with optional Pro Tools recording of the whole deal.

    Here's the older website they've got up...

    Sound Clash Recordings

    I'd say hold off from hitting those guys directly, and hit me with a PM instead to inquire...I can then put the word in and even try to get a deal for you (if I like you).

  6. hahahaha.

    I'm lazy :( We will though. My band's still trying to get off our feet and practice etc. hah, we're getting there. somehow.

    Also, Paid Vacation: Place to practice near FIT? I live like, right near there. Shoot me details.

    Also, jeepz: If you're here next week, you should go to the Titus Andronicus show at Market Hotel (habia sez you don't go to Bushwick though.. :() , it's NJ Punk/Rock stuff-- I think it's up your alley. take a listen to their myspace. Show will be epic.

    That was me who mentioned the practice spot/studio near FIT. I've got some PM's about it as well... Lemme talk to my mans and em and see what I can come up with... I know the rates just went up for some of the rooms since they renovated it, again. It's really good though...total DIY professional spot...my two dudes built everything up in there...including raising the floors and lining the ceilings with some type of sound proofing.

    I think it's $15-20 an hour for practice space usage...with optional Pro Tools recording of the whole deal.

    Here's the older website they've got up...

    Sound Clash Recordings

    I'd say hold off from hitting those guys directly, and hit me with a PM instead to inquire...I can then put the word in and even try to get a deal for you (if I like you).

  7. PAID - even the Smiths had a second guitarist for a while...

    val - I played thrash/speed back in middle school when I was really into hardcore... my main playing style revolves around Black Lips-meets-Chicago Blues (think Electric Flag, Paul Butterfield)-meets-the Jam-meets-the Who-meets-Smashing Pumpkins-meets-Blur.

    I run a Custom built Marshall JTM45 w/ Gibson SG classic and a whole buncha pedals. I can play anything as long as it doesn't suck.

    Damn son...my government and all?

    Okay hmm...well what we're doing certainly doesn't suck and it sounds like you got some abililililities... hmmmm...

  8. PAID - even the Smiths had a second guitarist for a while...

    val - I played thrash/speed back in middle school when I was really into hardcore... my main playing style revolves around Black Lips-meets-Chicago Blues (think Electric Flag, Paul Butterfield)-meets-the Jam-meets-the Who-meets-Smashing Pumpkins-meets-Blur.

    I run a Custom built Marshall JTM45 w/ Gibson SG classic and a whole buncha pedals. I can play anything as long as it doesn't suck.

    Damn son...my government and all?

    Okay hmm...well what we're doing certainly doesn't suck and it sounds like you got some abililililities... hmmmm...

  9. Paid V - what was your band's name? Are you originally from NYC?

    Jeep - i'd be interested to hear what you are working with...I saw you mentioned something about focus in the area of fast/thrash metal?

  10. the primo beat you're talking about is 6th sense with bilal on the hook from like water for chocolate, one of my favorite albums. the whole record is amazing with dilla and ? doing the production


    One Day It'll All Make Sense was still NO I.D./Dug Infinite...and a few others (I would guess ?uestLove also, since there'sa Roots collabo)...that is, if my memory isn't fucking around with me.

  11. well i'm stuck in the 90's mostly...

    Unruh, Creation Is Crucifixion, Dystopia, Spazz, Meadowlark, Dropdead...that's what's on the hardcore side of my Shuffle...

    I've fallen upon Villains recently...I guess I'd consider them hardcore...like some type of crust sprinkled with black metal...

    Pellinore is a band that I kinda liked when I first heard em...have to sit down and go through a full release. The writing seemed very on-point (crazy dungeons n dragons warfare)... I don't hate Trash Talk anymore, after hearing bits of this most recent album, but I still don't know about them...whenever I think of Ceremony or Trash Talk...I then go "well why don't I put on Iron Lung or Crossed Out (or any other certified great, pv band...classic or the few new ones who kill)"...

  12. Like Water For Chocolate... ay? That was the one before Electric Circus right? With the Primo track? If so, that was the album he was promoting when I saw him live. Killed it.

    I have to check that one...slept on it.

  13. ditto on the drummer needed in NYC bit...but instead, influences in the various realms of hardcore (the harder and faster, the better)...and some metal sprinkled on top (though I doubt we'll have much rapidfire double kick drum action)... holla if you need a dolla.

    ANyone need a place to record or practice...my boy has a very professional spot, with 3-4 rooms, across the street from FIT. Very good/competitive rates and easy environment.

    (no thread jack)

  14. ha...perhaps...I saw him at Irving Plaza back when I was going to shows once a week (when there were GOOD shows that frequently)...and it was during the Badu phase...him AND Badu were breakin' on stage at one point.

    Plus, I liked his first post-Badu studio album, Be...a lot. Haven't heard this new one. But either way, I can't say the same for "post-Takeover" Nas...

  15. nas needs a hype man. not like 30 niggas screaming bravehearts and shouting over his verses, but someone to finish everyother line cause dudes breathe control is horrendous...

    A-FUCKING MEN. The always-overly-dramatic live version of "ONE MIC", anybody? Kid needs a set of Janet Jackson circa Rhythm Nation knee pads for dropping down on the floor so many times on tour (maybe homo)...

  16. I don't agree with the whole friends should be there to try and help unlock the true talent concept. It's 2009, no one should have to be pushed unless they are crazy ill but in a fucked up place in life (i.e. thinking that robbing and selling massive amounts of narcotics is the best choice for "steady" income...see Philly's scene).

    Otherwise, you're just feeding the delusions... and we don't need anymore of this disposable/interchangeable, famous on the internet, "i'm an mc too", XXL MVP issue, sap sucker talent.

    Straight up and down...tell money to go to school for graphic design or advertising/marketing or some shit. There are too many rappers.

  17. Uh I too don't see the comparison with Ceremony? Cause the dude is yelling really loud?

    Otherwise, it's pretty straight-forward/standard hardcore punk for the kids to dance and sing along to. Eh. Not even one blast-beat in sight...nor do they play into a slow, brooding creep...if anything, I'd compare this type of stuff to Bane or some other Youth'y Posi shit.

    mind you, I'm not even the biggest Ceremony fan...I just know they are heavily influenced by some of the great/classic powerviolence bands, those of whom I fully endorse and believe can smash whole albums of stuff like Dangers with a crushing 4 second blast of sonic damagery.

  18. "he don't got it"...

    if he doesn't understand what you're saying...and on top of that, he gets offended...he needs a career with a salary...or maybe he can ghostwrite...but I doubt it.

    plus, as you noted, he's black...who the hell is black these days?

  19. ^^^WHOA. If you rolled up on me by the river with that thing on, I'm pulling out the boxcutter just on GP...

    It's like a Jason mask.

    haha...true stillz...good sense of general principle...

    but forreal, thou ox shalt be kept and ready then...cause I'm getting that thing.

    I think I'ma start a "High Fashion Ski Masks/Balaclava" thread, unless we get some good contributions in here...

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