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Posts posted by heBAY

  1. LGS...ha ditto.

    bencap...yeah I know. I actually just found the In Silico LP from some dude in the UK...paid a little money for it...but I figure it would be at least what I paid on eBay...so eh...not buggin off of that. I actually placed an order earlier with Insound, really excited, since they had the split with Suicide Nation AND the In Silico LP...plus the gameboy hack book box set... but alas, I then received an email stating that all but the gameboy box was backordered (aka never available again). So I went with homeboy from overseas...figure that if I ever get the LP from Insound, I'll sell the used copy and smile.

    How is the noise stuff? Can't say I'm too into listening to that type of stuff for more than a few minutes...but CIC makes it really interesting with their brand combo of unique formats/packaging and politics/philosophy.

    That being said, I do enjoy noise interludes...whether it's CIC or MITB (I'd say the best (only) to do it...)....

  2. is it wrong that i want to do a tough/beatdown/whatever brutal band that ONLY covers hip hop songs? i mean come on, how ridiculous would 99 problems be over a sick breakdown (for 3 minutes)? or maybe its just me looking to deep into the relationship between breakdowns and hip hop.

    I won't write much for the moment...just wait and see.

    Creation is Crucifixion... what the fuck ever happened to that band?

    Seriously pissed and awesome.

    Way better than any of the pussy bands coming out of Pittsburgh these days.

    Ha and I thought you only loved the brodown stuff! Yes...CIC is probably one of the most original and face searing bands that I know of. Those dudes were on point for sure...from their style of writing and subject matter to their technical, heavy sound...not to mention those dudes released stuff on diskettes (even if it is just circuit noise...it makes total sense if you know the band's style).

    On a related note, I'm still searching for their In Silico album as well as the split with Unruh.

  3. Everytime I hear the term "metallic hardcore" I just want to listen to the swarm. Makes me wanna mosh in my room 'till everything is destroyed!

    Unruh is fucking tight though.

    A bit of self promotion for the fast hardcore band I play in:


    We recorded this demo last spring, and then stopped playing. We started up again at the end of summer, and new songs are much more in the vein of gehenna and unruh, but with a little less metal. Still playing these old songs though, they're fun and brutal enough to satisfy us!

    Resin Hits. Good shit.

    Yeah...thinking about The Swarm makes sense...I mean some people considered Born Against to be in the "metallic hardcore" category...and I can see why.

    Unruh kills my dreams. Although I find it hilarious that Ryan (guitarist) went on to be in North Side Kingzzzz or whatever...jeez. The funny thing is, and I don't recommend that anyone do this, but after hearing some NSK riffs...you can kinda tell Ryan is behind 'em...a bit more evil than your average "yo yo yo, fuck dis shit, pussy faggot" mosharooner band.

  4. Thx for the info. Ive been planning to order those crepe soled lace boots aswell, double soled version. How much extra do you have to pay for crepe sole? Any estimate how long the soles will last, if resoling isnt possible?

    Actually they didn't charge me extra, it was the same price as the Double Sole Lace Boot...I think they actually only do them double soled.

    Good question, but I don't know how long they will last...they aren't super chunky thick...but the guy said they were standard thickness/size. Hope that helps.

  5. Let's see... I mailed them out on Dec. 24th, got them back today. So, that long.

    They are perfect.

    I've said it before, but I have these Birdshooters as well, and though they look amazing, the comfort level isn't the same. (AND, they are 1/2 size too big, just a tad too long, and it's killing me, so they might have to get flipped. I can't do footwear that doesn't fit perfectly.)


    What haassssss this world come to?!?!?!?!?!

    But yeah, I knew about the Birdshooters...those are ill too...but I'm all about the black on black safari stance.

    Just got off the phone with Danner... 6-8 weeks. Heads should know what I mean.

  6. Just as severe separation anxiety was beginning to settle in, I got a package from Russell today. This fits in with the behind-the-scenes resoling conversation going on, you know who.


    New soles, laces and a little rub down.

    Oh boy...I didn't realize/know that you had those as well. How long did that all take to get replaced/fixed up?

    The pair I was planning on ordering was going to be that exact same design. Same laces even. Sheesh.

  7. why not just post it here... this board is dead as fuck anyways, and consolidating related topics makes more sense than spinoffs that wou;d get a handful of replies at best

    Yeah. True.

    I hope you're not referring to Acacia Strain. Any band that says 'YO, CHECK THIS SHIT OUT!' on a Myspace demo is fucking awesome.

    True again. Shit

  8. Another note... part of me, due to what I've been hording recently, is fighting the urge to start a "metallic brutal hardcore" thread... but I'm afraid that 1. it won't get much more spin after we mention Unruh, Gehenna, CIC, Enewetak, SLave One, and the godfather's Rorschach... you COULD go on to mention Catharsis and other bands some people refer to as "holy terror"...eh... 2. that heads will start posting some shitty nu-metalcore thickhead shitty shit.

    Maybe it'll have to be "metallic hardcore bands who sonically worship early Slayer saved my..."

  9. I've been hearing good things, I should check 'em out sometime!

    As far as HC goes, I've been listening to new lows a lot, and PV influenced stuff: new mind eraser, breathing fire, hatred surge, iron lung, SFN (look out for this shit!!). I even gave the new integrity a chance...not awful, but its not what I know and love.

    Show at gilman this weekend is going to fucking DESTROY people:

    iron lung

    extortion (from australia, great pv)

    lack of interest


    in disgust (break fools)

    Jeez! That show will melt disabled children, by mistake.

    Iron Lung is definitely one of the better modern-day PV bands...them and Hummingbird of Death usually come to mind first when asked about newer/active bands.

    On the topic, I can't say I can get into Harm's Way...maybe it's the whole militant straight edge extremism shtick or maybe I don't get that they're joking? I will say, however, that if it is a joke, they are geniuses.

  10. palatka, asshole parade, end of the century party, in/humanity, remington, reversal of man, robots make mistakes...even the locust, union of uranus, one eye god prophecy, jasmine, ottawa, los crudos...

    for serious bitches!!!!!

    "Your mom's in my business, she's in my business

    Can't you see girl that your mom's trying to end this?"

    Funny how particular/segregated the hardcore punk talk has been on here with all of these sub-genre threads...in some ways I feel like a good bit of this stuff was covered in either the OG Screamo/Gravity and/or "Skramz" thread...plus the Powerviolence/Fastcore thread I made...although I can't front, I also think this was a good idea (at least for a chuckle) since this style is legitimately different than just "screamo" (a term I hate using). I actually fancy this term for its comedic tongueincheek fuckwit value...

    oh fuck, how can i forget ROM. shame on me.

    combat wounded veteran too. yay.


    This is where the genre shit gets nutty. CWV is emo-violence? I guess...but I always threw them into the Power Violence category...some of the shit almost sounds Grind'y to me...just cause of the overthetop blast beats and shredded throat vox. Maybe that's correct too.

    i don't at all consider crudos emo-violence. And they repped chi town pretty fucking hard....

    it's because it's toned down. EMO-Violence.

    the genres confuse me. Is SPAZZ considered "power violence"?

    I would say Spazz is def. powerviolence...just that they were in the earlier leagues of that whole sound...and I guess some of those bands just wanted to keep away from the overzealous sub-genre labeling trend. But if one considers "powerviolence" to be a legit style of hardcore, then there's hardly anything that Spazz does that isn't powerviolence, IMO.

    A more worthy band to bring the "are they PV or Emo-Violence" question to is Charles Bronson. I say PV, as do most...but they ain't Despise You or Dropdead neither.

    And I agree about Crudos.

    My contribution: JIHAD.

    Also, been listening to the split with Ottawa pretty heavily recently. KISS THE GOAT!!!! The Ottawa side is getting repeat plays now since I played the Jihad stuff to the bone. I love 'em both. Every time I hear Ottawa, I can't help but think they are the perfect combo of Charles Bronson meets Born Against with a little Monster X sprinkled on top.

    In/Humanity and OEGP are great as well. How much OEGP material is there? All I have are two different shitty rips of their "demo"??? I know they've done shows since there's some footy on youtube.

  11. Yeah, man, those are so sick. You could probably get a Christy Wedge sole put on any pair of Danners for about $50. Oh but suede...

    Yeah the suede makes a difference for those. Question is, where would you get them re-soled (say, if you didn't have Danners, but some other type of stitched sole boots, and lived in NYC)?

    There's a strange part of me that wants to resole every boot I come across with the Christy Wedge...maybe I'll stop once I complete and receive my RM order.

    Also, not mountaineering but still post-worthy, thread fodder...

    If anyone cares (good looks on the extra info Gnar), Arrow Mocs on the way...Lace Boots with crepe soles. Had an entertaining convo with the guy at Arrow whilst taking my order...where he said Quoddy's leather "sucks (now)"... Also, the one drawback he mentioned with the particular style I was ordering was that the crepe sole is put on by machine and, therefore, not resoleable after said sole is eaten away by the terrain. Oh well...still worth it in my mind.

  12. I found A pair of Red Wings that I am actually fully backing.


    Handsewn Chukkas, waxed leather, made in the US. Pretty sick.

    Agreed. They are on sale on a certain website right now. I had mentioned those to our boy a few months ago...

    And here are some Patrick catalog scans from back when.


    So where can I buy the machine to take me to this stuff?

  13. You were so impressed with your own seperation of mountaineering boots from workbotts you posted it twice ?

    save your dick before it's too late heBay

    i was soo impressed with the new superfuture engine that i posted it twice...just to show that you get either none or two.

    my dick has already been saved. Jesus saved it. Thanks for the concern 'dula.

  14. high fashion ... mountaineering...

    For the last time, someone should make a "japanese workboots saved my dick" thread so all of this Redwing/SUgarcane shit can filter off into it, instead of here where the players play (not that there's anything wrong with workboots...and I guess the same thing can be said about Arrow/Quoddy mocs not being very mountaineer-like...yet I guess the close stylistic simimimilarities to the ever-popular Russell Athletic Safari Sneakers makes that sorta shit cool 'roundchyea).

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