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Posts posted by ProfMonnitoff

  1. It's my mom's birthday tomorrow and she booked a dinner at Meinl am Graben... imagine that the best supermarket (they have food that none of you have ever SEEN before, just in regular stock) in the world made a restaurant and hired some of the world's best cooks... I'll try to sneak in a camera. Shit's amazing. I had Beef Tartar for lunch there last year after exams and I'm still craving it :D

  2. I really smell like campari right now.

    I would +rep but I'm greedy as fuck. All my drinks tonight were bummed from friends. But I'm not poor. Just drunk. read on for my superconfession.

    "dude, im soooo fucking wasted..." my friend told me... "you're a rich ass fuck, you got 10 Euros to sponsor my way back?"

    "Sorry mate" I replied. "If I had 10 Euros the first thing I would do is get my arse in a cab."

    "Ah fuck it, public transport'll do us alright", he said.

    "Alright, this is it. I gotta wait like 25 mins for the 41 to get here. Peace homie" I told him.

    "I'm on my way to the 36" he said.

    He walked around the corner. I crossed the street back to where we came from, went to the Mickey D's and picked up a Big Mac and a Mc Chicken. I went to the Taxi Stand, got into the nicest Benz that was standing there and waved a 100 Euro Bill in the Driver's face.

    "To [my address], and hurry up."

    I seriously have no fucking clue why I'm not generous to my friends.

  3. I would definitely be up for the belt, but I don't like the idea of wearing a denim shirt every day for 30 days. It's the kind of thing that I would wear every once in a while to mix things up, but not for an entire month.

    Also, it's a shame that nobody from SF is in our group, a personal pickup/return would be pretty nice.

  4. fndmybetterhalf vbmenu_register("postmenu_466682", true);



    join date: Dec 2006

    location: seattle

    posts: 1,243



    3. Booyah! thumbsup.gif 17 up, 13 down thumbsdown.gif

    it's an soup, chicken and chopped vegetables, cooked overnight in a big steel drum. normally served at church picnics and large gatherings in Northeastern Wisconsin. The origin is Belgium

    booyah served at the picnic, takeouts welcome, bring your own container.

    St. F has a picnic on Sunday, who makes their booyah?

    now its all so clear to me...




    t-shirt levi's are my only disguise.


  5. Give me an example of a user on here who is dressed well who somehow manages to be stylish while being "anti-fashion."


    But I think that while fashion is limited to clothes, style is also how somebody walks, their voice, their gestures, their handshake, etc. Clothes are a part of it as well though.

    So yeah, swagger.

  6. I am generally very neutral about these kinds of things. I really liked Dior Homme on Onomotesando though even though its really not very efficient for looking at the clothes. APC in Harajuku was dope too, as was HARE, both are very minimalistic.

    What I can't fucking stand is stores that are just a bunch of empty space with a bunch of coathangers on the wall. No matter how stylish it is (Park in Vienna is an example, that place is hella stylish but I still dislike it), I always get the feeling that someone is watching me. Especially when its like 5 people working there and only 2 customers in the store.

  7. How much does a polar bear weigh?

    Polar bears rank with the Kodiak bear as among the largest living land carnivores, and male polar bears may weigh twice as much as a Siberian tiger. There is great sexual dimorphism, with some males reaching more than twice the size of the females. Most adult males weigh 300-600 kg (660-1320 lbs) and measure 2.4-3.0 m (7.9-10.0 ft) in length. Adult females are roughly half the size of males and normally weigh 150-300 kg (330-660 lbs), measuring 1.9-2.1 m (6.25-7 ft).At birth, cubs weigh only 600-700 g or about a pound and a half.

    Hi, I'm (name) and I fucking love polar bears.

  8. The best part about being hung over is eating breakfast. The worst part is having to make it.


    Bread with Butter, Salt, Pepper, and Egg

    Another Egg

    Bread with Liptauer and Tuna

    Bread with Butter, Chorizo and Parmesan

    Some ketchup because why not

    Not pictured: Grapefruit Juice

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