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Posts posted by Blackplatano

  1. Dun DUN DUNNNNN!!

    Seriously though, what do you mean? Do they make a lot of things outside of Hawaiian shirts and jeans? I vaguely recall someone (probably you) mentioning it a while ago, but it escapes me at the moment.

    Plus repro leather jackets

  2. get a pair for your baby to wear instead.

    right...you want a newborn baby who can't walk, crawl or even wipe it's own butt to fade a pair of jeans?

    A newborn that will outgrow any piece of clothing in a month? On top of that they don't make baby denim but regardless of that little fact, you want a baby to wear a pair of stiff raw denim every day?

    I'm guessing you don't have any kids.

  3. I'm open to other suggestions i didn't mentioned.

    Like somebody said, the problem with PBJ is the durability. I definetly want a pair of jeans that's going to last and not rip in 8 months.

    The problem with the Duckdiggers is that i don't know how they fade. Ringring loves the denim, but he doesn't say whether it's because it fades great or because it looks good raw but won't fade much (ex. streaky eternal 868 denim).

    The eternal seems like a middle of the road pick that i can't go wrong with. But i wanted something a little different for variety.

    The samurais are heavy and are made to fade, but construction is an issue from the pics i've seen.

    what other jeans should i consider?

    How tight is the weave on the duckdiggers?

  4. I will be a father in a couple of months and i though it would be pretty cool if i started working on some new project jeans on the exact day my baby is born and wore them for a year (at least).

    It would serve as a denimheads "journal of fatherhood", in a way. I also find it interesting to have some jeans that are exactly your kids age. In a way, the baby and the jeans will age together.

    Now the question is, which jeans to break in?

    They obviously have to be very durable.

    Top notch construction/quality.

    Fades great. ( it would defeat the purpose if they didn't change)

    It also must add variety to my denim line up. I have some sorahikos, RRLs, A.P.C and possibly some black buzz rickson in the future. So it would be great if the jeans were LHT, slubby, Heavy, had a weird dying process,or something else etc...

    So far I'm considering the:

    Warehouse Duckdiggers 1920

    Eternal 811

    Pure blue japan xx-007 or xx-005.

    Samurai (any jeans slubby and heavy with a nice cut or the lee repro)

    the ideal cut is semi-slim with a hem between 8 and 8.5 inches.

    What jeans do you think would be right for this?


  5. and on the "might makes right" theme, why haven't brands such as 45rpm and Evisu been targeted? They both produce tradtitional 5 pocket jeans with "Levi's" details such as hidden rivets. Since they are larger, more established brands does Levi's assume that they can't be so easily pushed around and instead focus on the "little guy" ?

    45 rpm does not make repros.

    Evisu has already being sued. They changed and are now doing their own thing.

    You can't sue over rivets or amount of pockets and you definetly can't just sue a company cause they make raw jeans.

  6. wow. that was a nice little high school essay. A for effort, F for grammar (please tell me english isn't your native language). correct the errors noted above and return to me by next monday for regrading.

    you know, at first, i was just making fun of you because i thought you were trying to make a joke about oedipus complex, but didn't even know how to spell 'oedipus'.

    now i realize the truth is even funnier. you actually believe that the oedipus complex is a valid concept.

    so let me get this straight....you think that everyone here actually does want to have sex with their mothers, but can't face that fact because it's too shocking, so they repress it subconsciously. so that's why there's actually no evidence of this desire, except a little bit that trickles out that manifests as an opinion that their dads are assholes. as opposed to the theory that they think their dads are assholes just because their dads beat them, or desert them, or ignore them, or lock them in the basement. that's what you're trying to tell me??

    by spouting all of this freudian psychoanalysis nonsense here with a straight face, i guess you missed out on the widespread realization that freud is probably the most discredited and pseudoscientific hack of the 20th century.

    no time to go into all of the myriad criticisms of freud here, but you yourself nicely illustrated one of the biggest flaws of psychoanalysis, which is it can't be tested scientifically. "no obvious signs of oedipus complex? no problem! it just means they are repressing it, and therefore, i conclude they actually have it." what a load of horse shit. that's called unprovability, and that's why it's nonscientific.

    don't believe everything you read in the 'boy's first book of psychology' ok? with your level of skepticism and critical thinking, i bet you're also a scientologist.

    LMAO...you just did what everybody without an argument does...

    1. attack the grammer and spelling

    2. Change the whole argument to avoid looking stupid.

    The point was whether this thread was "oedipus-ish" or not. It obviously is. So now you want to discuss the merits of the theory to avoid discussing the actual issue at hand.

    Just admit you were wrong.

    Experts much smarter than you agree with freud's theories, so dismissing them so easily and saying "widespread realization that freud is probably the most discredited and pseudoscientific hack of the 20th century" is not only false, but it is a fallacy.

    It's funny how somebody who attacks somebody else's critical thinking skills would ironically display faulty thinking in the same post.

    You see, even if it is true that nobody believes him (which is not), saying what essentially amounts to " nobody believes him, so his theories are false" is fallacious because popular opinion does not dictate the truth. Just because people thought the world was flat does not mean it was.

    For somebody who pretends to be academically gifted you again show your ignorance. For one it's not the SUBconcious, it's the UNconcious. Look it up.

    And more importantly

    so let me get this straight....you think that everyone here actually does want to have sex with their mothers, but can't face that fact because it's too shocking, so they repress it subconsciously. so that's why there's actually no evidence of this desire, except a little bit that trickles out that manifests as an opinion that their dads are assholes. as opposed to the theory that they think their dads are assholes just because their dads beat them, or desert them, or ignore them, or lock them in the basement. that's what you're trying to tell me??

    1. Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant because we are talking about the application of the theory not it's validity.

    2. The Oedipus complex applies in situations less obvious than this thread. Situations were the dad is not an actual asshole and the child's opinion that the dad is an asshole has nothing to do with the fathers actions or behavior. So your argument is bullshit.

  7. don't know what community kawlij you went to that gave you a freebie A, but oedipus complex has nothing to do with dads being assholes. it means you view your dad as a competitor because you want to have sex with your mom and don't want to share her love. cureone tried to explain it but it went over your head apparently.

    For a snob, you are not very bright.

    How many men would admit that they view their dad's as a competitor and actually want to sex their mother's?

    If you are waiting for that to happen, then you will see little examples of the oedipus complex. But as a genius like you should know, Freud also talked about the unconcious. Which houses feelings that we secreatly feel, but are to painful to know/admit to ourselfs. Therefore, the oedipus complex is implied in circumstances were a man negatively views his father and positivily views his mother because that realization is too painful for anybody to realize on their own. This is were the oedipus triangle comes in.

    If you ever read a freudian analysis of ANYTHING, from shakespear to cinderella, you will see the presence of the oedipus complex in situations MUCH, MUCH, MUCH less obvious than this thread.

    In fact, this thread is too freudian really.

    For example

    the guy who says that he dislikes his father but he might end up like him...

    Freud stated that boys in the oedipus triangle will try to solve their little problem by attempting to win their mother's love by being more like their father/competitor, the man SHE loves.

    Can it get anymore obvious?


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