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Posts posted by Blackplatano

  1. pic jacked from herpsky:


    does anyone know where i can get these normally? are they even available?

    i tried a pair on at bloomingdales SF but wasn't ready to drop $680 on cdg x levis 513s.

    i love the fit, and was wondering if they're available normally without special branding.

    Aren't these just $40 STFs with black pockets? $680? WTF??

  2. i need those sugar canes in my life.

    you probably need to do a better promotion of what you are planning.

    Also, who said a competition has to have hundreds of members?

    However many enter, Im sure most would be happy to pay the production cost price. After all, you said Sugar Cane were not doing this as a profit making exercise, therefore it does not matter how many or how few enter, as long as we cover Sugar Cane's costs for each pair.

    The number of participants does matter. They did not care about making a shit load of money, but they did want to break even. Making a whole new design for a few people is inpractical and expensive.

  3. I like the Sorahiko fit, but wish it was a bit smaller below the knee. Maybe that's what the slim is :P If I ever pick up another pair, I'll probably have them slightly tapered.

    the slims do have a smaller hem. But from what i understand they are slim through out, but not a true slim jean. This is according to the guy in the soho store.

  4. My sorahikos have not gotten my full attention, but they have faded somewhat from the begining. THey have actually faded faster than my APCs. It makes me wonder how well they hold their indigo even though i know they are dyed 16 times. I will start to wear them more from now on.

    I also like the sorahiko fit. This is a 31 on me.


  5. As some of you remenber, i was organizing the SC X SF denim contest but had to leave the country for a couple weeks. People were suppose to PM me if they were interested and then when i come back I counted the PMs and talked to sugarcane to see if something can be done.

    Unfortunatly, I did not receive as many PMs as i needed to make it happen. Therefore you can conclude that a collab will not happen. I don't know the status of the denim contest or which jeans will be chosen this year, but it won't be sugarcane.

  6. Well... i see some concern about the price, but keep in mind that designing a whole new jeans model is not cheap. I will try to keep cost down but some people have ridiculous expectations like $100-150. Again, i will try to keep it $200 and under.

    Also understand that saying that you will join once the details are known is useless since it might not even happen if people are not willing to join.

    If you are willing to participate in the sugarcane contest PM me. Stating your interest in this thread is not enough since i will only count the PMs i get.

  7. Just received a call from sugarcane. Some key points were said.

    For them it is much easier to provide a standard jean for the contest ala samurai. They suggested to me the okinawa SC40301N, which are some great jeans, but we are negotiating on a custom jean as you all know. From the comments and PMs i received, I think i got the the style of jeans that most people would prefer. So I proposed the following;

    1945 cut with medium rise and without the hip flare.

    Hawaii denim in a very high tension weave

    Okinawa details, such as green selvage, green pocket bags and pockets.

    36" inseam

    This idea for the jeans will be discussed tomorrow in Japan.

    Now, this is were superfuture comes in.

    The thing is that a custom order like this requires some months to be filled. So for this to happen i will need a list of the people who are committed around 5 months before the contest, since sugarcane will make the quantities/sizes we demand. The other issue is that this jeans will be VERY limited. As everybody knows, the more limited and rare something is, the more it's worth. So it is very likely that this will command a premium price. A premium price that I will try to negotiate but will be very hard to keep down because these jeans would be so limited.

    So here's the deal

    For this incredible project to happen, we need the most people possible. at least 100. The more people we have, the lower the cost and the sweeter the prize!

    So this is what is going to happen.

    I will leave the country for 3 weeks tomorrow. Sugarcane will discuss the jeans tomorrow. During the following 3 weeks they will decide what they are willing to do for us, depending on the demand. Superfuture has to PM me stating their interest if they are willing to participate. When i return in the middle of June, I will count the participants and post a list. I will then contact sugarcane and tell them how much interest i received. So basically, the number of people willing to participate in the contest determines the future of the project.

    PM me if you want to participate. I will log on tonight for the last time and answer any questions.

  8. The number of misconceptions are increadible. Let me clear things up.

    The cut.

    -There is no official cut. It is not taper, low rise or anything else. From the impression i was given, they are willing to try and create a cut that SuFu would like.

    They want the most people in the contest as possible. So they want the most verstle (spelling wrong) cut possible.

    Let me say this one more time MODERN = NOT REPRO.... it is not



    - I did not promise a jean under $200. I said i will try to keep the price under $200 if possible. The odds are slim, but they understand that more people will participate if the price is lower. The jean could still be $300.

    BTW i did not just call them up. They know the contest is a marketing opportunity. They only want to break even not make a profit. If people decide to buy the jeans and not participate in the contest, then sugacane has no motive to sponsor us. That is why we need people who are committed. Afterall, i'm sure they have checked out this thread.

    The jean is not yet official. They are considering the possiblity. If they do decide to go ahead with the project. The jean will be not be an existing model. It will be a new model for us, not the general public. The jean will be created with our input.

    Lastly, this is not a denim sale it's a contest. Sugarcane will not participate unless it is a contest with large number of people willing to try and win the price. That it is the purpose of this whole thing. It's suppose to be fun.

    P.S. State your interest in the contest in this thread. Send me your PM if you are willing to participte.

    We need rules and guidelines for this contest, or else the SuFu X Sugarcane might not happen.

  9. Blackplatano, not much chance of that happening but i'm very interested in something that's under $200, if at all possible. keep us updated on your negotiations.

    The problem is that (as the sugarcane representative that called me explained), sugarcane will likely not make any money from this, it is only beneficial as a marketing strategy. The contest will benefit sugarcane if it shows the world the awesome fading power of it's jeans. If the members of superfuture buy the jeans without the intention of participating, it ruins any chance of future projects.

    This is why it is important that those who commit to buying the jeans commit to the contest. On top of that, i will try to get a good prize for the winner.

    So it is important that rules be made. IMO the people who choose to buy the jeans and never post updates should be banned from superfuture. Period.

    BTW. Don't forget that this collab is far from official. It is still in the early process. The member support will determine the future, as well as sugarcane's interest.

  10. they should be priced at $300 MINIMUM

    not going to happen. I'm trying to keep cost under $200.

    I will talk to sugarcane about preventing people from buying without intention to participate.

    I propose that people who intent on buying without participating should be BANNED from superfuture.

  11. i love how powerful the name superfuture has become to where some guy off the street can call a company and get shit like this done cause he says its for superfuture. dont know think im in but i wouldnt mind getting a pair for my brother or something.

    I don't think they knew what superfuture was. But everybody who buys the jeans must participate in the contest or else what's the point?

    If people buy the jeans and then disapear than that will hurt the contest alot, and later contest as well. Afterall, if the contest is competive enough and sugarcane get's what it wants out of it, in the future companies might approach us with ideas for the contest.

  12. I just got off the phone with sugarcane.

    I told them about the contest and what it could mean for business.

    They are interested in this contest as a marketing opportunity, NOT as a profit opportunity. In other words, they are willing to make a limited edition run just for superfuture at a deep discount. They want to get as many people involved as possible, and they know that to do that they must keep the price down.

    They are open to the possibility of doing modern cuts in the future, and this could be their first.

    At least 100 people (# could rise) must be involved to make this limited run. These are the possible features discussed

    SuFu x Sugarcane

    -Hawaii denim (maybe), but with a very high tension weave. This will result in denim that has character and fades well. Similar concept to Texas cotton samurai's.

    -The cut will be Modern. NOT a repro cut. Sugarcane wants to expand beyond the repro market and wants to create a modern jean. We would be the first to try this experiment. If the jeans are a success they might be released to the masses in the future. You could be a part of history haha.

    -Some details include; green selvage, green tab and the back pocket will be like the one in the okinawa.

    This will NOT be a production jean like the Contest samurais or the SF x 5EP. This would be brand new jeans designed for superfuture.

    Of course, all of this is in the talks. It is not official yet.


    If there is enough interest it can happen.

    So state your opinions and interest.

  13. What features would superfuture want to see in

    SuFu X Sugarcane ?

    I'm in communication with sugarcane about the possibilities.

    Green selvage? Green tab? New cut? anything is possible.

    It is early, but they have shown interest in sponsoring the contest.

    Let me know before i speak to sugarcane on the phone.

  14. the reason samurai seems to be gaining some steam is that beatle has kindly taken the initiative to contact the company (and because a fair number of people have expressed support). i think it's pretty obvious to all that it's not the only option. but someone has to do the work. that's why saying vague things like 'i suggest we contact other small denim companies' is likely to go nowhere. if you want a different company, feel free to contact them yourself and negotiate a deal.

    i also maintain that wearing black jeans, or jeans with garish green stiching, every day for a year would get tiresome.

    You are late, the wheels are in motion.

  15. I don't understand why SuFu is limiting their choices to samurai.

    This isn't a samurai contest, it's a denim contest. There are still A lOT of other options available.

    Since SuFu is buying 30 pairs (more or less), SuFu should get a reduced price. Let's not forget that a whole store is unlikely to buy 30 pairs of the same jeans, so we are essentially buying at a number that should command close to whole sale price.

    If they do not discount the price, SuFu can choose another jean. Remenber who is doing who a favor. We are BUYING jeans and PROMOTING them. They are making money of us and getting free advertisement. We could just as easily do a contest with SDA and have a contest as good or better.

    So let's not limit ourselfs.

    When it comes to a SuFu x Samurai collab, THEN samurai is doing us a favor. But just because they did the contest last year doesn't mean they have to do it now.

    I suggest we contact other small denim companies and see if they are interested in sponsoring the contest.

  16. BTW....what about a new contest...in November ?? I have some info that the mynudies crew does Skull and Denime....

    Anymore ppl up for more Samurai ???

    dyed warp x weft jeans like the nando x nando or the pbj xx-007 would be great for this.

    we don't know much about how they fade, so this will be exciting. it will be completely unique.

    If we stick to regular jeans, then 45 rpm sorahikos would be a great jean. And nobody would have to worry about thrashing them because they could just be send to the store for free repairs.

    The problem with doing black jeans is that they barely fade. It would make for uneventful updates if after 6 months of wear they barely faded.

    It would be interesting on the other hand to try a black jean that was overdyed over blue indigo. The black Iron hearts come to mind.

  17. If you think of black people when you say the word "nigga" then you shouln't say it.


    Because in the hood, where the word "nigga" is said 100 times a sentence, nigga doesn't have much of a racial connotation. You kinda have to be in the hood to understand, but nigga means "men" or "friend" more than it does black. That's why in NYC the word nigga is thrown around like water directed at anybody, even if they are white.


    you see a asian guy with some samurai's

    "yo son, look at that nigga with the samurai's"...

    Even though the dude is asian, it's still acceptable.

    the only people who really get offended from been called nigga are the females. Which proves my point about "nigga" being used in place of "man".


    BTW. I'm not black and i say nigga a million times a day in front of anybody. ight my nigga !?!?

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