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Posts posted by Blackplatano

  1. Wrong on all counts I'm afraid blackplatano.

    1. He acknowledged his question was dumb.

    WaT!? you retarted?

    1. So what? Does that give you the right to try to bully this man?

    2. He wasn't referring to 'some jeans' he was referring to jeans with tabs and arcs on a japanese shop website.

    2. WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING POINT...Sugarcane 1947 were sold without arcs but appeared on rakuten with arcs intact for some time...

    3. While I may get fed up of reading dumb questions, I am neither insecure or angry or a prick.

    3. Of course you're not :rolleyes:

    4. Rudeness seems to have worked because he realised it was a stupid question and probably won't post any more.

    4. This is not a high school hall way you imature bitch, people don't need you trying to make people feel stupid..it will not get you any rep points...act like an adult, cause right now you are acting like a bitch.

    So in conclusion, fuck you blackplatano, I thought you were a cock before when you were trying enforce some stupid rules for the comp. Now I am sure you are.

    Ask me if i care...:rolleyes:

    but I have a question...


    WHo made you the 'stupid post police'???

    The "stupid rules" you speak off were suggested by sugarcane (to ensure it's a competition and not a sale).

  2. Think about it for a minute mate.......

    If a japanese company is sending jeans to a Japanese customer (proxy), why the fuck would they remove the tabs and arcs?

    I mean, use your fucking brain.

    Why must you be so fucking rude...

    His question was way smarter than your response, you sound like an angry, insecure, prick.

    Some jeans are sold without arc and tabs in japan too.

  3. ^^^

    Yea, but they provide absolutly no information about it...So whoever doesn't know about them will basically be buying them blind...I doubt a lot of people will do that, people don't just buy anything.

    So unless some smart comsumer research them, they wouldn't know enough to buy them

  4. yes it will yield the same patterns as long as you wear them the same way(waist-wise).

    but maybe you can also argue with dick danger, the owner of the jeans and who seems to think the same way.

    all the jeans i have worn from raw for the last 3 years(3 pairs) have acquired very similar fading pattern. i think this is actually easy to comprehend if you spend more than 5 seconds thinking about it.

    but don't worry, next time i will think twice about making negative comments about your fiancé.

    now stfu


    If you actually think about something for more than a minute you wouldn't be saying dumb shit like that...

    let's just think...

    How many jeans have WE seen that have been worn by the same person and have wildly different fading?

    The wearer is NOT the only variable idiot. The actual jeans matter.

    Right now I have 3 different jeans with 3 different patterns...I'm sure others do too.

    Don't believe me? LOOK AT THE F-ING EVO THREAD

  5. this is the most ignorant and retarded post i have ever seen on superdenim.

    You are a fuckin idiot. he made a valid observation and you are acting like a dick just because...

    Just because the same person wears two different jeans, DOES NOT mean it will yield the same patterns. Or else all our jeans will look the same. Don't you think dick?

  6. I actually like the pockets, keep them.

    people here are boring, they have 27 jeans without any back pocket design and still want more jeans that look almost the same. I like variety. Those are nice, but the pockets seem too small for a loose fit. On the regular fit it would probably perfect.

    ps. what would sell on this forum and what would sell in the real world are too different things.

  7. yeah woo. heading over to BiG on saturday to put bills down. hopefully they'll know what I'm talking about, because them's some intimidating looking Japanese denim-heads working there.

    If that's intimidating you should go to the bronx, were everyone is nice and friendly. Especially around midnight. In the projects. Alone

  8. couple of things..

    "paul" doesn't work for Sugarcane.. he's the distributor of SC through the EU..

    that new slim cut is the model i designed and cut.. it's the Self Edge x Sugarcane 02...

    i can't wait.. i'm beyond excited for this one. we're doing our best to keep the price well below $300.

    SC won't produce a new cut for just anybody, they're extremely exclusive, they love the contest idea, but if most of the contestants are within the US then they'd like for it to involve their US accounts such as History Preservation, Blue in Green, Self Edge, Chuck's Vintage, etc.. I've been supportive of the idea, but they want the stores to handle it, and at the moment between the Samurai contest, Dubbleworks, Skulls upcoming, and two Flat Head tours, there are enough long distance runners in races. it'd be smart to wait a half a year, then try one without so many others taking a go at it at the same time.

    I know he is in charge of EU distribution. He works as a medium, so in other words he talks to japan on my behave. I don't speak jap i'll much rather talk to him.

    You should know that this SC contest wouldn't happen now if it does ever happen, so it doesn't matter how many activities are going on right now. Paul has stated the possibility of a limited edition as you all have read, so i'll take his word.

  9. This is part of the e-mail i got from sugarcane today.

    This explains some of the requirements for a collab and

    it how we can get a discount.

    Having has a lot of meetings with sugarcane , it is very difficult for them to just produce a new style and mix their original ideas into something new for few pairs. we would require minimum of 250-300 to do anything new even if we called it a limited edition like what has made and done for mr freedom in usa. there are a lot of other things to take into account after that. who would collect all the money from your members entering the contest. we would require one person to pay us the whole order and then that person to collect from the members as it is not possible for us to collect this by individual people. there are so many factors to consider as you are talking about developing a new jean. have a think and lets me have your thoughts on the pints raised so far. that is the reason it is better to offer your members the existing models so there is no pressure on you to find numbers to fulfil the production and the collection of payment. We can always arrange for your members to make purchase via one of our e-tailers togged.com and they can arrange a discount code for your members to purchase these at a good reasonable price.

    look forward to your thoughts and comments.

    ps we are at moment developing a new fashion model

    P.S i also received information on a new slim model been developed for august. Save your money for this one, because it sounds like it will be a hit.

  10. There are a lot of misconceptions here. For one, if sugarcane is not making any money by doing this, then why would they do it? The answer is advertisement. What provides the advertisement? The competition. If we do it as a group buy then they would not make money and they would not get any advertisement. So they have no reason to do it.

    I hope i made that clear enough for everyone to understand.

    ***There is some good news though.

    Sugarcane is interested in doing it next year (If the demand is good of course). They told me they will need the information early to organize the details.

    SO if you guys want to do it next year, it can be done***

  11. Well if charge enough to cover the cost of each pair of jeans, then you break even.

    That is simple economics.

    It doesnt matter if you make 2 pairs or two hundred.

    If the cost is covered, the cost is covered.

    If you cant get this project off the ground, better to just say now, because I dont think you ever specified how many people "needed" to enter anyway?

    If you know about economics, then you should also know that cost of production is at it's highest when a lot of effort is put in to make an inefficient number of goods. Starting a new model just for 2 people is simply not efficient. I don't think you understand how expensive it would be for those 2 people.

    The number needed has been stated, and it was not close enough. So i don't understand what you mean by "off the ground" when it's already dead. It was killed by lack of participation....and warehouse (lol)

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