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Posts posted by moykky

  1. I had this problem with my s5000vx's when I first got them. The warm soak left them laughable. So after a week I couldn't stand it and threw them in the washer with no detergent & dried them in a drier on the hottest setting. It helped, but there is still massive bulge going on in the hips. When I try to pull them up, the rise starts to encroach on the asscrack. It sucks because they are perfect otherwise, well almost. But if I knew how to take about an inch or two out of the hips, it would be done by now.

    You could also think about how you can get more meat in your buttocks! ;)

  2. Shiiit... I've always imagined that I'm wearing kind of 'independent' jeans, outside of corporate policies. I guess this is one more thing I'm witnessing to transform from ug to mainstream. But why do we have to pay more? Denim-Discrimination... We need Martin Luther Denim! :)

  3. Does the natural coloured sugarcane garrisson really need to be suntanned ? Or will it darken with time on its own ? I don't have access to obenaufs in Australia, and wouldnt want to tan the belt and have it dry out, if i don't treat it with anything.

    I bought Obenaufs directly from their website. But really, you can use mink oil as well. The belt will tan naturally with time, so you can for example take it to the beach with you and stuff if you like. Don't need to tan it at once. :)

  4. I think this proves two things:

    1) That threats, even groundless threats, can work through the fear they inspire.

    2) That Levi’s lawyers are still reading these boards.

    I was under the belief that Japanese law does not recognize the Levi claim. Thus, how can a vendor in Japan be liable? At most, the products could be targeted at US customs, for those shipped direct to US.

    Can anyone clarify this?

    US trademark laws are not recognized in Japan but I think that because of Levis Japan those laws are applicable in Japan also?

    EDIT: I read the rest of the thread, and Kiya said it already better... :)

    I've always liked the leather patches with some funny things trying to rip the jeans apart. Sad that they have to go...

  5. Nice Red Wing collection. I'm thinking of getting a pair of 875's after I saw a documentary of two finnish brothers. One of them living in minnesota/michigan (don't remember right now...) and he used to work as a logger (50's and later). It was very moving and the brother from US was wearing a pair of 875's all the time... :)

  6. The X03 cut is unproportional, the seat is too tight and the (back)rise is too low, in proportion to the legs, at least the way they fit me.

    I want to see a 66 cut, then I will buy another pair of SDA and love them.

    SDA's jeans, while good quality, are boring. The only thing that I like about them is the patch and of course the denim. Their printed tees are like the best things I've seen in my life, but the jeans are boring.

    You put it in words. I used my sda 103's last summer in construction but not much other than that. I don't like the cut. the leg is true straight like tube leg or something. The color is amazing though.

  7. I am thinking about buying a pair of 5507xx 6x6. Is the general consensus to size down one from your 5010xx size? Or is that not necessary?

    I wear a size 30 in Eternal 811 that fits me perfectly. I can squeeze on a pair of 30 5010xx, but let's just say it's a stretch.

    5010xx sz30 is a snug fit for me and I tried 5507xx sz30 and could have easily got size 29 (and would!). If I remember right 6x6 denim is heavier thus the sizing is bit more generous so I would take sz29. Unlike in 5010, 5507 doesn't look that good if sized up... My humble opinion.

  8. I've been this > < close to buy sugarcanes for so many times. The problem is that I've always liked quite fitted jeans and those canes look like more of those my father uses -which isn't a bad thing just not my cup of tea. I can't justify myself buying a pair and just keep them in my 'collection' without using them...

    By the way, isn't Un Chien Andalou made by Luis Buñuel?

  9. hows the fading on your 710s coming? mine only have a few weeks of wear and are already starting to lighten up on the lap creases..

    Mine are at six weeks now and I had to wash them after first week (second time, to get rid of rest of the starch) because I was afraid there will be nothing left if they wear that fast. It slowed them a little bit, but they wear fast.

  10. I don't like too slubby either and the point that "slubbiness" makes something special or good doesn't fit to my Skull... :)

    Nicest denim I own is in Fullcounts. I've never had any 30's jeans nor seen ones in nature but I had many vintage levis in 80's and those Fullcounts are pretty close to that feel...

  11. This is beyond retarded. Your analogy is completely erroneous.

    A $300 bottle of champagne is not bought and consumed on the grounds that it will get you "more drunken," it is meant to taste better or something. If I bought such an expensive bottle and it tasted like bubbling wine, there would be a problem - and that is the predicament with my jeans.

    Yeah, that was the point, bottle of champagne is bubbling wine. :)

    It doesn't really matter how expensive the jeans are, cotton is still cotton.

    i won't be so harsh on the analogy, but this is interesting...you've done repairs on nearly every stitch of your Full Counts?

    Yeah, I've even had to 'move' some stitches. Picture of those jeans are in "evolution of...." -thread. I can take closeups of the new stitching... :)

  12. jpgm, nice fit. I vote not to change to bigger size aswell. If something more relaxed -> different cut. That's my humble opinion. I would soak them as well (they're shrink to fit?), get the shrinkage out of the way and soften a little bit, then just wear hard -they will stretch anyways.

  13. thanks....but is the procedure for 2nd the same as for super rag? i've never seen anything posted that directs me to the 2nd site. ay, there's the rub....

    Super-rag and 2nd are Rakuten shops and those instructions are for purchasing there. You can use them in any Rakuten shop if they agree to sell internationally

  14. What are you people talking about? I've had my samurai jeans for about six weeks and I've already repaired backpockets. I have a pair of old Fullcounts where I've repaired almost every single stich.

    If you buy a bottle of champagne for 300$ do you think it's going to last you all night or you get more drunken than from 20$ bubbling wine? :)

  15. if it's not too much of an imposition, could you post step-by-step instructions for ordering from 2nd?

    either here or in 'options for buying jp denim' thread (which i've read in toto but it still escapes me). PM seems to be still down.


    Here you go. This has been posted many times before though... :)

  16. So, I've been wearing my 5010s for just a few months now, and already I'm having a couple small quality issues. These aren't big things, but I'm just getting concerned that these aren't going to hold up for as long and as hard as I hoped they would.

    Now, I've been very happy with these jeans up until now. I love the fit, but I'm concerned about them holding up over the next few years.

    I'm probably sounding a little alarmist, and these are probably simple to repairs, but I'm starting to feel like these things are just going to come apart at the seams.

    Has anyone else had issues like this with their Skulls?

    The cotton thread is not as durable as the poly-cotton that are used these days. I guess it's the price you have to pay for authenticity -and you learn crafts too. It's a trip to the feminine side of your being, a side that is so often suppressed in our male-centered societies... Ying and yang or should I say weft and warp my Skullsbrother :)

  17. But you'd risk doing it with a (ultra) hot chick that you knew for sure had it, and take a round of anti-biotics for a week to kill it off.

    Round of penicillin - $20

    Boning say a former Newcastle Knights cheerleader - priceless.

    What has this got to do with anything? Absolutely nothing.

    I've been in situations where I've HAD to use paypal. My sexihos being one. I know paypal has the shittiest spread for their conversion rate, but if it's the only way... if I hadn't missed the boat on those d1293s, I'd be paypalling a proxy right now for them.

    Damn... haven't even thought about that... (I've thought about cheerleader-kind-ofs sometimes though. I was younger).

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