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Denim Phenom

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Posts posted by Denim Phenom

  1. This thread will be used to post the end results for those participating in the Full Count Contest.

    Pictures should be as accurate as possible, full front, full back, and any areas you'd like to high light with close ups.

    The judging is going to be based on jeans that aren't faded to the SuperFuture board elite standards, just a well worn pair of jeans.

    The contest will end March 31st and judging will be handled by Gordon at BiG.

    You can put up pictures before your end date, just not after.

    If I need to add anything i'll just post it here.

  2. oh ok ill just replace it with a shorter rear shocks..

    any other website you can recommend?

    for: tanks , single seats , shock absorbers ???

    biltwell has really cheap stuffs! i like them!

    for the hardtail our construction shop can easily make one

    help me out buddy

    I look at ebay all the time to see what kind of parts I can find. Most of the stuff is made in your neck of the woods but that doesn't bother me any.

    I'm sure there is an SR400 forum or even check out http://www.crazyorangemc.com/ and http://www.bratstyle.com/ for ideas. I'm pretty sure both of these garages are in Japan.

  3. The ride will be less comfortable but they look cool. Check out all the SRs on page 66, each one had shocks yet still look awesome.

    Are you going to fabricate the hardtail on your own or is the person who is building your bars going to help out?

    I'd look through as many blogs as you can to try and find pictures of SRs and decide what look you're going for.

  4. Come on man, google that shiz.

    I think coker is just cokertire.com and baas metal craft is baasmetalcraft.com.

    Coker also sells some other 4.50x18 tires that look alittle more aggressive but still have that old school look. Check out the ans diamond, I think that's what It's called. Just so you know, both the firestone and ans are around $130 and you'll pay at least $50 to ship it to HK, if not more. Big bummer. Also, since te firestone has zig zag tread it's going to track on straight grooved roads and you may have to fight for control. It's something I'll have to deal with on my bike.

    There is another guy that goes by front st cycle but I wouldn't wish his wait and delivery time on my enemies. Takes fucking foooorrreevvveerr. He sells fenders and handlebars.

    I was just thinking, if you are going to hardtail your sr400, you'll drop weght and if you model it after a brat style bike, you'll drop more weight. The drum brake should be adequate to stop your bike and you won't have to spend more money on disc rotors, calipers, caliper mount, and a new wheel.

  5. Klue is in Costa Rica or some Central American country. Hopefully he posts his results.

    I'm going to start the final pics only thread here pretty soon.

    My wife and I are going to be in NYC in March, I plan on getting a new pair of jeans then.

  6. Depends, do you want to stop quickly or not as quickly? I have a 2 piston disc brake on the front and 4 piston on the back.

    Get the Firestone from Coker tire and you could probably find that Avon through a catalog or your local bike shop.

    You'll regret getting that cheap fender after you have it in your hands. West Eagle fenders are flimsy (from what i've heard). Check out Baas Metal Craft.

    If you blow as much money as you do on boots and jeans, a good fender will be a fraction of one of those.

    Damnit, now that you are getting into this I need to get out of it. Jk.

  7. I don't get what the problem is with J. Crew. First, all the Mister Freedom fanboys got a hissy fit because it was carried there and the once cult status, only sold at Self Edge product was available to the masses.

    Now the coveted Indy boot is being sold and another shit fit starts. Who cares. Alden's are widely available as it is, so what if J. Crew is playing up their exclusive boot. Good for them.

    J. Crew isn't "getting away" with anything. You do realize that in order for a company to sell products through them an agreement is made. Our beloved Alden has sold us out!

    And as for reserving judgement until these Indys are seen, what's with this attitude that J. Crew gets second rate knock offs from legitimate brands. It's not like the brands say, "Well, since it's J. crew and we usually make our boots in America, we'll ship everything to Macau and have the 405s made there".

  8. It doesn't really matter which way it faces, what you are saying makes no sense. If the tattoo had faced out (and thus made sense to everyone who looking at it) would you then not be able to read it? You know what the tattoo is, your rationale doesn't seem good considering how weird it looks being upside down

    Dude, it's his tattoo. Who are you to criticize him.

    His logic makes total sense, and it doesn't have to. It's his fucking tattoo.

    I know more than one person with words facing them.

  9. No offense Edmond, but I am not shocked that you got an sr400. That's the Asian's Asian bike of choice if they aren't buying a Harley.

    You're going to bratstyle the bike too right?

    If it's hip, ole ed's gonna get it. Will we be seeing you at mooneyes next year?

  10. demonito

    now I know why your wife told you to sell some of your things Ed, look at those dust around the engineer.. :D

    It's because he works construction, probably just dust from the work site.

    But on a side note, Edmond is a hoarder. Buys way more jeans and boots than anyone would ever need, yet he rides a Hardly Davidson.

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