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Denim Phenom

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Posts posted by Denim Phenom

  1. good advice denim! i'll chime in when i have more time, i love my cb550.

    your bike looks bad ass!!

    Thanks dude.

    I don't know why I didn't tell ironman to ask you for advice, you have a 550 that you're cafeing now. Ironman, ask this dude. He knows everything you need to know.

  2. Ironman, do your research first. Figure out what kind of look you want and go from there. Look at as many 550 cafe'd bikes that you can. Write it down on a piece of paper or even draw out the look you want. Try not deviating from the plan or else you'll just end up spending more money than you were expecting.

    Keep as much of the original bikes parts that you can. This will severely cut down on your end cost. If you want to cafe the bike you'll probably have to buy the windscreen fairing and the tail section, but that's if you're going full cafe/moto gp style.

    If you do a google search for "ton up" and "honda" and "cafe" then you'll probably find some useful information.

    The thing with old Honda's or any Japanese bike for that matter, if you take care of it it will run forever. $1000-1800 isn't bad at all for a bike with 25K on the odometer. Shit, my evo had 52K when I bought it and i'm not worried about it one bit.

    This will be a great project for you and your dad. I built a ground up '69 VW with my dad 12 years ago and it was a great bonding experience, albeit all the arguing and frustration.

    Wonger, that shovelhead you posted looks to be either a zero engineering build or one that was greatly influenced by those guys. I believe Kiya wanted one like that several pages back.

  3. poops, if you do come to las vegas hit me up, we'll hang.

    what are you going to be riding down on?

    I-80 across Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming sucks.

    Taking the I-80 through Iowa, Nebraska, and then to Colorado wouldn't be bad. I bet riding in the mountains would be really awesome.

  4. Bike wasn't out at the flats. It's been sitting in my drive way since i'm too lazy to do the last 3 things to get it finished.

    I've got a bunch of pictures from the flats on my glob and I still need to send out the slide and 120 film.

  5. Did they still have that performance artist at the MOMA?

    When my wife and I went to that and the Natural History Museum there weren't nearly that many people there.

    Did you happen to see the black 1108s? I'm waiting for BiG to put some up.

    His name is Gordon.

    I had to wash my regular 1108s on Monday since I was kneeling on the salt at Bonneville and it made the knees of my jeans rock hard. Should have taken pictures.

  6. i know i know but i better get my hands on that pair first after a couple of months ill send em to okuyama san

    To make some platform shoes out of them? While they're there, why don't you have him move the ankle strap because it's really ugly where it is now. Might as well buy a pair of ropers.

  7. Some colleges offer MSF courses which are designed for people who know absolutely nothing about motorcycles. They'll teach you the basics that you need to know. I would highly recommend looking one of those up, especially if you haven't been on a motorcycle before and you don't have friends who own one.

    A CB350 is a good bike but you'll outgrow it once you get comfortable riding. Plus, after you take the MSF course you'll be confident enough to handle at least a CB550, which is where i'd start.

    Those are great looking bikes stock and freakin' sweet looking bikes cafe'd.

  8. I've seen this picture on several occasions, does anyone know the story behind this?



    It's from an Adam Wright "Roadcourse" book, from the first one I believe. It's hard to tell what's going on since you can't see the right side of the picture, the lead up to the jump.

    On a side note, I was really stoked to finally see this bike in person at Born Free II. It, was, sweet.


  9. Holy shit, no one can take a joke. I say the exact same thing about every other boot on here that is obviously over engineered for anything that anyone will ever do with them. Check my posts, you'll see.

    I fully realize that 3/4 of any shoe/boot worn these days is soley based on fashion. period, dot, end.

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