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Denim Phenom

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Posts posted by Denim Phenom

  1. Back when the Air Force required us to polish our boots, I'd apply the polish with a cotton ball and then while it's on the boot, hit it with a lighter. Damp cotton ball (like Ed said) to polish it out.

    Occasional layer of floor wax for a bling bling shine.

  2. My ultimate goal with these was to throw plantation crepe soles on them and flat waxed laces. It turns out Alden does not send out Plantation Crepe soles to Alden dealers or cobblers. So I must send them to Alden to have the soles put on. And I'm having a hard time finding the right flat waxed laces.

    If you want to put plantation soles on these, then why not just buy the Roy boots from Context? That's ultimately what they are going to look like if you change the sole out.

    I don't understand why people want to immediately change out the soles of their boots when they get them. It used to be all about putting Cat's Paws on them. Like we as consumers know better than a factory. Just my .02.

  3. Gordon didn't mention anything about the contest while I was in his store. I wasn't going to pressure him about the results but if I don't here anything by the first of June then i'll send him an email.

    And rather than having everyone send him emails asking the same question, how about I be the sole person that does it?

  4. chromexcel ages really fast theyre like the samurai of leather...

    So all the creases will be indistinguishable from the others? I've always felt that samurai's fade badly.

    For flat wax laces, just get the ones Alden makes for the snuff suede. Real nice.

  5. After trying on jeans for about an hour yesterday I ended buying a pair of Size 33 FC1108s. They didn't have any contest denim ones left so I got a pair of the regular ones. However, if you want a very special pair of pre-lawsuit 32s they may or may not have them. I didn't see anything, wink. Gordon is doing the one wash service for me and when I pick them up we'll see how much needs to be cut off.

    I decided on those because all the other pairs I tried on just didn't fit right. Evisu 2000 No.1, Oni Hand sewn were too baggy. Joe McCoy, momotaro 0201 didn't have enough ball space.

    The guy there was working his ass off trying to get me into something that fit and was very helpful to my wife and I. We probably tried on 10+ pairs of jeans between us and I'm the only one that left with something.

    If anyone is on the fence about the real McCoy engineer boots, pull the trigger. So nice. If you're on the fence about the mister freedom boots, pass. Snooze fest.

    Later we went to self edge and my wife still couldn't find anything that fit right. I'm thinking we'll have to get a custom pair made somewhere or find the rrl jeans she got 2 years ago.

  6. So, what exactly is it that you do in all of these places? Have you been working for one company for the last few years or several?

    I know those are very broad questions for something really particular.

    Maybe I'll get some action shots once my bike is done. My buddy would think it weird that he's taking pictures of me wrenching on my bike.

  7. Momo's do have low rises, which, I can't wear anymore.

    I tried on my LVC '47s a few weeks back and i thought I was wearing girls jeans (as cliche as that sounds). They were really tight in the thighs and had almost a flare to them. I felt really awkward wearing them, even in just my bedroom.

  8. My wife and I are going to NYC from 5/2-5/8. We are staying at Gem Soho based on a recommendation from my friend's parents. Going to a filming of Jimmy Fallon (already have tickets) and a Yankee's game (have those tickets as well).

    Don't really have an plans on where to eat. My wife will just yelp locations we'll go there.

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