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Posts posted by headtowall

  1. headtowall - those are fuckin sexy! any washes/soaks? pics of them laid out?

    Thanks. They've been washed twice thus far. Going camping with some friends tonight, so they'll probably get washed again pretty soon.

    Right now I'm cameraless, so no up-to-date laid out pictures right now. The one above is from a party this past weekend that I found on Facebook. Will post better shots when next I'm able.

  2. Miz said what I was trying to, but way better.

    But c'mon. Some "claim" natural behaves different than synthetic? There's an awful lot of evidence in the evolution thread supporting that it does behave differently, I think. At the very least, it fades much more slowly. Since most of us are kinda new to these fancy Japanese jeans, it could take a while before we know if Jomons or 001s end up looking like Sorahikos or 003s.

  3. "The XX-007 uses genuine indigo

    dyed warp and weft (threads and yarns) to create a solid blue indigo jean."

    big website

    i assume genuine means non-synthetic..

    maybe that's just me

    Nope. In this case genuine still means synthetic. Sometimes they also say "pure", but it's still synthetic. I don't know the chemistry of it, but apparently it's the same as natural indigo formula-wise, but synthesized. And they behave differently. Or something.

  4. Those look incredible... I love the color they faded to. You say "after the last wash"... how often did you wash them?

    Washed once around 6 months. Then between 8 and 9 months they got really filthy twice and I washed them after those trips. So three times so far.

    I stand by my method of general hard and persistent wear for half a year without washing to break them in, then destroy them after that and wash as needed.

  5. Here's what happened with the pair I've been working on since last July.

    I wore them a lot. Biking, hiking, to class and work, whatever. Basically everywhere but the gym or sleep (but even the latter happened sometimes if I was travelling or something).

    Around 6 months in I did a hot wash with a little soap. By then the creases were pretty well set and starting to fade.

    Since then I've worn them into some caves, which tend to be rather muddy and rocky. Had to wash after those trips.

    This progression wasn't deliberate on my part, but I'm happy with the results. Had I done the caving stuff when I first got the jeans, I'd have had to wash much earlier and more frequently, and I don't think they'd have looked as good.

    I probably should have just stopped this essay after the first two sentences.

  6. nah mate, id err on the side of smaller, I have the 30s but have 31 pbj and baggy size 31 APC NS's.... I would have liked these in a 29, I got a 30 though and they dont pinch my waist at all. Also you may be wearing these higher than your PBJs and new standards - in which case smaller is better - as your waist is smaller than your hips, yknow..

    Wow, good thing I asked! That's pretty much the opposite of what I was going to do.

    How has stretching been?

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