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Posts posted by Egpt

  1. she's like 42

    if that's okay with you

    she said she'd be interested in dating white men (no joke)

    she loves brad pitt, FYI. if you look like brad pitt and planning to go to

    tokyo soon, let me know.

    if i send her a pic of mine will she consider paying for my plain ticket to tokyo ?

    marriage can be arranged

  2. kixslf , the (n)nine moccassins/boots are amazing...

    how much did they run you?

    i was about to buy some visvim fbt shamans until i saw those...then i had some second thoughts about the visvims, but judging that they are (n)nine i guess the price tag is ridiculous, nevertheless, i would like to know it to see if they are an option or not.

    like someone else said, your style really has evolved A LOT

  3. The other day my girlfriend's best friend, who's on exchange in Spain for a year right now, was bitching about what a bunch of cunts guys in Spain/Portugal are, particularly to white girls. Which reminded me of the time this Portuguese guy started hitting on my friends in this club... to cut a long story short, they blew him off and my friend made a sarcy comment, "Have a nice day" or some shit like that. Next thing I know, there's a fight erupting around me, my friend ends up with glass just missing his eye and the Portuguese guy ends up in the back of a police car.

    That's one of the few times I've seen shit take off in a club in Brighton... there was at least 3 fights than night that I was aware of. Then again, most people have the sense not to fight in a place where there's 200lb skinhead bouncers just waiting to beat the shit out of a guy or three.

    I myself haven't been in a fight since I was about 6. Last time I almost got into one was in a bar when some railroad worker still wearing his orange trousers got blown off by my girlfriend's friends and decided to try and take it out on me. There's a definite pattern of cunts getting blown off by girls and starting a fight instead.

    wow, where in Portugal was your girlfriends friend at?

  4. do they taper a bit at the end or are they a straight leg?

    also, how much are they supposed to shrink?

    judging from the measurements, everything looks fine except the leg opening that seems to be huge. 9" is way too much, i like more around 8/8.5

  5. well, the 006 is not really slubby. they're designed to give you the most beautiful wear--as seen in those pics. those pics, btw, are a pair that was actually worn by someone for one year--no washing. they have that pair in the store, and they are amazing!

    i know, i think you didn't understand clearly what i said.

    since the slubby denim from PBJ never convinced me, i like these a lot cuz they are not slubby denim at all

  6. carl is fucking funny, his wdywt photos always made me crack up.

    i could never understood if he had a silly face on purpose or if that's just him. his first posts were always a bit confusing to me also lol

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