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cultpop 0217

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Posts posted by cultpop 0217

  1. matsu i was referring to this...

    it oozes OG knowledge and means something to anyone who wore streetwear before 2000.

    a history lesson around here would be screaming to the deaf...no one cares...including me.

  2. what "streetwear b4 anybody called it streetwear" did you used to wear?

    baggy work pants i stole from my fucking grandpa with the bottoms chopped off that were eight sizes too big over suede clydes when only soccer kids wore them with t shirts we made with magic markers,blood, and duct tape for locals only bitches.

    what the fuck kinda question is this?

    does anyone else remember when streetwear was just the shit you wore on the streets? back before a bunch of clever assholes co opted the whole shebang? im not even that old but i can still remember when fashion and streetwear were uneasy bedfellows.

    i mean rock supreme, wtps, or whatever else you like, its all good, but at least remember where the shit came from (hint: way before 2000). thats all im sayin kiddies...

  3. it oozes OG knowledge and means something to anyone who wore streetwear before 2000.

    i wore streetwear before anybody called it streetwear and this fit dont mean shit to me.

    and if he were og he would know back then tilting that cap like that would get you capped.

  4. This morning I originally intended just to trim the neckbeard a bit as it was getting a bit too bushy for my liking, but after I took off too much around the chin I became "trigger happy" and decided to go for a real "stache".

    I'm curious as to how long I will keep this because I can imagine it looking really bad as soon as the rest starts growing out again a bit. Also i don't have a shaping razor so getting this and making it look good is actually quite a hassle with just a Mach3

    So without further ado I proudly present, "The Adventurer"!



    "Now where is my airship???"


    keeping this thread alive because i have nothing better to post about. (or to do, apparently)

    last week, as long as I've ever grown it:


    and today:


    fuck am i jealous i shaved.

    lucky cloud has the face of a prepubescent boy and the beard of a 50 year old sailor, i mean this as a compliment, never seen such a combo..

    like a margarita and salt..

    ha ha this is true. you are a lucky bastard cloud.

    and nice 'bars, bezerker.

  5. If I would have to pick only one car it would be 1955 Mercedes Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe but I wouldn't mind a newer gullwing either.


    awesome. i might actually prefer the front end on this to the 300sl.

    If I was only allowed one car for the rest of my life it would be a 30's Cord roadster:


    When I was a little kid my dad used to take me every year to an antique auto show and we would stand for hours looking at the Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg.

    awesome. perfect for falling out of the club obi wan.

    yeah they have this car show every year at a local mall on father's day. always have at least one example of every iconic classic car up to the mid sixties.

    and there is also the volo auto museum out in the sticks which has hundreds of cars.

  6. igp14851kk2.jpg

    not many could pull this off but you nailed it.


    same thing. different day. + vintage scarf found in closet. and eames chair.

    half eaten twix in the foreground on the bed. it was good.

    great shot. love the popsicle and nice chair.

  7. Miura and Stratos were both designed by Marcello Gandini (who worked for Bertone). He did few good-looking cars.

    It's interesting to see what cars certain posters like. Some of them even match their choices in fashion.

    yeah im a huge fan of his work. he also designed the pantera which i love the earlier simpler versions of and the first gen countach which i also prefer over the later garish versions when they kept adding spoilers and junk

    1971 pantera


    1971 lp500





    much cleaner than this monstrosity


  8. Hey Sean_ I just thought you should know that I don't show pictures of you to anyone.

    To the extent that I hate you.

    from this

    and to think i was actually going to +rep your chat waywt for a good sense of humor

    you hate waywt because you are ugly and nobody likes your fits.

    p.s. my hair is cooler than your's

    to this.

    you suck.

  9. why so mad whitey?

    whitey? really? you really think the point of that blog is to give you license to call me whitey?

    another thing white people like: irony and subtext.

    another: reading comprehension.

    and i aint mad.

    if you think its funny or clever or whatever rock out with your cock out but i think its pretty unoriginal and uninspired.

    and btw its written by some cracker


  10. the brand who put those out would make you vomit.

    they are perforated as well.

    aldo right? i wander in there from time to time to peep ugly square toed loafers and thought these didnt look half bad considering the source and price.

    edit: just saw this


    like 45 dollars on the site


    i guess if you have no other resources they arent horrible and the lack of branding is nice but still...

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