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cultpop 0217

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Posts posted by cultpop 0217

  1. i see the axis still has cronies and haters

    not a suprise as matsu's tongue is sharp

    but that was a bitch move "shannon"

    there is no reason to hide

    but in his defense as men age its alot harder to maintain the girlish figures that seem to be so popular around here

  2. best idea for a thread in a bit.

    great work all.

    lord oak seriously kicks ass. i love your line quality.

    this isnt really a dino, a gas mask or satanic but i guess has elements of all three and i want to post so fuck it.

    this is old but i will try to do something new for next week.

    "star cock" acrylic, marker and paint pen on maple. about five or six hours...


  3. pretty fucking good man, how'd you do the scars?

    just read the dark knight returns comic by frank miller. really good. maybe i'll get into comics now..

    liquid collodian and medical adhesive.

    if you liked TDKR check out year one, the long halloween, the killing joke and WATCHMEN.

  4. Books... Grapes of Wrath, Kavalier & Clay, Slaughterhouse Five, Beneath The Wheel

    Music... no particular album, but the first Beatles stuff I heard from my mom. "In My Life" and "I Want To Hold Your Hand" and "Eleanor Rigby" among others.

    Kavalier and Clay was epic. i love love love that book. Didn't really change the way i read as much as the other five i listed, but its way up there in my favorite books. i heard Chabon has a new one out; it's supposed to be even better than Kavalier and Clay.

    + on kavalier and clay. great book.

    far too many books but a few that made me take notice at the time...the road by mcarthy (age 32) , house of leaves by danielewski (24) , fahrenheit 451 by bradbury (12) picture of dorian gray by wilde (too young)

  5. This video might have just changed my life


    The guy dancing......I dont even know what to say, or even how to feel

    The "guy dancing" is Neville Staple. He still does his think in the UK too...


    ^^ Nice kit by the way. The Specials had so much style.



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