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Posts posted by Kasper

  1. like other posters said, superfuture was founded as a Tokyo shopping guide, you seriously have everything in there that you need. not to mention that tokyo shopping has been one of the most popular subject in the forum, just run a search, you will find everything you need.

  2. i tryed them on a couple weeks ago. the color is awesome, the fit pretty good (although it might be a bit baggy for some). the reason why i didn't buy them was because they're not selvedge. in the japanese edwin line, only the 505 are selvadge and they don't have a one wash model which i think is pretty stupid. if you like the wash thought, the jeans are really cheap.

  3. i'm going to Hong Kong for the first time at the end of the month. i'm travelling with miles and there's a black out period at the beggining of may cause of golden week in Japan. i have the option of going for 7 days or 11 days (can't come back in between). the things is, while browsing through the threads about Hong Kong shopping, i'm not convince that i will find much stuff there that i can't find here in Tokyo where i live and that the prices wouldn't be that attractive. i'll be with my girlfriend for the first 7 days and surprisingly, she isn't as much into shopping as i am so i don't think spending more than a day on shopping would be possible. what i wanted to ask is do you think it would be worth it to extend my trip to 11 days so i could have some shopping time or should i just come back to Tokyo cause i can find everything and more here?

    also, if someone could suggest a good club or lounge that play good music (underground Hip-Hop, not some 50 cents shit or some electronic stuff) that would be much appreciated.

  4. Quote:
    Quote: in Berlin, it will be hard (most germans, especially good ones speak decent or even very good english but still, it will be hard to integrate if you don't speak german

    I totally disagree with that. And Germans and Berliner are completely different people. I have yet to meet a Berliner who doesn't speak proper English (disregarding senior citizens and such).

    @suction: sounds like you were in all the wrong places..

    --- Original message by Tisswat on Apr 7, 2006 02:41 PM

    i said that most ppl spoke english (i made a mistake in my post, i wanted to say young ppl but i wrote good instead, i corrected it). the thing is even if ppl speak english, if you're with a group of germans, they will not change to english for you. so doing things (getting a cell phone, appartment, going shopping etc) won't be a problem but if you want to integrate and make some germans friends, you cannot expect them to all switch to english whenever you're around. i lived in norway where EVERYONE speaks english but it was still annoying sometimes when i would be with a small group of friends. of course when you're with many ppl, you'll always have some ppl speaking english with you but with a smaller group, let say 4 ppl, it's only normal for them to be talking in their mother tongue (even though they're about as confortable in english) and you will sometime will feel left out. my gf is japanese and don't speak french so she had the same problems in montreal. she would always have tons of fun when we went out or went to some parties or anywhere where they were many ppl, but she hated it to have dinner with 2 or 3 of my friends cause we'd always ended up speaking french and it's really hard to constently switch to english.

    anyway, another thing to keep in mind about choosing is what you wanna do over there. if you wanna work, then cost of living won't be a big problem (london is expensive but you get paid in consequence, i mean, you lived in Geveva so it's very similar (always top 5 in the most expensive cities lists, but also always top 5 if not #1 in quality of life), compare to other countries, everything is crazy expensive but if you factor in your salary, then it become the same if not better than elsewere). another downside of paris is finding a good job when you're young can be quite hard (if you're following the news this is nothing new to you). my thing with france and paris is that i'm not neutral on it, it's either i love it or i hate it. my opinion of London is more balanced, like there's some stuff i don't like, like the food, drunk hooligans, the weather, cost of alcohol etc, when i factor the things i like, the music and clubbing scene, shopping, work , football (i'm an Arsenal fan), english humour etc, i find that i would see more myself living there (and england is also very similar in many aspects to Canada, where i'm from so the adaptation wouldn't be hard). not to mention that i would have to work and working in a southern european country is just out of the question (there's no way i could).

    about Berlin, i only spent limited time there and it was only on holiday, i have to say that the club scene is pretty awesome and the city is also really vibrant. i really like the place, but i just didn't get that feeling that i would like to live there in the future, not that i would mind. anyway, it's kind of hard to explain, but i know i have visited some place that i know i have to live there in the future (New York is a good exemple, i go there all the time and everytime, i'm more convinced that i would like to move there sometimes in the future) but i didn't get that in Berlin.

    like 5 years ago when i first visited japan, i knew like almost instantly that i would like to live there and i'm now living in Tokyo and i really like it out here.

  5. Quote:

    they're not half price - about $100 to $150 less depending on exchange rate

    but you'll have to find them as only a few shops carry them and last i checked there weren't too many of either left (although they said they may make more in the next year)

    --- Original message by asfberg on Apr 7, 2006 11:24 PM

    as far as i know, the Jomon retail for 800$ in the states, in Japan, if my memory is correct, they retail around 50 000 yen, around 420$, they are really hard to find though i heard.
  6. first of all, do you speak french or german? if you don't then definetly don't go to Paris and reconsider about Berlin. Unless you are really rich, living in Paris without speaking french will be impossible (and i really mean impossible) and in Berlin, it will be hard (most germans, especially young ones speak decent or even very good english but still, it will be hard to integrate if you don't speak german). as for living, i love Paris have tons of friends there and visit at least once a year if not more but i could never live there, the maximum i can stay is 2 weeks, after that the city drives me crazy. nothing is ever open (shops and supermarket closing at 8 everyday and not opening on sunday is just ridiculous, not worthy of a one of the world "greatest"city), customer service is the worse in the world (you cannot even imagine how much ppl don't give a shit about their job), parisians are fucking arogant , there's strikes all the time, you will be victim of a criminal act on average every month and if you are american, well, frenchs like americans about has much if not less as americans like frenchs so you get the idea, etc. london on the other hand is insanely expensive, it rains pretty much everyday the public transport system is a joke but is also an amazing city, my favorite in Europe and with Geneve and Stockholm, where i could see myself living eventualy. Berlin is a cool place but i've only been there on holidays and never for more than a couple days so it's hard to say how much i like the place.

    Edited by Kasper on Apr 8, 2006 at 01:07 AM

  7. Quote:

    does anyone know if the jomons or the umii's are a lot cheaper in japan?

    --- Original message by xcoldricex on Apr 7, 2006 12:52 AM

    i forgot the exact price difference but they're about between a third to half as cheap in japan.
  8. i know some friends who have been to one. problem is, like most place in Kabukicho it's japanese only so the chance of getting in is pretty slim. and most of these kind of place don't really advertise outside so it can be really hard to find. i know some people that work in kabukicho and they always tell me that just by walking around, you cannot even guess like 10% of what is out there. and yeah there is mirror everywhere and the bottles at the bar are on really high shelves so the girl have to climb on something to pick them up (so you can see everything). i don't know about exact price but they said it was pretty expensive which means that since everything in tokyo is already fuckin expensive, it most have been ridiculous.

  9. Quote:

    supreme stussy nike


    --- Original message by MilSpex on Mar 29, 2006 08:57 AM

    that supreme sweater is so dope, i have to admit i'm a bit jealous

    also, is that pic from today, you live in northern japan right?

    it was freaking cold in tokyo, winter like, so i had to break my already well started tradition of going to a daily hanami party. i'm jealous if you could rock shorts...

  10. Quote:


    how can i order from there?

    theres so much i want to grab off that site but i cant, it sucks...

    Anyone have more sources?

    I am in the midwest for college so I can't shop in NYC until summer.

    And I rather have online sources so I can at least see the jeans.


    --- Original message by nyctaipei on Mar 28, 2006 07:54 PM

    if you click on the english tab on top of the page, you will get to this page

    <a href="http://www.joenet.co.jp/info/englishgide.htm" target="_blank">http://www.joenet.co.jp/info/englishgide.htm'>http://www.joenet.co.jp/info/englishgide.htm"] <a href="http://www.joenet.co.jp/info/englishgide.htm" target="_blank">http://www.joenet.co.jp/info/englishgide.htm</a>

    to summarize, they don't ship oversea. it meens that you cannot order directly from the site. now, if you had read what i wrote in my previous post, you would know exactly what to do. you have to go through and intermediary in Japan that will buy it for you and then ship to you. try




    or go to japan. this is the only way you'll be able to buy from that site

  11. Quote:

    And for all y'all that say Supreme's service sucks...those dudes went out of their way to help me out on Monday. Got me a Dipset shirt when they told other dudes they didn't have any simply because I asked nicely...and hooked me up with a grip of stickers 'cause I asked. Big ups to the Supreme guys.

    of course, asking nicely will always help but the most important thing is how you look like and how much the saledude decide he like you or not. they will often tell kids they are sold out of some products even if they still have some cause they think the kid is wack and they can be really chill to ppl they decide they like.

  12. Quote: I am not a poser. So that statement has no credibility.

    Bape came out in 03-04...it got hot in 05/06...

    I bought my first pair of bapes in Oct-Nov of 05, but been following the brand since early-mid of 05...

    So please tell me how I just got on the Bandwagon, when i myself have introduced Bape and the brand to so many people.

    I don't even wear Ups(Af1) because those are too cheap for me...Strictly Bape and Bape kaws.. Who you know can floss like I does?

    the funniest shit. if the kid is for real, i'd give anything to meet him. i would laught by brain out. been wanting to go to sleep for a while but i keep on reading his thread, so funny.

  13. Quote:

    hey i'll be visiting paris too, any places to look for great denim jeans? well from what ive read its all about colette , dior , cdg and stuff, any other nice places and definitely worth the money? im not sure about the pricing in paris, help me out on this too thanks :)

    --- Original message by frankabagnale on Mar 25, 2006 09:13 AM

    pricing depends on where you're from. Paris will be a bit cheaper than London, but more than america. have you check the listing and map from superfuture?
  14. Quote:

    those are the ugliest jeans Nigo....or anyone for that matter has ever designed.....even worse then those jeans with the stars on the cock....

    cool hat supreme hat though

    --- Original message by kixslf on Mar 23, 2006 11:09 PM

    I've seen worse, but those Bape jeans rank high on the suck list.

    --- Original message by Tabris on Mar 24, 2006 09:19 AM

    it's still a mystery to me as to why you would want a huge logo of some kind on your crotch. if nobody else is doing it, maybe there's a reason.

    Edited by Kasper on Mar 24, 2006 at 10:42 AM

  15. putting a picture of the bill and then erasing the price is one of the lamest shit i've ever seen. everyone knows how much you pay for that shirt and how much you'll be making, don't need to front like that.

  16. Quote: hough i haven't got a clue why this is being discussed on this forum, i agree with englandmj 110%. creeping global religious fundamentalism should be stamped out, and what better way than to assassinate them all? why stop at the afghans, every kooky crazy religious nut out there is a viable target, here's my list of people that put the mental in fundamental (but take out the fun!): Abu Hamza, Ahmadinejad, East African Muslim girl-circumsizers, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Ruth Kelly (uk education minister and she's a member of fukn opus dei!), Baron Samedi (voodoo fundamentalism is on the rise people!), Rowan Williams, Jonathan Sachs, John Howerd, any supreme court judge recommended by Bush, Ariel Sharon (i know, i just can't remeber the name of the israeli interim pm), Joseph Ratzinger, the Dalai Lama (budhist fundamentalist - real nasty piece of work), Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Isaac Hayes, Bill O'Reilly, Sister Wendy, Salt Lake City, Christian-Rock performers, Christian-Rap performers, Glen Hoddle, any performer who thanks god after winning an oscar or grammy, any sports person who thanks god after scoring a goal/touchdown/homerun, The Gideons....

    remember people - don't procrastinate, assassinate!

    one of the reason i really like this forum is that politic is usually not discussed. it's good once in a while to be able to focus to ehhh more important things in life like Horns & Wings hoodie and 45 rpm jeans.... seriously the fact that the internet is anonymous always makes the most hard-core morons troll like hell and it's soo anoying. with that being said, you pretty laid out the list of ppl i would also like to disapear. i would also like to add Stockwell Day, i seriously cannot imagine that this moron, who doesn't even believe in evolution has been made a minister in Canada. i'm ashamed of my country.

  17. Quote: I was chatting to an acquaintance involved in tracking down counterfiets, and he told me about a great sting that one of the big sportswear manufacturers pulled off recently.

    Thye had someone go to a Thai company, explain that he had the design of the new England soccer strip, and that he wanted 5,000 sets manufacturing. He went round several companies getting estimates, went with one of them and ordered the 5,000 sets.

    Of course, that manufacturers sold the 'secret' design to everyone in the far East, and tens of thousands more were produced. He got delivery of his 5,000 and destroyed them, but the markets across the UK were full of the things. And of course when the real England strip was officially announced, everyone right down the counterfeit chain - manufacturers, jobbers & retailers - got burned. You could say they lost their shirts...

    such a nice thing for Umbro to do. i wish more companies would do the same.

  18. Quote: bape shirts - 6000 yen in Japan = about 55 USD

    supreme - 6300 yen in Japan = about 58 USD

    I feel fortunate that I live in LA.

    i'm living in tokyo and it's killing me everytime i go to Supreme. everything is so expensive, but at the same time, they have much more stuff in stock compare to the New York store so it really suck to see all that nice shit and thinking that it suck to pay twice as much....

    bape is much cheaper in japan though (15 000yen = 130$ instead of 200$ for bapesta, not that i care ...).

  19. i agree with you that Canada Post international shipping rates are a bit of a rip-off. for X-Mas, my mom sent me a box and it costed like 50$ by boat (was double by airmail), took more than a month to arrive to japan. then, i used the same box to send some stuff to my family and it costed around 35$ by airmail, took less than a week to arrive. it's not normal that japan post is a third of the price of canada post.

  20. Quote: about the dickies...does footlocker in paris sell dickies? really need your on this. i got to find dickies :/

    they didn't last summer so i doubt they would now. many stores carry Dickies around Les Halles in the 2nd arrondissement. it's one of the most popular shopping spot in Paris. just walk around, you'll find many shops carrying Dickies.

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