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Posts posted by Kasper

  1. i've had macs all my life starting with a Mac Classic when i was 4 years old. when i started university, i had to get a pc notebook as some of the program we would be required to use were not available on Mac (that was 4 years ago, virtual pc was still pretty crappy). i hated my Dell laptop so much at first, but i've kind of come to accept it even though i'm jealous everytime i see my mom or my sister working on their macs...

    but i'm due for a new computer so i'm waiting one of these new macbook pro core duo. i'll probably end up building a desktop pc at home and use it as an entertainment unit also (now with boot camp, there's no need to get a pc to run windows app, but i don't like how mac desktop are not really upgradeable so i'll go with something i can uptade bit by bit for home), but can't wait to get back to mac.

  2. i'm looking for a pair of nudie thin finn dry black for men, any idea where to get them around the city? i tried "flying A" but they only have them in women's cutting.

    have you tried going on Nudie website and checking the store locator. or use the search function here...

  3. shit, im gonna have to check out all these new online skate videos...not too up to date with all this "youtube" stuff...

    toy machine "welcome to hell" has been an all time favorite since it came out in the mid 90's.....

    good luck with studying/working or whatever else you have to do;)

  4. Burton quality is pretty much up there .i have own pretty much everything they make ( jacket, pants, boots, boards, binding) and i have always been super satisfied. and i'd say that price wise, idiom is also pretty reasonnable.

  5. Ya, watchman, the way it has been explained to me is that the copyright is not valid in Japan for whatever reason, thus all the companies with very similar branding. However, when you get to be a big enough player at all in NA, or where the copyright is valid (maybe refer to Denime in UK), then Levis radar spins.

    I think it's more of an issue of attitude toward copyright. in the states, you can copyright pretty much anything and courts are much much more likely to side with the copyright holder than in any other country in the world. The reason Sugar Cane (and other denim makers) can get away with it is that if Levi's would sue them in Japan (or in Europe), they most likely would not win anything, if more than a few cents per jeans (let's face it, you kind of can't confuse a pair of SC with a pair of Levi's). while in the states, Sugar Cane would be in grave danger if being sued...

    although it regard patents, the RIM/Blackberry case is very similar. this small bullshit company managed to win 650 millions in the states for a bullshit patent (and something that should not have been patented in the first place anyway). at the same time, courts in Canada, the UK and other countries in Europe wouldn't even want to hear to suit cause they all said there was no ground for it. there's a reason why lawsuits concerning copyrights or patents are always in the states...

  6. there was this oldschool Real video I watched back in the day, was one of the first videos I saw...

    Tommy Guerero

    Kelly Bird

    Mark Gonz


    Quim and Mike Cardona

    some others.. and my favorite part was Drake Jones... would loooove to see that video again

    Drake Jones had the illest style, it's a shame he retired so early...

  7. video.google.com pretty much has all the skate video, all in full lenght

    video days (in better quality, that mark gonzales part is really the shit)


    Plan B - Questionable (Pat Duffy's part is crazy)


    Plan B - Virtual Reality


    Toy Machine - Welcome to Hell (Jamie Thomas part is my all-time favorite)


    10 shots sequence


    Girl - Mouse (Guy Mariano's part ......)


    Girl - Yeah Right


    É's - Menikmati


    Flip - Sorry


    Flip - Really Sorry


    The DC video (Dany Way i really amazing)


    how can i forget

    Bones Brigade - The Search for Animal Chin (the first skate vid i ever saw)


  8. or you can use www.picturetrunk.com or www.tinypic.com no account needed. much easier.

    you can add imageshack.us to that list.

    i would actually recommend NOT to use photobucket cause they don't keep the pics for a long time, so if you look at an older thread, all the pictures hosted with photobucket will be gone (you'll get an this pictures is not hosted anymore image). it can be quite frustrating to not be able to see something...

    nice collection derdankhund and tony_hige

  9. i had some friends (all french) working for some luxury brand in Tokyo. but they were doing intership (although the french internship are different than american ones, they usually last a year and you're poorly paid...). as i was doing my last year at a university in tokyo, i was of course very interested (i majored in finance with a minor in japanese so we have similar background). your japanese needs to be pretty fluent (bare minimum is 2-kyu, but most firms will ask for 1-kyu). problem with most big clothing brand is that they are european (LVMH etc..) and smaller ones, like stussy, won't really have a lot of staff so i'll be pretty hard so find something. your best bet is to try to find something in the states first at a firm like Ralph Lauren or Calvin Klein and then ask for a transfer.

    about my friends, they were all doing something called a VIE, which was kind of like doing a civil military service back when it was mandatory and it stayed. basically, french firms sends new graduates abroad in one of their overseas office for 12 to 18 months. i'm not 100% sure, but i think the firms get subsidies from the french government so that's how they can afford to send peoples like this. they are usually very poorly paid (most french graduates will have to go through at least a year of internship, sometimes more and they are very very poorly paid). for exemple, my friend did an intership for Calyon (a small french investment bank) and got paid 1200 euros a month trading derivatives in Chicago, which is about a quarter or a fifth of what other assistant traders get. most of these interns don't get full time offer abroad after the internships, actually, a large % doesn't even get an offer. anyway, just to say that according to them, there isn't that many foreigners working in the fashion industry in japan and that's it's pretty hard to break through.

    sorry for the long rambling and good luck

  10. how much do you want to pay for hotels? hotels in New York do not run cheap, especially during new year so you'd better start checking early. check expedia, travelocity etc for prices and availability. about what to do, there's a millions thread about it, not to mention the superfuture shopping guide that's pretty complete. anyway, you won't get bored spending a week in New York, believe me.

  11. to add to what's already been said. if you are from the northeast, maple syrup is a good bet , i always bring some (i'm from montreal). also, i often brought smoked salmon, as it's a bit hard to find and fucking expensive in japan

    you'll probably have a lot of opportunities for gift giving (probably more than you think) so i would advice on getting smaller things, but more of them. like someone said earlier, the gift is not really important, it's the gesture so you'd better not be stuck without anything to give away.

  12. there's this lebanese supermarket not to far from my place that makes the best hummus out there. not to mention their marinated meat is the shit for summer barbecue

  13. i never understood that myth, everytime i've ever been in there they're pretty indifferent.

    that's the experience i had with both the new york and tokyo store. you walk in there and they barelly notice you, pretty much act like you weren't there.

    i think it's hard to separate the stores you've been going for a while where you're homies with the peoples there to the ones you just visited a couple times. for exemple, there's this skate shop in Montreal called Underworld that opened about 10 years ago. at first, it was a really small shop and we knew all the people working there. we use to smoke joints and the backroom and then as they grew bigger, they built a private skatepark in the back and then changed it for a huge bowl. back then, we use to hang out there all the time and watch skate vids on the couches in the shop etc. unfortunetly, they got much bigger and renovated the store, opened a new one and ended the chilling thing there like 5 years ago. i almost never go there anymore (not to mention that i wouldn't wear much of the stuff they are selling), but back in the days, it was the ultimate shop.

    Hinoya Tokyo : the people there are so cool, always showing you new arrivals and stuff, you can see the salespeoples are really passionate about their jeans.

    8five2 Hong Kong : i was there a couple months ago, and the people inside were so nice, hooked us up with some nice gear (they gave us a free t-shirt cause i bought like 5, it's really not everyday that you see that) and gave us advice on nice bars and clubs, plus random Hong Kong advice, ended staying like 1h and a half.

    Atmos New York : the guys inside have been really cool, like talking tons about the collections, the good pick ups in SoHo and regular info on bars and stuff. everytime i have been there the s.a. were japanese so i guess it kind of helped that i spoke japanese with them (not to mention my japanese girlfriend), but still, really nice peoples

    overall, i'd say that most japanese stores usually give incredible services. i'm always amazed by all the things they're willing to do for you (call other stores, order stuff, help you around, etc). i even miss all the yelling and stuff...

    oh i forgot, there's this store in Bali that has the most amazing owner. it's called Point Surf, and when i went there i ended up getting really friendly with the owner and pretty much spending all my evenings there drinking beers. i meet the owner when we got there while shopping for surf. we wanted second hand ones and we ended up getting like such a good deal there (i didn't knew when we bought them cause i pretty much knew nothing about surf boards, but learned later). not to mention that most second hands boards sold in Bali are actually broken board that have been fixed. before we even bought the boards, he showed us how to notice broken boards. he then gave us some free lessons the next morning and we ended up having some drinks at the shop later on. he ended up finding us a new hotel that was much nicer and much cheaper than what we had before. the guy was just so nice, like he took us everywhere in Bali (was quite nice riding in a BMW there...), brought us to really nice local restaurants, dope surf spot etc. and every nights, we'd go to his shop and drink till pretty late. and it was amazing the number of tourists that knew the guy and came back to drink while they were there. if anyone ever go to Bali and need a board, you have to go to that shop, the guy is unvelievable.

    bad shop:

    The Paris Dior store, well actually, all the store on Avenue Montaigne and Les Champs Élysée. the level of snobiness the ppl in those store is fucking unbelivable. i'm coming in here to spend hundreds of dollars and you look at me like i have the plague or something.

    like everyone mentioned, the NYC Bape store is also pretty bad. funny that i've always had really good service at the Bapex store in Aoyama (i sold some bape shoes and clothes on the ebay last winter to make some $$$) and they were always kind of nice. but i have to admit that's it pretty ridiculous to see all of them dressed in Bape from head to toe.

  14. Can anyone tell me what "one wash" is in Japanese? I'm trying to get one of my contacts in Japan to order a pair of Studio D'Artisan SD-103 and forward them to me. In order to make sure that she orders the one-wash version, maybe it's a good idea to mention "one wash" in Japanese in the email. Or does Studio D'Artisan use the English terms for "raw" and "one wash"?

    Another option is to put some links in the email linking directly to one-wash pairs in online stores. Howver I can never make out whether they are raw or one-wash.

    Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    one wash = ワンウォッシュ

    on their website, Studio d'Artisan use sanforize (サンフォライズ)

    i'm pretty sure all SD-103 are sanforize (at least according to the Studio d'Artisan website). maybe a second opinion would be better as i'm not 100% sure...

  15. I do know what you mean, but Levis dont have standalone stores in every UK city / town city, so it would hardly make LVC look uniquitous if they sold an LVC style in all their stores.

    Just think its silly that I can get the stuff in a non Levis store, ten minutes walk away, and then in the Levis store, some of the staff stare blankly when you mention 'LVC'.

    Levis Organic Engineered is Europe only unfortunately. Should be able to pick them off the internet though if you look, Id imagine.

    thing is , in North America, there's a Levi's store in every mall. of course there would be no demand for LVC at a suburban mall. anyway, i still think that they should have at least a store or 2 per city where they carry the stuff...

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