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Posts posted by Kasper

  1. i remember reading an interview with ugly duckling and the dude with the huge ass chain said he bought it at walmart for like 50$ or something. and his chain is pretty ill...


    edit: just had a quick look at ebay, and there's tons of them for pretty good price (cheap enough that i'm even thinking about getting one for halloween ...)

    here's an exemple:


  2. i have this Philips/Norelco (anyone knows why it's branded as Norelco only in the states and not elsewhere)


    like you, my skin gets really irritated and dry after shaving and i though this razon would be much better. it holds nivea lotion or gel that you can use while shaving and you can take it to the shower. to be honest, it's better than before when i used a Mach 3 razor, but i still get irritated when i have to shave daily. to be honest with you, i'm giving some thoughts now as should i go the DE route...

  3. yo n00b

    nigo's real name is Tomoaki Nagao

    really, i read a couple places that is real name was hiroshi fujiwara, i don't care so much about it though...

  4. yeah roughly translated into something like "Brother Number 2," something along those lines.

    they also have the same name, so it's also a joke on that.

  5. bacon x liver

    mangoes x bagoong (shrimp paste)

    horseradish x beef

    cucumbers x shoyu x seaweed

    sweet potato x the universe

    shrimp x coconut milk

    kimchee x pizza

    co-sign mint x chocolate, butter x sugar x toast

    kimchee and pizza seems like an awesome idea, gotta try that

  6. i've never seen the stuff sold outside of japan. anyway, since it's japan only, if it was sold in the states, it'd go for reseller prices (probably more than what you would pay to have someone buy it in japan for you). i really like the pieces they make btw, they have some insanely nice messenger bags (don't know why though, but a lot of it i can't find it online). you might already know, but 2000db has a proxy service so he could pick it up for you.

  7. not an expert on the matter, but i think he design a lot of the pieces that are associated with him. he also does consulting a bit (heard he did quite a bit of consulting for Nike, as well as other mainstream brand). i'm sure there's other members that know more than me on the subject

  8. the cuffs are quite good if you rock your stuff fitted. (shoulder-sleeve seam actually on your shoulder)

    if you rock you stuff loose or a bit baggy, the cuff is def. out of place.

    my friend rocks his stuff loose so when he tried one to fit his attire, the longsleeve def. looked weird since the shoulder was off and the sleeves were too long.

    last summer before leaving Tokyo, United Arrows had some hoodie on sale for like 90$ or something, but i was also thrown off by the cuffs, it seemed it looked weird if i didn't do anything, and if i cuffed/folded them (which i think looks really good), the sleeves were a bit too short for me. i like my hoodies to fit just right, not too slim but definetly not baggy. i was wondering how peoples here wore their sleeves?

    i'm really tempted by the pin-stripe hoodie, but i won't get the chance to try them to try them on since they are not sold in my city so i wanted to make sure before getting one.

  9. was wondering is anyone has seen the products in person. i quite like what i saw on the website (basic, but real classy) and the prices are really good, but was wondering about quality, detailing etc.i know that hoodies are lined, but i guess that is to be expected at that price (i really like the fluorescent zip parka). i have kind of big expectation coming from this label, but i wanted to know more about the actual products before ordering. since all products are manufactured in Japan and design is done by HF, i guess the quality should be without any comparison to anything of similar prices.


  10. was wondering was ppl thought of the new dj Shadow album. i've been the greatest shadow fan, but was a bit disapointed with the private press and i can't seem the make up my mind on the new one. i feel it would have been great as some kind of mixtape or something like that, but i feel it kind of lack direction compare to previous record. i'm suppose to go see the guy in 2 weeks and i found out today i might have to be in Toronto, which really sucks.

    on the other hand, i've been pleasantly surprised with the new Swollen Members album. i really didn't liked the direction they were headed on monster in the closet and heavy, but they have really gone back to their balance/bad dream roots (balance is one of my all time favorite, i really like these guys).

  11. oh god what can i wear wtihout being hated :(

    (p.s. i hate that che shit too. my friend has one that says under his picture "I don't even know who this guy is.)

    my girlfriend also has the same t-shirt (From Jeanyus, guess it's the same). the other day, she was pretty drunk in a club and went to a bunch a ppl asking them in semi-broken english (she's japanese) if they knew who he was (it doesn't sound funny like this, but it really was), surprisingly, quite a few ppl had no idea

    for me

    -anything all-over

    -bones, skulls, etc

    -bape parody (the shit is already enough played out...)

  12. Supreme hat = 30$

    Montreal Canadiens Polo (getting ready for hockey season!!!) = 50$

    Uniqlo white t-shirt = 3 for 10$

    Costco Prodige boxer = 6 for 15$

    Dior Shirt = free (i stole it from my girlfriend)

    Sugar Cane 47 = 120 $

    Adidas Forum = 90$

    Nixon Famous watch = 300$


  13. celery sticks with peanut butter in them. also apples w/peanut butter but that's more expected. Let's hear some more sweet/salty strange but good collabos!

    celery filled with cream cheese or Boursin is just toooo good. also, apples with maple syrup is awesome (actually, pretty much any fruits is good with maple syrup)

  14. just 'cause you can't pull it off..

    while it's true that it's not really something i'd wear, i think the fit on the model is just plainly wrong. and i've yet to see many mens nicely pulling something similar (cutoff or something like that).

    edit : i just looked at it again, and it's too baggy, especially the ass, i don't see how could someone might pull it off. it they were tigher maybe, but not a cut like this...

  15. Thanks Miz for the vote of confidence..... I was gonna go to the javits center to the tech show and buy one of those japanese robots. You know the ones that can walk up and down stairs. Gonna rotate my 3 pairs of raw denims on it, & make it climb my walkup apt...maybe I'll even use it for the denim experiment contest, is that allowed?

    you're laughing but i almost convinced 2 friends of mine at engineering school to built to kind of lower body robot that simulate walking and squating to wear jeans for some kind of school contest (they even manage to get enough money from their school). they ended up switching to some dumbass thing that help handicaped ppl doing whatever cause they thought people wouldn't understand (helping handicaped ppl is great, but a robot that wear jeans would have been much cooler...)

  16. a year ago, i gave some pics to my grandmom in a Ikea frame that i found really cool. it's like to block of plexiglass that are together with silver screws, it's hard to describe it, but it's one of the nicest frame i've seen. (Ikea usually have some pretty cool stuff, sorry but couldn't the one i was talking about online).

    i also have this hanging photo frame that kind of look like this but in much betterà


    sorry, i couldn't find again the exact one. just have a look at your local art/furniture store, you should be able to find really nice one in New York.

  17. do they ship to north america? i checked & all it is is yahoo japan and rakuten... anyone know any online places b/c a spot around here has em for $240 & $280 canadian but on sale for $130 & $150

    if you want to order from japan, either use a proxy service like www.bid-service.jp

    or, 2000db is also having a similar service starting next month, but for smaller fees


    otherwise, some rakuten store will deliver outside japan, check out this thread, loads of info there


    but at 130, 150 CAD, it's probably cost the same to get them there, not to mention that it'd be easier and faster

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