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Posts posted by damnIam

  1. What makes older people look creepy is never the clothes they wear in my opinion. The creepy factor comes in when the obvious facial implants/injections/hair plugs and all of the other alien like qualities they acheive through plastic surgure. Look at the cheeks on this guy and tell me honestly there isn't 5 pounds of injected pig fat in them. Now that is creepy. Wearing youthful looking clothing is fine anytime up to a point if you are in shape and have the physique to pull it off but stay away from radical plastic facial surgery.

  2. Just try and match the color with some thrift store Levis would be my guess, I don't think it has to be perfect to make it more interesting than jorts. Just my opinion though, some people like the cut off jeans thing, I just happen to think it looks pretty awful.

  3. No kids, I got a twin brother with two of them that look just like him though. So by default, if I were to have kids that look like me, I already know what they would look like. So, no need.;)

  4. When I said "write a book" it was more a comment on his knowledge/luck/skill at thrifting than an actual suggestion, however I guess the topic is valid for literary endeavor. I guess the use of the word "should" needed to be "could" and it would have been more to my point.

  5. My boss at my accounting firm just gave me a spiritual book on Catholism and the sighting of the virgin Mary on some hillside in Yugoslavia and he swears it changed his life. I took the book agreeing to read it when I know good and godamn well I will be opening it once a in few months to start a fire in my fireplace. How does an executive making over 200k a year buy into such crap?

  6. you guys really wear the same jeans everyday? I have two pair, one striaght leg and one bootcut...need to change the look up every now and then

    and plus i want my jeans to fade from my real life...not me doing things to my jeans so that they fade

    In agreement with you there. I have several pair going that I don't wash but I don't do situps in them or go out of my way to wear them out. I like them how they are now and I will like them when they wear in though my regular activities. The same pair everyday just isn't practical for a full grown man anyway. Wearing the same pair of jeans everyday for 6 months is kid's stuff.

  7. Confession time:

    - I constantly lie to my girlfriend about quitting cigarettes

    - I smoke entirely too much weed

    - I lie to my girlfriend about which friends of hers i've fucked

    - I am fully capable of and willing to lie under oath when i go to court in a week

    - I drive drunk on an almost daily basis, and have no qualms about it

    - I got a handjob in my history class and never spoke to the girl again

    - I felt no remorse when a girl got mad for me busting on her face, i just laughed and threw her a towel

    and that's all for now i guess. hopefully i won't have too much to confess next time i check out this thread

    Jeeze, at least your gettin plenty of action.

  8. Tosh was the man, no doubt...but Marley was a voice for a movement and almost deified in his time. His word could at one time have started or stopped a revolution in Jamaica. Marketable?, ok but his presence was undeniable and the comparision to Sean Paul, can't agree with you on that one at all.

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