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Posts posted by jubei

  1. Of all the jeans I own, I enjoy the depth of color and fading on my SC47s the most... ironically, I now wear them the least of my rotation, mainly because I more into "modern" fitting jeans atm.

    I also liked how my Edwin ED47s turned out, but moreso for the fade patterns than the color. They didn't hold their color very much at all, but they did fade super fast.

    My Warehouse DD 1920s look like they're going to be beautiful in another 6 months to a year... incredible depth of blue in that dye. I'm also curious to see how the Warehouse Contest jeans end up... from what I've seen, they fade a little more greycast and sky blue than that bright, intense royal blue that alot of other Japanese denim have.

  2. My PR for the mile was 4:57 in HS... I think my 5K got down to 18, I think... don't think I broke that, but it's always hard to judge the 5K in XC because some courses are faster than others...

    I used to be such a nut about it in HS, but I've slowly dropped off since then... I'd love to be able to get back into it just for jogging, not competitively. Only thing that's tough about it is that I usually pass out dead tired at night after exercising and I like enjoying my evening time at home

    Also, if I were to get back into it, I'd like to be able to balance it with some other muscle training so that I'd bulk up a bit more rather than loosing weight (I'm already a skinny lad naturally and running really long distance just exaggerates that)

  3. great question, the loopwheeler is def seems thinner, but i think that's due to the weaving and not so much the weight. So in saying that, I believe the spruce is a tad thicker because it's more densely weaved. I wish the loopwheeler fit me. I need a good looking crew neck sweatshirt

    FWIW, I think you might like the fit of Evisu Crew Necks. I noticed that you wear your stuff a little looser without being baggy and that's pretty much how mine fits... it's brushed fleece and really heavy (the heaviest cotton sweat that I've handled, anyway) long cuffs and ribbed side gussets, too.

    I'm thinking about splurging on one of your fine items... let me get back to you.

  4. I do agree with you that it would get silly having multiple divisions, but it's gonna take me a long time to get a good dent in these. Maybe Jubei and I can make suits out of the denim, wear them everyday and then see who gets the best wear after a year.

    You forgot the Denim Tie with the Chambray Shirt. That's what makes it extra classy.

    I'm sure there are other people out there in the same predicament, so I guess we can just keep it informal... a sort of "no-prize" or a "gold star" type deal.

    And I think it's going to be pretty obvious if anyone's cheating on a Weekend Warrior schedule. Us guys get roughly 2/7 ths the wear time everybody else does (if you count random holidays, casual fridays and evenings, it's probably closer to 3.5/7ths :P hooray for number crunching!)

  5. wow, I had never even considered that a possibility...

    wouldn't it be neat if there were different divisions? I think the best prize would have to go to the open category, but maybe a smaller one for weekend warriors? And maybe we could set up a rule so that you could only participate in one category at a time to prevent cheating (it would be hard to prove that you were a true weekend warrior, so I guess you'd have to volunteer to be in that category and accept the smaller prize)

  6. I wasn't sure about entering the contest until recently. I was planning on picking up the jeans just to have, but since I don't get to wear jeans all that much anyway I thought that waiting a little bit for the contest to start wouldn't hurt...

    It'll be interesting to compare my weekend/night wear with everybody else.

  7. Also, they're not really stacking well. Is that because they're still really stiff, or is it too tight to stack?


    Jeans will only stack if you have an extra long inseam. You'd need to get like a 36 or longer to start to get some stacking.

    My 2 cents: don't go for that look. Since you're already pretty tall and those jeans fit you well, just stick with that. Stacking tends to make people look shorter and stockier and I think you should play to your body type.

  8. yeah, I saw this in the new issue of Free and Easy... any Japanese readers know what the article says? I'm guessing it's talking about WH's new direction and it's new backpocket design (which is only ok in my book... looks too much like CK's backpockets for my taste)

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