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The Luggage Thread


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Geez - check out this from Berluti :



In impermeable Scotchgard calf leather, finished with Berluti’s iconic Venezia patina, the Formula 1000 range is styled on classic 1950s luggage and also features a sturdy weekend bag and a compact and waterproof toilet bag.

only USD 7,714!

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  • 2 weeks later...

is the 29"? a family friend is able to get me a pretty good discount on rimowa stuff, so im looking at the salsa stuff, cant decide bt the carry on or the 29. i guess im just trying to figure out how much i could actually fit into them as opposed to the burton luggage i have already

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Edmond's luggage kills everything else at this point, it's Rimowa and it's covered with Superdenim stickers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thats a good size mine is 105 liter i think so next case will be something smaller,the 105 liter works quite well as a week case i jammed it full on return from tokyo and was within my 25 kg allowence and i think thats a good gage for a case,no use being able to pack it heavier than your allowed to carry

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I don't know about the rest of you but I swear by soft-shell cases. I've traveled for weeks on a single carry-on. If I'm on a business trip, it's suit carrier and carry-on.

Rimowa seems cool, but if you wanna wait by the luggage carousel while I'm already heading towards the cocktail bar, your choice. I've only ever seen dorky japanese guys or asian families carrying those huge bulky things.

I'm kind of digging the APC leather carry-on this season...

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also a lot of airline are getting tight on carry on weight,flying back from tokyo last i had my carry on weighed for the first time (limit was 7kg and i was quite over) i actually had to go through the farce of taking stuff out and putting it in my pockets???to allow me to check in then walked away and put it all back in.

the 1 piece at 20kg is also a annoying rule that i got caught out on my last long haul,although you can i believe book in advance a extra piece of luggage for a small fee with virgin which i will do next time i go to tko

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Interesting to know, Rimowa opened up a factory in Canada back in November 2008, to manufacture the polycarbonates, so the newer Salsa Airs are made in Canada (like my girlfriends), while my one is made in Germany.

Indeed, Rimowa's been blowing up lately. I work at a luggage shop and over the past year Rimowa has moved up to our #2 brand after Tumi, when a few years ago it was pretty much a niche, mostly special order brand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the average price difference between the Rimowa flagship in Beverly Hills (only US location) and the Rimowa flagship in Tokyo?

I am going to Tokyo next week, need new luggage, and don't know whether it's worth it purchasing from Tokyo.

FYI, I'm in Chicago (not Beverly Hills), and there's no Rimowa stores. There's actually only one store here that carries Rimowa (Flight001) and they only have 1 bag in stock right now.

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Just got back from Hong Kong where my friend hooked me up with Rimowas' Silver Integral. Can't wait to beat em' up..

Hey, if any are interested, I have barely used (2 trips used) Rimowa Topas Aluminum Silver Cabin trolley Carry-on 92952 for sale, hit me up if interested, will list soon on ebay, will cut deal 30-40% off retail



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