01 | superfuture started in 1999. how old were you then?
[drg] 23 and still living in London.
[evoque] 21 and in an undisclosed location.
02 | how did you first discover sufu?
[drg] I have a feeling Elle sent me there when I was on the search for proper denim, some time around 2005. By this point we were living in Lexington, KY, which at that time was quite the dead zone when it came to things like selvedge, tier 0, or anything else that might get the nerd or otaku a-twitching.
[evoque] It was so long ago that I can't accurately remember.
03 | there are plenty of shopping experts on supertalk. what's your specialty? are you a pro?
[drg] I've been around a while at this point, and you pick some stuff up. Some time early on in the retail trenches with Diesel in the mid-90s taught me a lot about denim. (Protip: wash your jeans, it adds patina and no one likes the smelly kid!) I used to rock a lot of Stüssy, Futura Labs and Maharishi, although for the past few years its been a near-constant diet of Veilance and Acronym.
[evoque] By necessity, I've had to be a specialist in women's techwear and sneakers, but I also have a fondness for designer handbags and shoes, as well as for architecturally interesting womenswear by designers like Sharon Wauchob, Maria Pinto, and of course Rei Kawakubo and Junya Watanabe.
04 | reputation is everything in an online community. how's yours going? do you ever get neg repped?
[drg] Not sure; too old to care these days.
[evoque] Can't let the haters get you down, right?
05 | online forums are all about the members, threads and posts. who and what keeps you addicted?
[drg] The Acronym and Veilance threads, mostly.
[evoque] WAYWT, the bag thread, and the Acronym and Veilance threads, naturally.
06 | supertalkers are based all over the planet. have you met any IRL?
[drg] A couple here and there.
[evoque] Reader, I married him.
07 | are you fast and furious / slow chilled and controlled / or bitter and twisted?
[drg] Depends on the time of day.
[evoque] I contain multitudes.
08 | the internet is full of crap. with over 3.2 million posts since 2003 has supertalk been a credible contributor or a major culprit?
[drg] On the one hand there's plenty of knowledge out there now as a result. On the other, kids use words like "jawns" which I don't even understand. So perhaps, as someone once said with regards to the US experiment with democracy, "it's too soon to tell."
[evoque] As a time capsule into its particular intersection of fashion and culture, supertalk's definitely going to be a treasure trove for future Internet historians.
09 | if supertalk got accidentally deleted would you be devastated or relieved?
[drg] I'd be upset.
[evoque] Though there are more outlets focused on women's techwear and sneakers nowadays, I'd still be devastated to lose a familiar hangout.
10 | if you could nominate another superstar who would it be?
Edited by superfuture
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