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Posts posted by ironheartfan123
I will buy ODs later or maybe next year. I will enjoy sr first then, Thanks a lot for the suggestions.
this is the right call!
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As expected, SENY and Kiya came through amazingly. Thomas helped me sorting between multiple brands and I came away very happy in a pair of SG 3105 (shame I was too fat for the Flat Heads I had been eyeing, LOL).
My only regret of the visit was ringing them up a shade too late to be able to buy them lunch
Thanks again Thomas, Andrew, and Kiya!
no shame in the 3105...i'm hoping to check that out at sesf this weekend, excited!
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Hi guys, sorry if im a bit off topic here.
Im right now having a 634sr (second hand) and im thinking of buying 666sod, since overdyed jeans are look cool
I have to sell the sr if i want to buy the 666sod.
What do u guys think? Is it worth it?
two very different jeans in terms of cut, denim, color, texture, etc... the sr's aren't being produced again so if you like them a lot you should definitely hold onto them...
that said, the 666sod is imo the better overall jeans, i think the cut is IH's best and the od is something very cool if you're into it
i also see the sr as a somewhat "flawed" jeans as the denim breaks down too easily, is not that comfortable, and the fades are too extreme in terms of contrast for my liking..
just some thoughts!
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still loving the looser cuts.
love this fit..what are these?
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i've never appreciated the color much, but the pair above is an example of the great texture you can get with that heavier sg denim..very nice!
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Hey guys, I'm sure this has been asked before but I soaked my pair of RS04's and they are a bit more slim/tight in the thigh than I was hoping. Does the denim stretch much? I'm hoping with wear that the thighs will go back to they're unsoaked state. Thank you.
i have a pair of rs04; i think it's very unlikely the thigh will stretch out to same size as it was in the raw state, as this denim shrinks more than average unsanforized denim; though, as UkeNo says, they will loosen up *a bit* with wear; however, it may also continue to shrink with your next 2-3 soaks/washes depending on how you initially soaked/washed/dried
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They're not, and they were only worn about 20-30 hours so far.
ok, cool, they do stretch a bit in the waist but the top block as a whole doesn't stretch much...looked like they were squeezing tight along your hip bones...must just be my screen
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^^^ those look too tight in the waist/hip area to me..
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more info on the nature of the rip off? was it something like a dispute over condition, or is he straight up stealing money and not shipping items?
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the 04 denim shrinks quite a bit, even a cold soak i'd expect at least 1.5" shrink on a new inseam..you can pull on the inseam while damp to stretch it back out some, but doing that has never felt right to me..
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^ i'd try on the different models...me personally if i was going fh i'd get the bsp since it's tapered and a quite distinct from the 634 cut..the other cuts (3001, 3009, 3005) are all more-or-less straight fits similar to 634 with the 3001 being a slim straight w/ slight taper, 3009 with bigger upper-thigh and more taper, and 3005 with less taper...the bsp sized up one from those is a slim-fitted yet comfortable in the top block and slim-tapered ..i would size up two from 634 for bsp, one for the others..don't know about the 2015 lol
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swede: i wouldn't try to sell them just yet; the sent you the wrong size/a defective product; i would insist on a refund or at least an exchange;
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very cool texture, color, fades..
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are those IH cords?
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yes! please! been waiting to see how this denim fades
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wow, epic 505s... so dope....
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how do these size compared to alden (barrie, trubalance..)?
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^^ want
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will there be a restock of the 1105 along with the new sg jean? i think it's going to come down to those two for me, i need some sg denim in my life
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wow, would love details on denim, fit, stretch, sizing, etc. anyone been over there to handle them? too bad it's not unsanforized
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my life is really much too short for all my denim evolution projects
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great page, lots of nice diversity.
are you being sarcastic??? b/c it's all asians??
not cool man! not cool!
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all this talk of MiJ denim
what would you expect on superdenim
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My next jean is the 3105 from Strike Gold that comes out April 10th. It's a 17oz Left Hand Twill denim jean.
have you handled the denim on these? is it suitable for year-round wear in the bay? my concern is with heat in the summer months
Samurai Jeans
in superdenim
imo the only issue with the fit on the 5000cx was the thigh presoak and they seem to have shrunk to a near-perfect fit, for my tastes anyhow, *jealous*