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Posts posted by TooAwesome

  1. What do you mean "restack" ive tried everything and its at the point where im gonna go and buy anoher pair of jeans. But thanks for the reply.

    wear your pants

    dont pull the excess pass your ankles

    'fold'/create the stacks to your preference



    kinda fixed


    i just made them the way i liked on my frank2s from the start after experiencing the ugly stacks lol


  2. I have the SG Elephant 2 and the denim does not stretch much. A 33 would measure close to a 35 waist and a 34 closer to a 36, assuming you wear a belt the stretch should be minimal.

    On a completely different note, doesn't the fat leather patch on these create a conflict of ethics for you?

    (assuming you are vegan)

    no....i like me a thicker patch, not like some stupid flimsy one like on my frank2s or some other companies that look/feel like paper

    I got a pair of scratch n sniffs about 1 1/2 months ago, wear em everyday, but the right leg stacks really weird, no probs with the left leg. It pisses me off to no end, and I wanted to know if any of you guys have had this problem or if I'm just freaking out about nothing. I haven't tried starch because of the smell.

    restack them the next time you wear them then.....i wanna restack my ele2s but theyre too stiff and pretty much already have permanent creases

  3. i love my frankensteins lol

    you guys are comparing N&F to the other brands as if theyre in the same price range but they really arent. the other brands you listed never go on sale or even if they do, not down too much. the majority of people/smart consumers will buy N&F for <$100 or around there

  4. looks ridiculously long, isnt the point to keep it near your waist? now its dangling so far down and probably jingles a lot while you move around. you can probably whip someone with it too LOL

  5. :( damn i was really hoping to give him my future business (as long as prices dont keep going up, perfect range IMO, even better when it was 170 lol)

    love his customizability, denim, his fits, his price, dunno personally about his quality but the entire thread loves him

  6. mistahdabolina - did it cause you to fall and scrap pavement? when i got hit, the guy mainly caught the back half of the bike because he was turning right and i was crossing the street.

    mister56 - how are you not getting a seat fade on your ass?

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