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Status Updates posted by mister56

  1. Judge me by the stains in my underwear and you'll smell who I am.

    1. Vampyrvargfesten


      my bloody underwear valentine stains

  2. I need more goat bell.

  3. Voodoo at the Super Domed place of Major League Football teams of players.

  4. Harder to spread than there's a giant at the door.

  5. Great week for finding music I love!

  6. Well, Stacey informed me last night at about 11:32 that we have been married 20 years. We have only remembered our anniversary twice. I like her.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. darkanimal
    3. jyoni


      Congratulations. 20y is nuts. "We" are close, but less than half of it married.

    4. jyoni


      It makes you a little insane. We've both been reading Ron Jeremy's autobio and she says that after all this time my thoughts connect in similar absurd ways (nothing to do with any pron angle).

  7. "Gov. Romney, sit down."

  8. I just cleaned out my belly button and guess what?

    1. emixam


      you found dust in it

    2. Dropt


      You're pregnant ! Congrats.

    3. tg76
  9. From all the times I have been given advice about my candor, I think I my not know when to be candid. Do you fine friends have any rules of thumb about when to be candid and when to just speak with a shine on your words?

  10. What's that movie with Jack Black? You know the one.

    1. wahwho11


      the one where he gets his arm blown off? the jackal?

  11. Fox News is a booby trap of misinformation (lies) for people that are blind to what is news and what is opinion. Joe McCarty would be envious.

  12. Over the last couple of nights my views on religion have changed. God did did populate the Earth twice through incest.

  13. The flavor of tasteless people is never bland.

  14. I'm watching people on TV that follow other people and both sets of these people mystify me.

  15. I can't find any info on Ivan Govain. Poor fella. You think it would be in the news.

  16. Here is a comment I read about the Scorpions bass player:I read some comment somewhere on the tube, some troll said Francis made 0 contributions to the band. My reply, #1 how's your band doing? #2 you don't get to be the bass player for the likes of Roth, schanker, or jabs by being just a nice guy! AYFKMHey.. What?

    1. ordo


      The Scorpions are from a bygone era before the majority of the people here were born.

    2. ordo


      plus their bass player sucked

    3. fads


      \m/ SLAYER \m/

  17. Where is the side stroke in the olympics? My favorite type of stroke!

  18. Practicing childhood surgery

  19. ...and what would you like this morning sir....Blood and Ignorance.

  20. Did you Y'all see that shit last night?

  21. Who would of thought, Justice Roberts! Right on!

  22. Miami Heat! Up by 7 or something.

  23. I did not fart.

  24. Roger Clemens choked up.

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