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Posts posted by OkayOkay

  1. I think you're in a good spot, and doing a good job of gathering info. Keep pushing the police, you're gonna have to do pretty much all the legwork, don't expect any help from them until you can hand over a complete package that makes an arrest really easy. At the very worst you can amass tons of personal info and pics, hopefully deeply humiliating ones, and send it to them letting them know if they return everything in a cool way you won't put it all out there. If they don't return anything I vote to give us their names and info and I'm sure we'll all collectively do a great job of making their lives miserable.

  2. @fycus I'm not citing a reason they're going under, my post was regarding some people watching them fold and feeling some sense of karmic justice. I agree with you, very few people are feeling any sense of loss with them gone. Better, more professional brands will step in and fill the void. I was in Ballard the other day and it seems to be thriving, and whether Blackbird couldn't pay their bills, or just wouldn't, someone will step in who can/will. Totokaelo probably satisfies that demand and then some already.

  3. SSchadenfreude = was funny, but now just sorta annoying


    I still think SSchadenfreude is pretty funny even with the abundance of content, maybe because it's wittier than some of the other weak shit people post even in so much volume. Just doesn't really bother me. Brother Theresa or whichever other k pop avatar having simp that tries to chime in is annoying as fuck tho. You sound like some shitty aspiring rapper's backup hype man, just on stage yelling "CHEYEA" "WHAT" "OK DEN" and other shit that sounds like noise that nobody really listens to. You're just background noise that the lowest common denominator can relate to, and hence, finds mildly amusing. Goddamn dude, go get a job or a girlfriend or something already. 



    forget u den



  4. That was intense, not sure how to follow up but agree with most except the anger and fucking her again, not worth it to dip back in usually.

    I'm sometimes the guy on the other side of that story, and I can tell you...the fascination with older guys / kids doesn't last. Most younger women get all intoxicated at the idea of an older, and seemingly stable, guy with kids. A single Dad is like like catnip for girls, like a cute puppy but stronger. It triggers girl's maternal instincts and lots of times they trip over themselves trying to immerse themselves in the "family" life. I can tell you, it rarely works out. She's going to be disappointed when the novelty wears off and realizes his attention is split multiple ways, right at a time in her life when getting attention is her first priority. We (older guys with kids) tend to not have the patience for young girl games, and have other shit to focus on instead of being wrapped up satisfying younger women's insecurities. I know it hurts to lose someone you care so much for, but I can almost guarantee you she will come back / reach out to you in a couple months when she realizes how hard it is to keep up with his life. Your choice what to do with her then, but like said above, the single best thing you can do is spend as much time as possible authentically investing in yourself. Take the time to build yourself better than you ever thought possible and you'll be so much happier in the long run.

  5. Sitting in a Taco Bell in Weed, Ca waiting for a burrito, redneck dad with cutoff tee wearing NASCAR sunglasses is telling his wife (I assume) how he's gonna punch her face in when they get home. She's easily double his size, so I think she can handle herself...but also not about to say anything because by the way she's replying I get the feeling she's into it in some weird sexual fetish way. And their 8 year old daughter is sitting with them. People are fucking weird.

  6. More mildly annoying, but when people battle you on insignificant differences. Like asking someone if they got in at noon, and the reply is like "nope. I pulled into the city around...well, then I got across the Bay Bridge at...hmmm, it wasn't noon, it must have been...11:52."

    Suck a fucking dick and round up.

    And when girls you know that used to party all the time and get drunk and be pretty whorish accidentally get knocked up, then suddenly it becomes this quest to prove motherhood. "Having a baby has changed my life, I was lost before but have found my purpose now."

    Countless pictures flood Instagram of said babies in extremely Pinteresty collage designs.


    Lifestyle / contemporary brand COMUNE is looking for a technical designer to join our team. Must be able to work in a fast paced environment, proficient in Illustrator, Photoshop & MS Office. Must have experience creating and maintaining tech packs, measuring garments for knits, wovens and bottoms for mens and women's. Must have the aptitude and initiative to adhere to strict deadlines. 3 years minimum experience as tech designer, denim knowledge a plus.

    Please email all inquiries to [email protected]

  8. as much as I hate this (hoodie), I think I hate the stupidity of the consumer more when there are so many more amazing products or projects available to contribute to. I probably equally hate (or maybe more) any of the "on trend" shit I see pop up every year / season. It's so contrived and transparent, and especially when people try to act like they're above following a trend. I never knew so many people were suddenly into metal and surfing this year, and repping both "lifestyles" so aggressively. Last season it was all plaid errythang hanging from every orifice possible. It's all trend shit, and at least to me that's even a step below this simp ass blue hoodie. 


    but still fuck this thing getting a million dollars. 

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