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Posts posted by cander49

  1. I'll check this out later tonight. I run relatively seriously and am scheduled to race the Phoenix Marathon on Saturday, although I woke up feeling pretty sick today, so we'll see what happens. Goal will be 2:44-2:48 if I do get to run (PR is 2:52 from my last road marathon a couple years ago), so hopefully I'll be good to go.

    Haha, still sick at the start, but felt OK enough to run, so I did. I was conservative about it, raced smart, and thought I had hit a 2:49:59, but I apparently ran 2:50:00.1. Oh well, plenty of marathons in the future to break that barrier. I'll get the app and join the group as soon as I get bored of the nice weather and swimming pool down here in Phoenix. :)

    Current shoe rotation is this for anything "whatever" and most long runs:


    and a rotation of these for faster workouts and racing:



    Wore the A5s today. The Nike's are marginally lighter, but the toe-box is too narrow for a marathon, so they're mostly relegated to 5k/10k stuff.

  2. I'll check this out later tonight. I run relatively seriously and am scheduled to race the Phoenix Marathon on Saturday, although I woke up feeling pretty sick today, so we'll see what happens. Goal will be 2:44-2:48 if I do get to run (PR is 2:52 from my last road marathon a couple years ago), so hopefully I'll be good to go.

  3. I'm feeling very grateful for the 30 day amnesty, which will allow me to wear my new jeans about half of the remaining days until April 1st. :) My current pair of pre-contest jeans is getting pretty beat and I don't want to drop any money for repairs on them right now:



    I'll be wearing Samurai 710s (19 oz presoak, roughly 21 oz post soak) in the contest, so here's what they look like pre-soak. I normally get the waist size one smaller in most jeans, but I decided to try wearing them a little looser to see if that will help them get some better fading in the thighs (my upper legs are big and make most jeans a bit tight in the thighs when sized TTS in the waist).


    There's a slight bit of extra room in the waist, so they went in for a hot soak and now they're drying.

    I hadn't posted in this thread yet, but I've read the entire thing and have already donated my $10 (I'm in grad school, otherwise I'd give more). I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's jeans and lives evolve over the next 2 years!

  4. i have fat thighs as well and my jeans used to always rip..... until i started washing them more often.

    Now they rarely rip, and when they do its small and always happens after at least a year.

    washing/soaking really strengthens the denim and can help avoid rips (and it wont mess up your fades, just use cold water with minimum agitation if you really want to hold on to the indigo)

    My washer must suck. Two of the three times I put my 13s through the wash, they came out with tears in places I didn't even realize were all that thin. The crotch has 3 patches now, the seams have fallen out all over the places, the right front pocket is falling out, the hems are massively torn on the fold spot, the back pockets are beat, and the back of the seat above the pockets massively blew out last time in the wash. Looks like it'll be easy to be fully commit to wearing my upcoming Samurai 19oz 710s everyday in the HWDC round 2. :)

  5. I'm not ready to give up on my 11's, but this happened over the weekend


    Stitch it back down! Both of my pockets looked like this on my 13s after about 7 months, but they're still fine almost 5 months later thanks to timely repairs. That denim looks absolutely fantastic close-up btw. Do you have any recent full pics?

  6. I feel like some of you guys really over-think this. Haha. They're jeans. You wear them. It's as simple as that. If they're dirty, go ahead and wash. You don't have a functioning washer at your school or something?

  7. anyone know what season the 21cm raws with suspender buttons are from... i know they are hedi era, and made in italy.

    Not familiar with this particular pair, but I'd imagine SS06, the season in which Hedi was super into suspenders.

  8. Agree'd

    Cander, those look amazing. Any full size pics of them or frontal pics? I really really love how those turned out.


    Not as exciting as the back. I think the front looks a little better in person, but for w/e reason, I've never thought that it photographed all that well. This pic is also from last night, right out of the dryer, when they were a bit too tight. They've already given me about a half an inch back, so they're perfect now.

  9. Thanks. Someone was asking about the fit a page back after I posted some terrible pics of them, so here's 2 fit pics after the wash. Keep in mind this is the tightest they've ever been (long wash, long dry, so they shrank almost all the way back down to the 30") and I don't like them to be this tight. Orange spot on the back is from a slight repair I just did to a hole that started to sprout in the wash.


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