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Posts posted by mikecch

  1. 9 hours ago, Mojique said:

    i know this is irrelevant, but I don't care because I'm Sick of being picked on.

    You can't just drop by here every 5 years doing the same thing and expect different results.

    Sure, Superdenim is a lot more friendly these days compared with when you were using the indigoqueen handle, but most of us come here to spend time on our hobbies and we don't appreciate you coming in and treating some of these threads as your personal blog.

    We're not here to hear your personal stories and provide psychotherapy - all these talk of your romantic life, physical health issues and the minute details of your jeans collection are of no interest to anybody here. Stop posting garbage - look at what other people are posting, and get to know what is socially acceptable on this forum.

    Have you thought about using Instagram instead? The stuff that you've been posting here recently would be a much better fit with that platform, and potentially you might make a few online friends there. 

  2. 8 hours ago, propellerbeanie said:

    Have you guys heard of a channelled insole Goodyear welt? I was on the Viberg website recently and I saw this. I don't know much about shoemaking, so I'm not sure what to think of it. I googled it and Yuketen came up as a company that uses it on some (or all?) of their shoes. 

    @mikecch, I'm sure you've heard of this. I'm guessing this construction will be more costly as it is supposedly more labour intensive than typical gemming practices. I wonder how much less likely welts will be prone to failing using this method because I haven't been wearing boots for a long time and can't say from experience.


    Hey, I've seen similar discussions in the past on Style Forum in the context of bespoke Goodyear welted shoes.

    As far as my conversations with cobblers and other shoe enthusiasts go, there does not seem to be much anecdotal or hard evidence to suggest gemming with linen canvas is a less secure method than other methods of attaching the insole to the welt. I've never seen or heard welts 'failing' in real life, and most people talk about gemming vs channel stitch in terms of number of potential resoles (i.e. how many decades), not whether the construct fails within a few years. The ironic thing is that people who would care about this usually have way too many shoes and boots for any of their footwear to reach the final re-build. 

    Good on Viberg for wanting to produce a more traditional GYW, but as with anything from manufacturers & shops, a bit of retail spin is to be expected. The GYW market is, after all, much more saturated & competitive compared with their traditional Pacific NW stitch-down market - spend a couple hundred more than a pair of Viberg's and you can have higher end custom or even bespoke - so naturally they'll be wanting to differentiate themselves somehow.


    Edit: Short version of what I'm typing is that...I wouldn't buy a particular brand based on the lone fact they use channelled insole rather than linen gemming. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Mojique said:

    Ditto day 11!

    tomorrow different shirt, but still blue!

    jeans doing well, whiskers and honeycombs starting to chip through!

    btw the reason the background is the sane is because I don't sleep because of my fibromyalgia so I get dressed in uk nighttime (US daytime) and can't exactly go out to take a snap at 2am!


  4. 2 hours ago, mpukas said:

    I also think it's akin to manufacturing in China and Korea - years ago US co's outsourced because it was cheaper, and now they're at the point where they are often better as well cheaper than can be done locally. 

    Haha, my friend mentioned this the other day. Would you buy a smartphone or graphics card that's made in Australia?

  5. 15 hours ago, JDelage said:

    This article is interesting and raises some good points.

    I do feel like one very important point warrants further discussion, and that's the idea that Japanese brands rely on their Western stockists to promote the 'culture' and values of denim. This was certainly a very important aspect of the initial rise of Japanese denim out West in the early 2000s, though I think with the ever increasing importance of the internet and social media in our lives (and the frequency in which affluent young people travel around the world) the local brick & mortar stores are in some ways less relevant even just a decade on.

    My own views are a bit skewed of course, as I'd "learned" most of this hobby via the Internet. Anybody who might be interested in Japanese denim only need to spend a couple of days reading some of this forum, binge on a couple of blogs, and then contact the Japanese brands and stores directly via Instagram - for the dedicated and enthusiastic, basic "denim education" can be had digitally without necessarily accessing brick & mortar shops (although that would be helpful.) 

    For the regulars on this forum I highly doubt that local shops are all that important to us personally in terms of actually acquiring pieces that we want, although I'm all for supporting them and helping to grow the hobby locally.

    Stores such as Denimio and Okayama can (and do) spread the culture of Japanese denim far more widely and effectively compared with Western stores who don't have dedicated PR/media staff. These guys can help the hobby achieve awareness digitally at a scale that physical traffic to a brick & mortar store can never match.

    For B&M stores to be successful, they must offer something more than just a space to try out jeans or having shop keepers who know a denim fact or two.

  6. @BlackPig

    Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. 

    My understanding is that, due to a variety of market and financial reasons, there won't be a full range of items at this early stage. RMC is a bit more expensive compared with the the average heritage or denim brand too. 

    Not entirely sure about all the details, will update this thread When I know more. 

  7. ^ Lol, yeah, wasn't allowed to say at the time. ^_^

    I think with RMC stocking it will initially be limited to more affordable and casual pieces, with the more expensive or esoteric garments being special orders.

    At least that's what I think Marty has planned for the RMC launch night anyway - people can come in, look at the catalogue and get some custom orders underway.

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