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Posts posted by superbeveridge

  1. I am heading to NYC at the begining of March for a couple days just cause and I am looking for a cheap place to stay. I would prefer to avoid sketch bag hotels and hostels but it seems the cheapest hotel I can find it the Ace or Chelsea for like $250. Anyone got any secret spots to stay?

  2. Hey I need help finding new glasses. I am looking for some old school two-tone faded glasses. Plastic frames where the top is black and then fades to clear further down on the lens. I've seen then in pictures and movies but can't seem to find a company that make them.

    As an example. I am looking for a similar shape to timber's but with the fade from the bridge down.

  3. I am nt in the contest but I picked up a pair of these jeans a two weeks ago, I have worn them everyday and they are already starting to fade along the creases. Loving this denim. I hope they use it again in a different fit.

  4. you're crazy, neck holes on gitman too small

    I am hoping the neck holes aren't as bad as people here claim. I am a big guy and got the XL but I also have a thick neck... mind you with oxfords i can't remember ever doing up the final button. With a contrating colour collar I'd think you would want to be able to do up the colour. Hope it all works out for you... and me.

  5. Just nabbed a couple of Gitman Vintage s/s 2010 from winn perry. Blue and a white one. I can't remember the last time I wore a white shirt. I wanted the red but they had already sold out of my size. Hopefully Roden Gray in Van can get me a red one when they get their shipment.

  6. No not at all, i've read almost every page of every issue and they're just taking up room now. I stopped saving magazines a couple of years ago because they can build up really quickly, but Monocle is a hard one to throw away.

    It is one of the few that I actually keep. I find myself going back to it every now and then so I won't get rid of them.

  7. Currently negotiating on this watch over ebay... it is a 1943 Elgin A11 Hack Watch and was standard issue in the US military. The seller has counter offered me at 185... I countered at 115... anyone think I am crazy for wanting it not even knowing how well it works.


  8. Hey everyone.

    So I am looking for a new watch. It is time for my clunky Nixon Rotolog to go but I can't seem to find what I am looking for.

    I like the JCrew Timex but I don't like that it is artificially aged and overpriced.

    That is a aesthetic I am going for so if anyone has any recommendations that would be great.

    This style not this watch though.


  9. i strongly recommend a hot sewing needle and a pot of ink. anything else and you're a pussy (yes sean, including you)

    That ain't nothing... I have had screws drilled into my skull without drugs.

  10. A hooker made a pass at me yesterday near the check-out at Honest Ed's. That store really does have everything!

    I went Jarvis for high school way back in the day... used to see all the hookers getting off "shift" on my way in for swim team practice at 6 in the morning.

  11. I did the exact same just about a week ago, excited for it to come in as well. Only place in Toronto that carries a natural leather belt would have to be uncle otis with their tanner belts. And I appreciate the penfield offer superbev, not what I was looking for though

    I am also very excited. No worries with the Penfield... just don't pay 290 if you get it. Remind the store (I am guessing Over The Rainbow or Decibel) that everywhere else has then 50% off. I tried out the Tanner belts at Uncle Otis and while nice they only had small sizes and I am not a small guy. Love that Corter does them custom sized to you.

  12. Yo dawg I put a knife on your knife so you can stab people while you stab people.

    Quick list of knives that could probably fit in a coin pocket:

    SOG access card

    SOG Blink

    SOG Twitch

    Spyderco ladybug

    Spyderco cricket

    Benchmade 310

    My CRKT Kiss fits perfectly in my coing pocket as well.

  13. Yes or no to penfield stapleton jacket?


    Found for $290, debating

    My store in Toronto has teh hickory stripped one with the blue corduroy instead of the leather and the black with red buffalo check on at half price. Not sure where are you getting them but don't pay full retail and if you want any of the colours I have PM me.

    Personally the only one I have seen that I liked and almost bought was the blue hickory stripe. The brown wasn't so nice when I got up close to it.

  14. l1020536.jpg

    I apologize for the shitty pic today... still trying to figure out the "perfect steak", long way to go.

    Beef // Potatoes w Chili and Garlic // Pumpkin n Broccoli

    Sorry to say it but that steak looks pretty bad. The only way a steak should be cooked is hot and fast and prefereably on a grill or bbq. Really high temperature, five minutes on each side depending on thickness and desired doneness and you are golden. Might be a little charred on the outside but it will be juicy and tender on the inside. Plus I like the taste of char on my meat.

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