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Posts posted by superbeveridge

  1. Wait wait wait -- Tusker??? That's from my neck of the woods (well, Kenya)! Hah! Where'd you find that?

    Also, why would you want to drink it? Straight sugar water... can't drink more than about 1.5 of those.

    tusker is pretty common here in toronto. my favorite bar and liquor store both have it. pretty good beer. mind you that st. ambroise is much much better.

  2. Jonathan and Olivia has them on sale. The have had them for a couple months but still have a lot in stock so I am guessing that they haven't sold well. I'd just be wearing them with jeans. Not really into dressing formally but I like the way they look. Might wait and see if they get cheaper if they don't sell fast.

  3. Any xs's left in eg? and are the apc jeans on sale too?

    I need to make it over there and nomad too but havent made it yet.

    i think they might. i am not anywhere near xs so i wasn't really looking.

  4. Spectacle is the best I think but it is expensive. There is a good on out near Runnymede in Bloor West Village. Best thing I always do it to try on in the store and then order online. The are much cheaper that way.

  5. Not quite a day in the life because I think I would feel like a retard carrying my camera around with me around my neck all day but here is some stuff from my day.

    Awkward pose. Rocking my new Barbour Beaufort jacket I got for half price.


    The jeans are nice but I generally go for a much slimmer leg. They have also stretched a fair bit in the waist since I hot soaked them. If I were to buy this I would go for the slim version and size down one to a 36 now that I see the amount of stretch the denim has. I'll do some measurements tomorrow. They fit great after the soak though. I also like the fact that I am noticing a lot of blue on my finger tips at the end of the day. Not enough to get a decent photo of but it makes my hands look like I have poor circulation.


    The streetcar I take to work was down today so I bummed a ride from my dad who lives nearby... he is retired and has nothing better to do. Got me to work on time though. The view is eastbound on the Gardiner heading into the core from my neighborhood "The Beach" which is more of a residential area to the east of downtown... I can see Lake Ontario from my bedroom window. I always live within minutes of the water for some reason. Being landlocked feels so claustrophobic to me... if this were a summer leg of the tour we would get some kayaking and windsurfing wear.


    Kicking back at work... I can't wait until we get to redesigned and refixture my store in January. It looked great 8 years ago but being a scooter and motorcycle shop it gets a lot of wear. We've had clothing for years as well and we are going to be paring down the bike component of the store and really making a push on the clothing side. Hence the refixture as the original stuff was an afterthought. I am pretty excited for the plans we have.


    I hate the back of the shop... such a lack of flexibility. I can't wait until most of the ugly bikes are gone and we can display a couple bikes in with some vintage furniture and clothing.


    The riser down one of the walls in my store. It looked good when we only sold vintage Vespa's but the modern ones are much larger and it just doesn't look right anymore. We are getting rid of the riser so we can have bikes and clothing and displays more intermingled.


    Looking back from the front of the store... no Feng Shui. I adopted this design and came in a few years ago... this is not of my making.


    Conor... not working hard at all...


    The stage in our window... this I like. It works... The blue bike is a 1965 Vespa SS90 all original. It is one of the most rare Vespa's ever made and is worth a cool 20k... oh and it is for sale in case anyone is interested.


    Some of the original designs done for the store display.


    The store front. Some of the lights in the window and in the sign aren't working but we are too lazy to change them before the big redesign.

    Now I am sitting on my ass writing this and drinking a big ass can of Sapporo. Night!

    Oh and sorry for the crappy grammar and spelling. I am super tired... sold four bikes today though...

  6. Sorry I haven't uploaded any new images in a couple days. All those hands I had to shake at the bike show I think I picked up another cold. Back into the thick of things tomorrow. Might do a day in the life of me at work and then pop down to the new Nomad store for it's grand opening tomorrow after work.

  7. went by jonathan and olivia today before work. i picked up a barbour jacket for half the price of the one i was looking at at Stollery's. the cheaper rpice allowed me to get a EG scarf as well. they did have a lot of EG button up jackets. not too many shirts left. mostly in small from what I saw.

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